Long Lost Parts of FFXIV

A little maintenance treat, I swear.

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Edited by @chloemeredxth

#ffxiv #dawntrail #ff14


28 thoughts on “Long Lost Parts of FFXIV”

  1. Still dont understand why they removed that DRG cool AOE for what we have today. Same with BRD, it used to have Wide Volley a super cool purple AOE with like hundreds of needles and a backflip included XDD.
    Btw you forgot about the most useless prepull skill ever, Stoneskin 2, at least protect lasted while you were alive haha

  2. I'm a scholar main and I hate that I have to recharge my aether flow (I don't remember what the recharge action is called). I don't understand why it can't be automatically charged while dealing damage in combat like the white mage lilies.
    Additionally, I have two pet actions (place pet and call pet back) that I'd like combined into 1 button to reduce button bloat. I'd like them combined to where you press it once to place the pet in a desired location and press the same button again to call the pet back to your side.
    I don't know what most of my skills are called, I just remember the button pictures and keybinds I put them with.

  3. Ifrit dash! The amount of times I've died because of muscle memory making me dash into aoes… I actually like the skill itself but the way you're incentivised to burn through your charges on the other summons then, when you get to Ifrit, interrupt the flow of the job so you don't kill yourself (or worse, others) makes for some feels bad moments. It really does reward fight knowledge though so allows for some higher level play if you plan ahead and adjust your summon order around those mechanics.

  4. The year will be 2033, we will be about to get the second major graphics update, all combos are now like pvp combos, every tank has the exact same mitigation kit down to removing any unique effects on the 40% mits, every healer now has literally identical main dps buttons and and all raidbuffs are gone to prevent a 2 minute meta, shield bash is still in the game somehow because it's load bearing on something the developers are too scared to fix or whatever idk why is shield bash still a thing.

  5. Ring of thorns was really cool, until you spent any time around a populated area and some DRGs decided to start spamming it and blow out everyone elses ear drums.

  6. One ability in this game I actually dislike quite a lot is Dissipation on Scholar. Even though it has a lot of utility, it feels really clunky to use, and going into dawntrail I feel like it's going to clash even more with Scholar's kit than it already is.

  7. The skills I hate the most are the ones that require me to stand *perfectly still*, not even turning, to get their effects because in a game where mechanics demand you stay on the move, those things never ceased to be a death sentence or end up being ignored on my hotbar, and they either feel redundant (Paladin/Samurai) or they're completely useless (Monk/Machinist).

  8. i'm honestly impressed they didn't kill life surge
    that's a lie im disappointed frick life surge (although i'm stuck at lv70 I know i'd hate it less if i wasn't forced to drift into oblivion or use on cooldown on frickin true thrust)

    And rather than outright killing cure 1/benefic 1, i'd say just merge them into cure 2/benefic 2, so it changes the spell adaptively based on if you have enough mp, while still allowing it to be set on its own so WHM isn't absolutely boned at high end low level content
    you could probably get away with killing medica 1 though, i can't think of any times where you would use it over cure 3 or medica 2.
    Physick and Helios get be separate since there are a good few times where you would actually need them, mainly for mechanics that need full hp on one person or the group

  9. I already got my wish, I don't have to manage Huton anymore. I'm sure someone will miss it, but the amount of heavy sighs I've had because I wasn't able to get my whole pre-pull routine as NIN off is too high to count.

  10. Dissipation. I've always hated it since the first iteration where you had to resummon Eos after it ended (but could also…click it off early). After that, Energy Drain – I've never liked it and it's even worse now, and I like the other AF abilities and hate feeling bad about using them because "herp derp Energy Drain damage >>> all!" (yes yes, nuance and party and all that, but for just doing PF and random other stuff…it's just feelsbad territory).

  11. Which ability needs removing? Primal Rend for SURE. I would much prefer to get another fell cleave stack rather than the horrible animation lock of Primal Rend's dash!


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