Let's Play Final Fantasy XIV (Part 16) [Final Fantathon]

The most anticipated and requested game of Final Fantathon, Final Fantasy XIV has finally arrived. Beloved by so many, FFXIV has become a world wide phenomenon and has transcended its own namesake in many ways. Final Fantasy XI was a well made MMO, but it didn’t capture the hearts of so many fans in the same way, so I hope to gather through my playthrough what makes this game so special in the hearts of its dedicated fans.

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8 thoughts on “Let's Play Final Fantasy XIV (Part 16) [Final Fantathon]”

  1. Maybe this gets covered a bit later (lol minutes later finally), but its frustrating that no one in chat is mentioning how much of a gain the exp is on lvling other classes/jobs. lvling in itself is actually the very easy part. So much so that many ppl have all at 90 (not everyone, i would say the majority is likely 1 of each role). Because the exp gain is so easy, thats actually the incentive to experiment. I like seeing what all of each jobs offers and i pick one from each role i favor for when im just feeling it that day. While mainly im just tank role. Other things add the story behind each job(some get really good) and lets you know more of the world. Another reason is i create a glam for each job. Wanted to keep it somewhat brief so im leaving it at that.

  2. Will also add the min maxing side comes more into becoming better and better at your chosen job in given fights as you learn each new fight. For some each new fight is alot of chaos having 30 or so buttons with so much going on. Making mistakes in rotation is actually more acceptable here as the first focus should be to learn the fight itself, focus on the dance of it one might say (dance and combat will make sense later). Once you learn that side of things your button side of things improve and far less mistakes will be made with your button inputs. Or instead of using this dash attack for dmg here, i have a moment i need to get away from boss, i will keep 1 charge of it so i can get back to the boss asap. I will also say 95% of raiders I know use just 1 job for raiding. A 2nd one more so comes in as someone cant make it that night and for example its one of our tanks. We would have one of our dps with a tank rdy to fulfil that and get a random dps instead of a random tank. But in my case even this has been extremely rare.

  3. It's a complicated topic. On the one hand, I would love ff14 to have a way to personalize classes, because right now there is none. No skill trees, nothing. Every warrior is exactly the same as any other warrior. On the other, it's more complex. The game developer reason for that is because hardcore fights are designed in very specific ways. They feel almost like a puzzle, and they really want every job to be viable to solve them. They do feel quite different from a regular game. All jobs have necessary tools to fulfil their role, and allowing the player to tweak with them would require a very big redesign of this content. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but if these raids are already one of the most praised elements of the game, then it raises a question if it would be worth it to make such drastic changes. I think that maybe they could squeeze some personalization, but it would need to be really thought through to make it work. And if they kept it as it was before, these very calculated and polished fights would not be able to exist, because they rely so heavily on this simplified system we have now.
    As it comes to subclasses and getting abilities from other jobs, I love the idea. In theory, that is. One of my fav systems that does that is in ff5. It allows you to put one core mechanic on another job, which is stronger the more mastered it is. It's awesome. But it works there because the whole game and encounters are built around that freedom. Here you have the same problem as mentioned before with the hardcore content- fights and mechanics can get very complex in the end game, and you are supposed to do very specific things there. It would be really hard to not break everything. Not only that, but here you control only one character instead of four, and the gameplay differs quite a lot between classes and roles. For example, I really like casters and healing. I use black mage as my dps job, scholar as my healer. Sometimes astrologian because they have a cool theme. I did try some other jobs, but I absolutely hated tanking or most of the other dps jobs. I don't think I would like if playing them made my main job stronger in this game. It would be neat to make like a BlackMage/Rogue sneak surprise flare combo, but probably not here. Even a small bonus would not be that great. I don't consider myself casual, I try to clear all hardcore content the game has to offer. I want my black mage to be strong for that. I don't want to play 10 other classes that I don't like for that extra +20 int. But I know it would bother me a lot, so I'm glad that it's not the case. It's like in league playing 100 matches with each champion you don't like would give you +1 starting attack damage. You just want to stick mostly to your main, maybe try others just for fun, but not to the point where it matters. Here it's the same. Doing other stuff is entirely optional and it's a good thing. You can fully identify with 'the one coolest class' if you choose to, and it always should stay an option.
    I like how you talk about your fresh thoughts as a new player, it's really cool to hear them. I do agree with some points your chat made on the subclasses though, it worked in 11 but here it would be much, much more tricky to pull off. And not being rewarded for playing other classes is not really that bad in my opinion, many people try them just out of curiosity. If they find something they feel very comfy with and stick to that, it's fine too. Again, I would compare it to playing a certain hero/champion in games like league or overwatch, they rarely have systems to make you try different ones. They kind of expect you to find some that you like and really master them, maybe buy more if you ever get bored, or if a new one grabs your attention even more than your current main.

  4. It feels like your worrying or thinking way too much about this without having played the game. You have hardly scratched the surface, and are comparing it too much to 11. When it tried to be 11, they had to kill the game.

    It wasn't true multiclassing we had, but if I wanted to be a paladin I HAD to level whm. Even if i didn't want to be a healer. For abilities that wasn't even good to have. The skills that got crossed over became what is role actions now., your second wind for example used to be a pugilist ability.

    I dont think you understand how much of an undertaking it is to balance 19 jobs with the ability to sub job everything. they would also have to cut out abilities. You barely have your kit for your jobs, the jobs play a certain way, and has many many abilities to keep up with. Then adding other jobs in the mix, some of which wouldn't even help. Stat boosts dont matter. Ninja needs Dex for its skills. MNK uses Str. Your asking for more customization, and choices when at the end of the day it means nothing for you, but where it does matter, everyone will need to have specific set ups and it will need to be balanced around that.

    The end game is very tightly balanced. WoW for example has talent trees, and runs into balance issues constantly. Your asking for the illusion of choice. You can play what you want. People have a lot of the jobs at max for titles, and mounts but dont play them. They dont need them. You not losing your pugilist. but if you ever get bored of rouge you can go play puglist. Its always there. A lot of us change jobs for different scenarios because its fun as is. But you don't HAVE to.

    Some classes even share gear as well as others have said. No one needs a reward for playing everything. This isnt FF11. Its trying its best not to be…because it did that, and failed. (1.0). Its why the game is so successful because they adapt, and make the game fun for everyone.

    11 was designed from the start with sub jobs in mind, and has far less abilities on a per job basis. It just outright plays and is designed different.

    As someone whos been playing since the start, its way better now. It would be fun to have sub jobs for sure. But im going to look at youtube or discords for whats best and my choices will ultimately not matter.

  5. FF14 is designed so you can beat the content you want than take a break whenever you want. Your idea of sub classes would force you to play things you actually don’t want to do and the game would eventually feel like a chore. I quit most games that feel like chores.

  6. I must of missed a conversation on ep.15.? lol

    I am not understanding the argument lmao.
    is someone saying that if you have all jobs maxed it gives you a buff on other jobs? ?:| huhh. lmao
    ROG don't get a provoke :p
    or is it. You need to get all jobs because, "u no gOOd other wise." xD
    MIN/MAX isn't really a thing in FFXIV (some sweaties sure) but it's more of a how you adapt your rotation via mechanics. MIN/MAX is not that noticeable.

  7. As a wow player with an embarrasing number of hours played, the system for classes that FF14 uses is amazing to me. I can play all classes on ONE character, with the ease of switching weapons and not logging out, logging back in. As well as the infuriating outcome of getting a drop I needed/wanted on one character dropping on the the wrong character. I love that I can play without the stress of FOMO in that respect. I understand the argument that the boosts of multiclassing/some sort of stat buff for playing the other classes would feel less like wasted time, but sometimes all you want is to dip your toes into another class without having to feel like a full restart. The conversation you had with chat over the past couple videos helped me look at it from a non-mmo players perspective and I appreciate that.


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