Let's Check the FFXIV Official Forums…Again…

First Forums Video: https://youtu.be/RCoooKmF6NU

Eureka Guide: https://youtu.be/_Tk9fG0X0HA

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30 thoughts on “Let's Check the FFXIV Official Forums…Again…”

  1. I agree, I wish there was a level sync or some other options to get through Eureka at this point, I'd also say the same for Bozja where some resistance weapon steps are extremely difficult to do without friends in game to help you at this point and both zones are effectively just for glam or for those that like the different playstyle, and I don't think giving players that don't enjoy it or find it difficult to get people they need to do parts of it, another option for how to grind it out takes away from those zones.

  2. I think the desire for previous feast rewards becoming unlocked in some manner is a fair ask. limiting rewards to the rather small numbers of 600 to 800 players at the times when feast was a playable game mode is a pain point for a lot of people. Its important to note that feast was clearly disliked so much that the creation of crystalline conflict was deemed necessary. It was a divisive reward structure that lasted far longer than it ever should have. Ishgardian restoration however, if my math is correct, offered the Saint title to over 26,000 people across all three seasons. You can argue it was the same thing as Feast but it was far more accessible, server based, and had much higher participation. The things now missing from Restoration are 6 achievements (3 saint and 3 beata, resulting in 2 titles), and the act of reconstructing the firmament. Feast on the other hand has now removed 17 titles besides the ones for the 2018 tournaments, the Eversharp and some other assorted accessories, 10 mounts and 9 glamour sets (half of them being palette swaps), alongside all the relevant achievements. Feast's ranking rewards were in my opinion based on a faulty system, anemic dev support, and difficulty in participation outside of the early season. I don't see why that in particular needs to be preserved. Furthermore albeit as anecdote, I have seen multiple Feast top 100 fully for the idea of the past rewards being achievable in other fashions.

  3. I personally dislike Eureka. If I didn't have friends who do like it, I wouldn't be in there. Its an antique. A relic of the past. Grind doesn't mean good. Grinding was fun in single player rpgs to be op, here it serves as the mechanic to get through the experience. So it just takes longer….wow so difficult…. grabbing two friends and stomping 10 mobs at a time is sooo challenging…

    Thank you Happy, for the video its helped a ton for my friends and I.

    So you watched Barney's video didn't you Happs?

    Cool vid Happy. Have a good weekend.

    That second threads a bit too upset about accidental pulls. S happens move on.

  4. The PVP glamour question made me realize that if SE can put dev resources into an armor set for only 600 players then they no longer have an excuse as to why savage or even ultimate content doesn’t get their own sets.

  5. Recently helped 2 different friends do Eureka at different paces, and I agree, it's so painstakingly bad that you cannot party up unless to take NM's, or help them farm aside going Healer, and being a healbot for them

  6. I agree with the person talking about pull timers, but the YPYT part invalidates the whole thing. What a fuck. If it's savage or ulti then I'll wall myself because it actually matters there (and nobody in that content pulls early on purpose), but if it's a normal raid/trial then just move on with the pull.

  7. Yeah I think "sorry you didn't like pvp" is a bad argument for the armor and mounts staying exclusive. This doesn't exist in any other part of the game; for example, you can say "sorry you don't like eureka" if you don't wanna go for Demi-Ozma because Demi-Ozma will always be available to any number of people who want to go for it. You will theoretically always have the option of going into BA and getting Demi-Ozma, and you will never be gated off by something like time or by how many other people also got Demi-Ozma.

    But unlike Demi-Ozma or Pteradon or any other [Insert Rare Thing Here], the glamours and mounts from Feast rewards are not ONLY gated off by time but also by number of people. You don't always have the option to grind for them and even if you happened to be around for that Feast season you probably were never going to be in that top 100. IMO make the glams and mounts grindable through wolf collars and give top 100s of previous feast seasons titles so that way they still have something exclusive. Titles being exclusive is generally not a big deal compared to glamours and mounts and still gives previous winners something to show for their rank in Feast.

  8. Eureka is just outright boring. I know some people like but the constant grinding is just plain boring. I never liked fate farming but I was able to do those on the fly. But Eureka was designed to be a timesink where you just repeat the same nonsense for 30 hours straight.

  9. I found Eureka a lot of fun when I went as warrior and my friend went as red mage. We melted everything and worked together progressing zone by zone. Hopefully he'd be able to find a buddy to level with if he gives it another go.

  10. I love how in dungeon

    Go ahead pull the mob I tank it that is how I usually let people who went ahead and go back to me so there is no YPYT stuff plus the mobs usually already packed together so I don't have to reposition alot and give me less effort to find where is that 1 stray mob adds. I never get why people so into YPYT in the first place, tank aggro now is so easy and healer especially with WAR in party literally doing nothing but put Regen and AoEs DPS spam.

    As for raid, this is not about not respecting the pull timer is about the server delay. even at the second start sentence appears there is a server lag between the player and if the tank is at 100-200ping they have to pull 1 or 2 second early so the DPS that pre-cast and hit start mark won't get 1 shotted.

  11. There is a big difference between content that you "don't want to do" and content that you CAN'T do. While the poster was a bit… toward with his post, he's not wrong. The old pvp reward system sucked and if you weren't in the cool kids club, you weren't getting it. It was a terrible system and sure, the people who have it have "been around" but how did they get it?

  12. I, personally, didn't really like the exclusive Feast rewards due to one reason only: I wasn't even aware FF14 existed when these could be earned. However, I'm not really the type that is going to demand those rewards be unlocked and re-released either. It's a shame that at the time I was off playing something else but that's how it goes since I know I've earned exclusive stuff like the AQ40 mount that you pointed out.

  13. title being limited is one thing but mounts, minions, and armor should be obtainable. They did it with cumulus and falcon mount as well as the regalia don't see why pvp should be exclusive. Even the diadem rewards were made available after it was taken away.

  14. Whenever I see something on someone in a game that I think is really cool, and I look it up, and I realize that I can't get it, I just kinda feel disappointed. I guess I'm just a different kind of person, but my reaction is never "wow that person is cool".

  15. I feel like the day they make pvp rewards from previous top 100 available to the general player base is the day they can remove ranked from the game. As it stands there is no reason to play ranked and while some of the pvp changes have been for the better, comparing old diamond matches with current diamond matches is such a difference. Hell, even a lot of friends and people I knew who did win trade/cheat have quit the game simply because ranked doesn't feel that worth it now. Anything before crystal is like pre-bronze to old 100 players.
    Every time I went to do top 100 I had to drop everything else in the game and commit whatever time I had on the game to que every second, otherwise I would lose my spot, especially within dark week (last week before places are set in stone and the board stops being updated). While I didn't bother getting any of the glams, the few mounts I managed to get I still treasure and value to this day for how much of a commitment I had to put into.
    While not pvp related I've pretty much wrote off the Morbrol mount and while not time gated like pvp I'm running into the situation where, since release I've gotten blu players that seem to have just picked up blu and decided "Yeah..let's do BJ or Alexander immediately." Hell even getting the ex clear for Zurvanne took me 5 months to get.
    Feel like what people need to realize in an mmo is that you won't always get what you want and while it sucks it's just a reality that some people need to wake up to.
    While easy to get, I've accepted that I will never get the chance to get the Morbrol even if the content that it's locked behind isn't too difficult.
    Exclusivity and PvP are strangely intertwined and removing that honestly is what kills your pvp mode.

  16. I'll always feel like rewards should be available to all. Specifically its the limted time and limited availability rewards that bug me the most though. Taking the PVP rewards fromt he post as an example – if theres only 600 avilable to ALL players, I (or anyone) could literally spend all time and effort grinding for it AND STILL not get it. That doesn't really seem fair to me.

    And with regards to you having something cool… I literally couldn't care less (in a polite way) about what you have. I care about what I have/can get. I don't think you're cool for getting a limited run reward. I just feel crap cos I can't get it. And if you laud it over me then I'm just gunna think you're a complete and utter toxic ass. So whats really the benefit to locking it out?

    By all means make me work for rewards (e.g. glams from ultimates, or grinds from various content). But don't make it completely impossible for me to get them should I ever want to pursue them.

    The best compromise I can think for this is where content is somehow timestamped. For example, the PVP portrait plates having a 1 for season 1 and 2 for season 2 etc, or armours being reskinned for re-release, so that, yes, you can have something that says 'I did this at such and such a time' but doesn't completely lock out everyone else from enjoying THEIR version of the game.

    So thats just my 2 gil thrown in as well.

  17. As a DRG main I like to start with my jump rotation. I never attack until I see that arrow shoot from the Tank to the boss. It's really easy to watch for that animated little streak. I start with my jump rotation because I'm less likely to get animation locked in a dangerous place and it sets up my jump cooldowns to happen quicker in the fight.

  18. That last post doesn't really make a good point. He said he knew he'd never be able to get the crafting mounts because he doesn't want to craft. But, the fact is, he could still get it at anytime if he chose to. That's not the case with the PVP mounts. Every other piece of content in the game that has mounts, it's difficult to get in the beginning and then gets easier over time. PVP is the one outlier.

    I see maybe one of those mounts every 6 months to a year, and I play quite a bit. I would be fine if SE made those mounts available for crystals through PVP. Make it a long grind for each one. Make it so the original PVP mounts have a crest or something to differentiate it. It's not something I'm gonna lose sleep over, but it would be nice to have the opportunity to get one of those mounts.

  19. If someone has gone from Bozja to Eureka, then yeah, you're not gonna have a good time. Bozja had some QoL updates since it was released later and Eureka so old, they just gonna put band aids on anything that sucks so not going to solve any problems.

  20. For all the talk about the FF community being so great, I find the official forums to be the most vile repository of self righteous passive aggressive narcissism the internet has ever seen. The people who religiously post there every day have a severe mental illness.


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