Learning to Love Final Fantasy XIV

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After several long years, I think I finally understand what Final Fantasy XIV is trying to do: and I think I am in love with it.

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Script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jduwQIH3LH04LTmVz6XN2bf4JWh-K68rnXPEdzvLlx8/edit?usp=sharing

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#KingK #FFXIV #Shadowbringers
Final Fantasy XIV Retrospective Review Critique KingK


27 thoughts on “Learning to Love Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. i play ever since 1.0 and to this day, final steps of faith is my absolute favorite trial. the feels were so real in that one. and yeah shadowbringers was insane. i don't even want it to end. but knowing what's ahead, there'll be feels thrown left and right and overwhelm us for the grand finale of the hydaelyn-zodiark story ark. i can't wait and i'm glad you'll be there and join us for the incredible ride! ♥
    the problem with ARR isn't the story. it is much needed world building, setting the stage for the entire, neverending tale. the problem lies with us. with this faster faster now now quick mentality. if you stop, relax and run with it, letting yourself get sucked into that world, it is just great.
    we do, however, need most of the duration of ARR just to adapt to this very different approach because we're so used to skip through everything in mmos because it's usually not worth it to pay attention to some half assed story that merely serves as a vehicle that throws you into the next fight.

  2. so a experince i had when i was doing after MSQ of storm blood is join up for dungeon que and if you got a dungeon unlocked and even if youve never played it its still in the pool for you to even join, the one i got was the lost city of ampdapor. i somehow got a entire group of randoms who had never done the dungeon before. we were actually well off till we got to diabolos who is the final boss of the dungeon. this is the only wipe mechanic in almost all the content i did so far where i couldnt instantly learn from not doing it. through communicating with the party and none of us not wanting to look up a guide we actually tested and experimented with the mechanics in the fight and cleared it in a hour even know we keeped wiping. and we all just put up with we just had to learn it and even enjoyed overcoming it without a guide. i do however suggest look up a guide for this one. its one of those type of mechanics that has 4 ways of interpiting it and you got to progress part way through the fight to even interact with it

  3. I just started ffxiv a couple months ago, and it's been almost a struggle to just enjoy it as a game.
    I'm not a fan of mmo's and the story failed to keep my interest even through to Stormblood (I'll chalk that up to adhd and autism making it extremely difficult for me to pay attention to anything that doesn't immediately grab my attention)
    I find myself just skipping a lot and watching story recaps to see if I could peice it together because people swear up and down that it's an incredible story, and yet… I still struggle.
    Despite all this, I find myself still playing so much and I think it lies more in the social aspect, the cosmetics like glamour, and basically nothing that has anything to do with msq… it's odd.
    I cant say the stories are bad but for someone like myself it's difficult for me to feel as though it makes a difference for my enjoyment.
    I'm so far in and still going, and enjoying myself, dont get me wrong, but I just want to know why I cant seem to just enjoy it the way others seem to be able to.

  4. I started playing WoW during Vanilla, when I was 10 years old. I didn't really understand the game back then but I still had a great time. I missed all of Burning Crusade and came back in during Wrath. I started doing raids during Trial of the Crusader and got into hard-core (10 heroic and 25 regular) raiding during Icecrown Citadel. I still play WoW to this day, though I haven't logged on in over a month. I've mostly just lacked the time but even when I have the time to play, part of me just can't get past the controversy

  5. Love your content, and love FF, so it was surreal to see this video appear!

    I think you're on with the story aspect, but I'd also like to say for people who are more interested in the raiding aspect, FF has some of the most brutal fights I've experienced in an MMO. The Ultimates are 16 minute, gruelling battles of extreme complexity and gigantic spectacle. They're 'non-canon', but if you love the story, you'll see some really fun fanservice tied to them.

    The class balance is better than any MMO I've experienced – every single class can clear every bit of content.

  6. I honestly believe the whole community can agree that ARR is a slog. But it's still a good game, I initially got into it mostly to stay connected with friends once we physically moved apart. And I enjoy the story and be able to connect with new friends. Also wanted to share I am an au'ra that mains as a dragoon

  7. These past two weeks, starting from August 13th, have basically been the same experience. I played a Paladin up to the ARR Steps of Faith in 2017 at almost exactly this time of year, but that took a month and a half and I was just so burned out on something that was too much of a slog and too uninteresting up to that point. A free trial separate account this time around, and in just over two weeks I completed all the story of ARR and HW besides raids, and I really want to buy the game again and get working through Stormblood and Shadowbringers.

  8. There's a reason there exists an Eric cartman "now I can finally play the game" meme. If it takes 30hrs to play or enjoy a game, its not worth it. Never thought I'd be disliking one of your videos, but I find myself obligated on this video.

  9. I have to admit I'm where you were with the game now. That feeling just dragging my feet through the campaign. Feeling like MMOs just aren't for me now that I've removed WoW from my life (for obvious reasons…). Videos like these make me want to keep trying to see what everyone says is so special about this game. Maybe I'll get there maybe I won't. I just can't seem to form a connection in this game like I had with my Frost Mage, Shaman, and Demon Hunter. That being said, maybe I haven't tried out enough jobs yet and I just need to bite the bullet and get through ARR. I'm very glad that you found something special! I hope to maybe join everyone in Eorzea

  10. I made it thru ARR with my bf and got so burnt I haven’t touched since February but I’m really excited to get back into it and this video got me even more excited

  11. I knew the FF14 community was super cool and caring for each other, but I didn’t know the sheer extent to which the game helps facilitate characters learning and new players getting the hang of things. That’s exceptional design right there.

  12. In defense of the post patch of ARR yes it’s a “sloth” unless you was playing when it was dropping they was updating the MSQ every month it felt like so at the time it was great just more quest until next dlc but doing it NOW I understand lol it’s a double edge sword playing it in the moment was fantastic

  13. just remember guys, dont let anyone tell you how to enjoy a game, if u feel like seeing the story, then go for it, if u dont care, skip it away, just a heads up is that u will be fetch questing a lot so maybe give the story a try just so its not as mind numbingly boring…even if it will be anyway becasue ARR exists

  14. my biggest problem with the story is that in each new area they do this "lets meet the people that live here" kinda quests, like a fucking care, i mean, most of the time u can tell they just write excuses to get to know these npcs, it was specially evident in il mheg for me, stormblood they did that too (azim steppe and ruby sea) but i feel like the excuse was more justified, made mor sense. in summary, i think they drag the story a lot with pointless quests to the grand scheme of things that should be side quests for those that are more invested in the lore.

  15. holy shit I was falling off FFXIV a little bit and my sub was running out but this is making me wanna stick around!

    For about 4 years I've been on and off playing FFXIV but now I think I wanna get to the big parts everyone keeps talking about


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