Koe Reacts To The Disaster That Was Final Fantasy 14 1.0 Pt. 1

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The Documentary pt 1

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38 thoughts on “Koe Reacts To The Disaster That Was Final Fantasy 14 1.0 Pt. 1”

  1. As a legacy player who transferred their character. You have a legacy chocobo. Your character has unique cutscenes in ARR. First one no ride with the twins you teleport in as in the trailer. Where people remember it is you from 1.0. A tattoo on your back of the twelve. A lifetime cheaper subscription. Plus your name in ARR’s credits. 1.0 was not fun people made it fun if you had a good linkshell. Oh and that miqote that little girl a flower. That is Minfilia and her adoptive mom.

  2. 4:30 ff14 is not the most popular though, thats still WoW currently i think. But its ok, i'd rather they dont overestimate themselves and rest on their laurels. I want the CBU3 to shake things up, the formula is getting dull and i really do think its time for an overhaul or at least big change post-Endwalker.

  3. I remember playing a lot of 11 on the ps2 back in the day. Was fun but for the life of me making money was hard as it was not so solo friendly plus the odd way loot drop % as time went by.

  4. After you've finished this documentary, I highly recommend the 9-part series "The Fall and Rise of Final Fantasy XIV" by Speaker's Network. The NoClip Documentary explains the original 1.0 from the point of view of the company and the real world, while the Speaker's Network series explains 1.0 and early 2.0 from the perspective (and experience) of the Players. HIGHLY recommended, it's a really well made series, makes you appreciate what we have a lot more.

  5. The people who spread wrong info about old content to new players aggravates me to no end. The whole bit regarding scholar being why stat allocation was removed is wrong. It was launched with 2.0. Allocation didnt go away until Stormblood.

  6. When an interviewer asked YoshiP what he thinks about FFXIV getting a 1.0 re-release like WoW Classic, YoshiP only have one word to say, which is enough to tell the fans we aint getting one.

    That word is "Nightmare"

  7. the thing about remaking what 1.0 would be in today's FFXIV is that, even with all its improvements and fixes and upgrades, the game is actually still so choked down by the original 1.0 framework that even small things like inventory slots and cosmetics are difficult to fit into the game. The issue isn't that 1.0 was too bad to bring into the modern game, it's that the time, effort, and strain to the game far outweigh any possible good or advantage it would bring. The overall way of thinking regarding this is that looking toward the future of the game is just more important and a better option than trying to dig up the past.

  8. I nearly played wow as a child but my parents didn't want to pay monthly so I had like a retail box set of wow that had been like installed once and never used and I sold it or gave it to someone

  9. In hindsight option B seems like the obvious choice, but at the time it was a gamble, and they'd have to invest even more money and time into rebuilding something that might also flop. They could have just as easily picked option A and just pulled out of the online gaming space. MMOs are very risky after all.


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