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COLLAB! YAAAAAS And right before Lucy becomes a bunny boi
i didnt even know i was fated to watch this during my "extended" break..,
and to see the different sides of two different currencies with different anti-opposite genders..,
Um, I think Chair's channel is haunted…
Yall actually queue into Cape Westwind?
I did not expect to find Lucy here lol
Cape Westwind is the kind of thing that makes new players addicted
I was told the other day to put a raise macro on so they could stop wasting their mp because we were in World of Darkness and…
Anyhow, they didn't have one either, but I had flashbacks to all the times I was raised by a healer with some snobby message and the thought of even putting "Raising x <se.4>" repulsed me
"He said the thing" Got me real good NGL
So our chair is on fire?
I feel like an anomaly cause I strictly use lore-friendly names but I've never RPed once in my life, while 99% of my game time is spent actually playing the video game and I was even an orange parser at one point.
I just like coming up with cool names under the restrictions that lore-friendly naming schemes dictate.
Those segments are terrible and made me stop the video halfway through.
The way she pronounced astrologian is cracking me up lmao
Nice video, but I couldn't finish it because of the massive headache I got from that woman's voice. I guess I'll never know what the other four flags were 🙁
I know what an LB is… but I'm a tank…
The streams have been crossed.
This video was good until your mom showed up
I hate that catboy woman. Her voice is so cringe, it forced me to hit dislike :O
last few days, i had french people in duty… tank or healer, both french, always used LB as tank or healer, when everyything was almost dead.
That female voice 0/10 can't stand it. Pls make timestamps next time so they are easily skippable.. Save me from the pain! 🙁 🙁 🙁
Leveling Cure spammer here.
I know it's shit and knew it back then, but when you're level 35 and all you have is Lucid, and mentor tank decides he wants to do streak of chain pulls, instead of huge clean ones. I'm sorry, but Cure II is not an option you can use. with lucid use, You oom within 35 secs of Cure II spam, where 3 Cure+Cure II allows you to both fish for procs and allows you to not oom between Lucid. And after their dumb way of pulling, they will offer you advice not to use Cure, but Cure II instead which grinds my fucking gear. On bosses 100% agree Cure should never be pressed.
But Cat-girls and Au ra bois, if you have mentor tank in low level synced roulette, get Cure on that bar, just in case.
But but but, I’m a tank with a healer main partner 🙁
I wasn’t expecting Lucy wat
The difference between cat girls and bunny boys is that we actually exist.
Wait, Endwalker is out now. Shit. I mean, uh, cat boys! The difference between cat girls and cat boys!
Here before the moonmoon viewer boost FeelsGoodMan
Spend level 1-80 getting yelled at by crownless mentors for not using free cure, finally start using free cure, and now it's don't use free cure…
I unironically hate Lucy Pyre and everytime I hear her voice I get the urge to usher in the 8th umbral era
I did a lvl 80 dungeon recently where I was a BLM and the other dps was also a BLM. I did about 2.5 times the damage and I'm not even good. I think the dungeon took 40 minutes to get through. It was excruciating
A match made in… well, somewhere.
slow clap
Exactly as i expected, DR it's like anime fillers episode.
I genuinely hope there are more of these, amazing cringe power duo. Prepare for the ff community to ship you btw.
3:00 8:07 10:21 at 11:30 turn off the video
Another red flag for the list, the dps/tank who insists it's the healer's fault they died with 27 vuln stacks, then blames you for not slow rezzing them after their fifth death in one fight.
I'm not one of those healers that refuses to heal you because you made trip into an aoe, but after some of the things I've seen… I understand the appeal.
i remember being in a persona stream and seeing someone donate like 5$ to the misshapen chair vtuber fund i'm glad to see the money went to good use.
Ouch… my ears got vandalised…
If were in an 8 man and theres a rez macro on one of my healers I'm baiting a buster onto them and letting the other do their job
i have a lore apropiate name, but it's not cause i care about it, it's cause i'm so original i just used the random name generator instead of picking one myself
6.0 update: playing a healer that heals by doing dps, only to not do dps and consequently drop the tank is a massive red flag
But… I just wanted to greet the party politely