Jesse Reacts to Endwalker Launch Trailer

Jesse, fresh off the Live Letter, watches and deep dives into the Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker launch trailer.

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Enter the next chapter of Final Fantasy Online. Warriors of light have come, yet shadowed by their triumph in the First, the Warrior of Light and Scions of the Seventh Dawn are home at last. An even greater calamity than refulgent oblivion has been building in their absence, however─a second advent of the Final Days. Should all despair, the myriad conflicts that now ravage the land cannot but foretoken an end to life in the Source. Take heart in the faith of those who walk beside you, and journey ever higher─to the very stars above. Journey to Thavnair, the imperial capital of Garlemald, and even the moon! Explore new jobs like Sage and Reaper and a new playable race with the male Viera!

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45 thoughts on “Jesse Reacts to Endwalker Launch Trailer”

  1. For Alphy, I think is Daddy and Mommy flags being disguised as death flags.

    Also Alphy and Aliases mom, Anima.

    Also Aliase moving next to Alphy in the cold, 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 so touching

    The let me relieve you voice sounds so much like Ryne.

    Oh that could be Nerva with Nero hair.

    Poor Krile Baldesion Arsenal waits for no tarutaru.

    Did Kojima sneak some Death stranding into our Final Fantasy🤔

    Expansion time walking!?! Seeing Tataru doing her evil plans😂🤣😅

    There's not enough crazy in the voice for me to recognize it as Fandaniel.

    That ending is just an Alphy pep speach.

    Yshtola is the new Matoya. Alisae the new Yshtola.

  2. I think the Emet thing is more about Azem path. And he's telling us to go the moon (where souls and stars rest, find your truth) to find a new path, is not zodiark or hydalean. Although he says "descent"

  3. Regarding the music from past expansions, what if you go back to those areas to fight the terminus beast and the freaking remexis start playing… Or a important character from said expansion does something really cool, for example Hien and Yugiri come to your aid on a really tight spot and the freaking stormblood remix goes wild… I can't wait…

  4. If you look close enough, in the last panel, only you and one other character have their left eye open showing: Tataru. Confirming that she is indeed the last boss. Thanks for comming to my TED Talk.

  5. So a theory that I have is that the Moon for the planet Hydaelyn is actually the original planet. There are a of hidden tell from the logo (has a giant crater in it from where Hydaelyn ripped Zodiark out), the Azim Step Lore (Azim (Sun god = Us (Azem)) became a child of Nahmaa (Moon Goddess (Hydaelyn) who remained a god being). In 5.0 ending when Elidibus was on "the moon" he was looking at the planet discussing the lifeforms that were ignorant to the truths, but when he began to talk Directly to Hydaelyn, he knelt down an placed his hand on the surface. Even something as simple as Ascian lore could tell the moon is the original planet because the Ascian where guiding mankind so why would the name the planet Hydaelyn when the will of the planet was called Zodiark? But this is the only twist that I see happening also thinking back on the Moogle King lore didn't they server the gods until the started bickering, this would mean the gods are Ascians and the bickering was when the 13th was lost, if there base of operation was on the original planet but not all the moogles made it off, wouldn't that make the Lunarians an alternate moogle? Since they look a lot like the FF12 moogles who covered their poms.

  6. Those big goopy tar balls in the sky remind me of the way Diablos is summoned in FF8. Maybe they are the way the voidsent are entering the first enmasse?

  7. I feel like Jesse's right and Estinien is SUPER DUPER ULTRA dead this expac but his death winds up turning the tide in our favor, I imagine him going out in such a way that throws not just a wrench in Zenos and Fandaniel's plans but an entire toolbox in em. "Yeah I might be dead but your days are numbered now, bitch. Estinien OUT!"

  8. Isn't the Emet-Selch speech the stuff he says before running off to Tempest?

    He tells you that you're end is coming by the light consuming, I remember him definitely telling us to treasure our last moments.

  9. I think the emet dialogue is just the zone narration you get, like Fortempts for HW, Lyse for SB and Ardbert for SHB. The part near the end is definitely Fandaniel speaking. I always knew his "CHAOS" schtick was just that. He was putting on a "performance", hence being so theatrical. The part with the Azem magic right after is a different person speaking, actually sounds like Fourchenalt to me, which would suggest he is very intimately aware of the pre-sundered world.

  10. Oh I hope we FINALLY get to visit and redeem Garlemald in some ways. Poorly led and wilfully led to destruction and suffering. I really want to break their cycle and that they'll be an open brilliant nation similar to IRL Germany.

  11. Im guessing what Emet Selch is referring to, is that we are going to go the Tempest/Amaurot of the Source, "Every step of your descent, and there in the Depths where souls and stars rest, you will find your truth". With Emet narrating, and even involving himself with the battle against Elidibus, Im guessing some piece of him as Hades is down there, and thats why we see the masks in darkness in this trailer like his final attack.

  12. The crystal path reminded me instantly Crystal World, the final half of the dungeon Memoria in Final Fantasy IX. With what that path leads to and how the party gets there, makes me really wonder what is the context of that zone.

  13. I find see Hydaelyn being the final boss without being the Bbeg of the expansion. Hydaelyn is the second oldest primal, created to… keep Zodiark’s influence in check.

    No Zodiark, that could easily mean Hydaelyn’s influence on the FF14 universe becomes hazardous as there’s nothing pushing back anymore.

    Or defeating Zodiark releases something aetherical that can only be countered by Hydaelyn’s death releasing the counterbalance. Like a rejoining.

  14. What if… We actually lose in this expansion and legit die and have to like come back in some way, pulled from the lifestream after Emet has a talk with us or something.. its always been in my head that at some point they legit kill your WoL and you have to do quest or trial to re alive. thought of many ways. one being Zenos actually reaps us, fight against Zodiark etc.

  15. Sounds to me like Fandaniel was saying his lines in a mocking tone. Or its a flashback to before he went 'crazy'
    Also I think that Emet stuff, he is saying that because we changed the timeline so our first steps into Garlamald will be that speech.
    The 12:00 crystal is very much like the Crystal World from 9

  16. 14:30 – That is ABSOLUTELY Judge Bergan's armor. Bergan is the one who infused himself with manufacted nethicite and ripped himself apart trying to kill you at the top of Mt. Bur-Omisace. He was an utterly murderous psychopath in FFXII, and was corrupted by — interestingly — Venat.

    If they bring in Bergan or some variation thereof to FFXIV, expect his story to be FUCKED. He's likely going to be absolutely insane and a massive zealot for either Zenos or the late Emperor, maybe even Emet-Selch's Garlean persona. :O

  17. I'm just happy that Fandaniel isn't a one-dimensional Genocidal Andy considering all the implications and hints Ishikawa has been throwing around in regards to him. Plus, he's a member of the Convocation, that nihilistic persona was such an obvious act that it immediately didn't feel right. There's also how his Memory Crystal is the only one that has broken dialogue when you interact with it, indicating that being a Sundered has its consequences on his soul and his memories.

  18. The mysterious voice that says “It will be ours again…” I thought was Alphonaud’s dad. Since he’s shouting it sounds a little different but I thought it was his. It could be him having a change of heart, or if read differently it could be a clue at the Sharlaen’s plan. Maybe they want the old world restored since it was a world “free from sorrow.” So maybe they know the truth about the past and have deemed it the way things should be? Just a potential theory.

  19. The fucking scream i let out when he said "Enestien super dead but hes gonna die in the coolest way." I would like for no one to die- BUT their will be sime fake deaths i think. Where yoi'll have to wait and see if they are alive.

    The music at the start for some reason makes me think of the WOL us sacrificing ourselves to save the world we love. And it more like we are put in a ice box until the next expansion. Leaving all your friends to think you died.


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