IT’S IMPOSSIBLE | Zepla learns MR OZMA'S opinion on setting FFXIV Difficulty Levels [Dawntrail]

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Editor : TakSangre [Discord : taksangre]


39 thoughts on “IT’S IMPOSSIBLE | Zepla learns MR OZMA'S opinion on setting FFXIV Difficulty Levels [Dawntrail]”

  1. I thought Zepla quit FFXIV and became full-time Bundorei? Why is she logged into FFXIV during the great "WoW good, FFXIV bad" intermission? Go grind your keystone master!
    Joking aside, I would love to see Zepla also giving GW2 a proper chance. She seems like the kind of creator who would absolutely love community driven, mass scale, involved casual to midcore content. That game is bursting with that kind of content with its open world design.

  2. Chaotic Raids should not have any body checks. Too many people for that. Every mechanic should have individual responsibility, not make the whole raid wipe because of one person. So many people get stuck by the memes of people who get in not even with the aim to clear, but lie about prog points. If too many people die, the rest should have the chance to keep progging and learning. I think it would be way better to be stuck in enrage because of of too many deaths instead of barely making it to phase 2 because of one or 2 people who can't or don't care about being in the proper spot.

  3. its not hard…we need different options for different people..i hgate dungeons no matter how much they change the difficulty im not gonna play them. i need a open world to explore.. the way theyre handling things is def down to budgeting issues

  4. barriers to entry for BA made it better i think. youre forced to engage with the community, youre forced to interact with people in an MMO and thats something thats def lacking in some way in this game. people are in there sharing info, talking about how things need to be done, what everyone needs to bring with them to get the clear. you dont even get that in savage/EX parties, with those its just "watch a video and know where to stand and if we wipe 3 times the party disbands"

  5. The chaotic raid is very fun. Perhaps I happen to be the target audience, but I think most of the complaints have nothing to do with the fight and everything to do with party finder. Towers aren't that bad, you just need one person in each if you want it to be survivable, and even if you fail that a tank LB may be able to save the day. I do have a theory that the declining player numbers mean people don't have as many friends to do this with, which means more PF reliance which is hell. But that's largely an issue of PF and people bailing one pull in – that's not unique to chaotic.
    I think the closer to 32:00 of the video is the problem Zep may have with it – she doesn't really want a raid, she wants something that is queue-able and you just jump in and play, and then jump out when you feel like it. So exploration content (at least, that's the closest thing) – which I absolutely agree with… If you have an hour or two, spending most or all of it waiting in PF is not something you're going to want to do.

  6. I've played end game content in games like WoW and SWTOR but the most I've done in FFXIV Unreal for the first time this past week (it was incredibly easy and I wish I had started doing it as soon as it came out). The problem I've explained to people is not that I'm incapable of doing these things, it's just that the whole PF culture is a huge turn off for me. I don't know your FFXIV specific lingo and acronyms, I don't have markers to bring, I don't know the Soandso strat.

    If I'm doing normal or alliance, I can just jump in the duty finder and learn it as I go. I'm perfectly capable of seeing a stack marker and knowing I should stack or seeing a ground reticle and knowing I need to get out of that. If I have to watch a 30 minute video with a bunch of diagrams and other stuff I'm going to go cross eyed and forget everything after the 5 minute mark.

    And also, there needs to be a progression path for dungeons as well. It doesn't have to be Mythic Plus to a T, but an alternative to raiding would be nice. Just so long as it isn't having the same problem as Ex and Savage PF.

  7. I really wish that after like 100-200 hours of MSQ, the content reflected the time investment.

    Imagine if like, you play a 70 hour JRPG and the optional side quest content is just, hella easy because it was designed to try and please EVERYONE rather than trying to please people that have sank 70 hours of time investment to get here

  8. I think the main problem with the game, from a user experience, is that all of the truly hardcore, Ultimate-raiding players are defining the boundary lines for what-constitutes-what in terms of game difficulty, and that isn't healthy for the overall experience of the game. Granted, those who do clear the hardest content should have their voices heard, however, they are among a very small percentage of the overall population playing the game in general. These very same folks are those who have a solid foundation of following in regards to their content creation, so developers typically only see these outlets as their insight into how the public may view their product. If a group of 100 players or less is saying the FRU is too simple and is a brain-dead Ultimate and the game is too easy, that shouldn't define the bar of difficulty for the hundreds of thousands of other players. I respect Ultimate raiders, Savage-goers, but they're kind of in their own little bubble and disconnected from the rest of the player-base. I agree though, XIV should expand its range of difficulty so there are more progressive steps to the harder content that the game provides. Let us be honest here though, EX is midcore. Chaotic/Savage/Ultimate is hardcore. I define these on ease of use of the learning curve, and the cooperation involved in pulling out a victory. I've cleared every EX in the game, and farmed each EX mount and would define myself as a midcore player. I've avoided EW-tier Savage and DT-tier Savage because it became a little too sensitive in regards to players not being able to tolerate folks who make mistakes during prog. I see a lot of it in EX as well, tbh, people who leave at the drop of a hat when someone misses a single mechanic and it ends up costing the run. I understand that, to an extent, of not wanting to waste your time, but when you enter into these, you as the player, have agreed to go into this challenge as a group of individuals, a GROUP of individuals, who all may not be on the same level. Instead of immediately leaving in disgust, it is better to stick around (as I have, as a healer) and try and elevate those who are making more mistakes and bring them up and help them better understand the challenge they're facing so they can overcome it, just as you did. Cooperation and understanding is what really helps, not judgement and comparison (there is a time and place for all of those things, but its up to you, as the player, to discern when each is actually appropriate).

  9. They had the guy who designed TOP make most of the battle content in Dawntrail. What could go wrong? All I heard from the interview was, "Look bro, just get good". Its gonna be a fun second tier, don't be surprised if its another repeat of Abyssos.

  10. I think they had the perfect midcore with Extreme Trials before Shadowbringers (maybe Endwalker, I haven't done the Shadowbringers ones in a while).
    They were hard of course, but they could be beaten within a lockout just through pure intuition. Even if you die, you see what killed you, and it was obvious what you do to not die there next time. Maybe it takes a couple pulls, but you'll more than likely get it.
    When I first started out, I was one of those Duty Finder extreme trial users in ARR. It was fun being grouped up with other newbies and the poor mentor who we roped into this. Most of the time, we'd clear because the mechanics were that easily understandable.
    Compare that to Spheeeenex. I don't even need to go further, you know what that fight is like. I hate that fight.
    Not because it's hard, I'm a week 1 savage raider. It's just hard enough to filter midcore players, who gravitate to Extremes most commonly.

  11. FFXIV is an MMO where they constantly try to invent a wheel and then polish it and they try to do it all on their own meanwhile other games with more experience, Invented it, Polished it, Re-invented it and then moved on creating a whole cart around it.

    So many other MMOs and games faced the same challenges that FFXIV does and instead of learning how the others solved it, they waste time, resources and players on hitting the same brick wall over and over.

    Pointless, wasteful and honestly poor leadership.

  12. Didn't you stop TOP in like phase 2 or something? You didn't even get to the part of the fight that was poorly designed. Looper is one of my favorite phases in any ultimate. P2 and P3 are fine, P4 is super fun. Literally the only issue I have with TOP is that P5 doesn't give you any markers over your head to help distinguish dynamis stacks. Otherwise, it's my favorite ultimate (after clearing all of them multiple times).

  13. The thing is, why cater to casual players in the first place?

    All that midcore content, ex/savage, becomes casual content a year or two after it is released, by unsyncing it.

    Casual players have the most content in the game, but they fail to recognise that all that 10 year backlog of content, was midcore content on release.

    Calling chaotic midcore was acceptable, because every mechanic in that fight is 5-10 years old.

    Just because some snowflake cant learn from their mistakes, doesnt make it hard content.

  14. E4S is widely considered one of the most fun savage fights ever released, and it's also one of the easiest. There seems to be this bizarre conflation happening where people are mistaking difficulty with entertaining and thus setting weird expectations on what content classifies into which box. All casual, midcore and hardcore mean is the commitment and investment required by the players to engage with a system too, whether this content is combat related or not is irrelevant; You really think someone gunning for the Big Fish title (catch 204 different fish from ARR, HW and SB as well as 45 from ShB) is playing the game on a casual mindset?

  15. Chaotic is locked behind 400 hours of story and 100+ dungeons/trials with optional old raid tiers that you can learn from.

    If you havent learned how to play a job, and have some basic understanding of mechanics at that point, then your just an idiot and you don't deserve sympathy for being garbage at the game.

    Stop being shit, be the change that the casual plague needs, watch a guide, hit a training dummy.

    The mentality of western players is horrible, i played the game on JP for 8 years and the basic social ettiquite was 'be good enough to not hold everyone else back'.

  16. It would have been better if they made 24 man content on a difficulty that's between extreme and normal alliance raids. something like Zodiark EX or innocence EX. very introductory and helps encourage players to jump into extremes.

  17. i thought i was midcore (because i cleared m4s) until i heard that chaotic was midcore xD, making content hard with numbers (a lot of people) removed control from me (players) and it feels like sht, i know it's an unpopular opinion but i would like hard content to require less people tbh (like 2-4), i've been playing solo modo in lost ark and i would love to have something like that on ff14.

  18. You can absolutely make a difficulty that is good for everyone, just design the content at the desired difficulty and then have certain classes require a higher skill to play and other classes require far less skill to play. Why is this so hard for them? Though, if I'm being honest, all the focus on difficulty is a bit misguided anyway. If they want people to engage with their game they should be focusing on making the content interesting. Difficult != interesting. The problem is that this encounter designer doesn't understand that and can't seem to design content that isn't about hitting the single target or aoe button and moving in a pattern.

  19. I'd like Frontline queues to pop once there's enough for 8 players per team (24 players), filling as the game progresses.
    It kinda sucks that one of their primary PvP game modes is only available for a couple of hours a day at peak-o'clock.

  20. i quit after the first 2 weeks of dawntrail and started in 5.55 end of SHB, i managed to beat UWU and DSR, as well as claim necromancer and even the #2 spot for POTD solo scoring just behind Fin, I've done over 2,000 pulls of DSR in about 3months. So to me POTD and DSR seem "easy" from experience, but i know its still hard content. The difficulty of the most difficult content in FFXIV just boils down to memorization. Raiding in FFXIV is metaphorically the same as showing up to a dance recital, you're all just practicing your parts in the dance and if nobody messes up or is out of sync during the dance then you win.

  21. EU and NA players always rage quit on the first pull even in normal dungeons… like why? It's not just high end content. I tried staying in Gilgamesh for a bit using an alt and man… it was infuriating doing dungeons with westerners. You guys have serious issues… idk what it is, but it doesn't sit right with most of us JP players.

  22. Well Ive only recently got my first couple clears of the chaotic. It is way harder than the whole dawntrail savage teir. Its harder than the easier ultimates, like UWU. And it goes without saying its harder than the extremes, where a lot of extremes are so easy you can litterally mess up all the mechs without consequence. Ex3 was the only extreme is dawntrail that you actually have to do all the mechs correct. So the idea that chaotic raid with 24 man body checks, and mechanics that doom you, knock you off the edge. And plenty of oppurtunities to kill your fellow players if you not paying attention, like tile pvp. Is some how midcore content between extremes and savages is absurd. This would be a savage difficulty fight with just eight people let alone 24. With 24 its definetly above savage difficulty.


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