It's FINALLY happening!! | FFXIV Endwalker Playthrough

First time playthrough and reaction to Endwalker! We return from the Moon to check in with the contingent and the Sharlayan Forum.. I hope you enjoy!

Endwalker Part 11:

Endwalker Trailer Reaction:

Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:

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0:004:52 Intro & Recap
4:526:49 Returning Home
6:4913:11 Camp Broken Glass
13:1117:06 Baldesion Annex
17:0630:03 Forum Public Assembly
30:0331:17 Some Thoughts
31:1736:16 Late Night Visitor
36:1640:20 It Begins
40:2043:44 Thoughts & Outro

#2caves #finalfantasy #ffxiv


8 thoughts on “It's FINALLY happening!! | FFXIV Endwalker Playthrough”

  1. I've watched a number of streamers playing through Endwalker, and I appreciate the story more and more each time I experience it again. Watching your playthroughs has been a treat, and I'm glad you've enjoyed the slower, quieter moments (such as the Loporrits) in addition to the big bombastic moments. Thank you for these edited stream uploads!

  2. I also chose G'Raha because I thought he was the most likely haha! But whoever you picked among the choices is the person who would appear at the door.

    If you wanna see what Y'shtola would have said, you can replay that cutscenes in your Neverending Journey book at any inn.

  3. 9:05 Fanny Danny did say the towers were an extention of anima. Glad the folks inside are ok.

    22:35 What do you think didn't work??

    27:20 Throwing your grandpa's works in your dad's face.

    We've known Hydaelyn is in the aetherial sea which is in the heart of the star since Heavensward. That's why the Antitower exists.

  4. 28:00 Oh, come on, that's not fair. It's like Y'shtola said. He's a very proud man. "…. Do as you wish, just stay out of our way" IS a tacit way of him saying "…. Okay. If you think you can save the world, we won't stop you. I don't know if you can pull it off, so we're still going ahead with our plan, as the two aren't mutually exclusive."


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