Today we’re talking about the FFXIV MSQ, which is a story I’m incredibly passionate about. This is Quazii video reaction.
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Yes it is blown out of proportion, it's very mediocre imho. Go ahead and roast me
I don't mind and encourage people to criticize any game that has story for its focus. What I will criticize another persons opinion is when it is a garbage opinion with no meat behind it. "It's boring." "It's overrated", "it's slow." "nothing happens". Does that person explain or give details to their opinion? Of course not. Because if they have to explain themselves, then you notice that their opinions are painfully shallow and based around "feeling" the story is bad. A person can not like Star Wars: A New Hope and they could find the LoTR movie trilogy boring. You can chalk all that up to those movies not being to a persons taste. That is fine. Now if you want to say that Star Wars: ANH or LoTR are overrated, now you have to justify your opinion with examples behind it. What I don't see are examples of why the MSQ is bad behind just "It feels bad to me." Your "feelings" aren't an example of a story being bad, just an example that your own taste could be bad.
The late TotalBiscuit once made a video of useless words that should be retired from video game discussion.
"Overrated" was one of them because all it really meant was "I don't think OTHER people should have a higher opinion of this thing, than I PERSONALLY think it should have".
I will say this again. FF14 is the best story driven mmo I ever played. Wow could learn a LOT with 14 and stop those shallow effect phrases and moments with that crazy high music and put some character development into the game.
I honestly thought it was just okay, makes me feel like I played a different game when I see all the plaudits it gets lol
Honestly (in my opinion), there is actually no "best expansion story" because most of the story wouldn't work without the previous one. E.g. Shadowbringer or Endwalker wouldn't really make any sense on their own, because they are conclusions to very important parts of the base game.
Also something I think which always should be taken into account is that the story is told in a MMORPG. Depending on Media the way how the story is build or told is very different. For me it isn't really the best story ever told BUT the presentation, the experience and interactions makes it to one of the best FF or RPG stories out there.
Long form story telling isn't for everyone. The OP's experience don't match what others have, and they don't think it's as good as others. Maybe they did something wrong.
The fact we argue over which story is better within xiv makes the overall story of xiv that much itch greater as a whole and in my opinion not overrated.
After finishing it myself I also think it is a bit overrated. I still think it is a masterpiece, but its nowhere near the life changing experience some fans make it out to be.
However, my main problem was that the msq was so easy it felt really "passive", like going through a visual novel at times, which can be very draining.
Whenever I played MSQ i tended to lean back and switch to controller and only used like 2-3 skills, because it was more convenient than Keyboard+Mouse lol
With the exception of a few trials.
If you only play it for the story, I'd recommend other FF games. Some of them have a better story and the gameplay to back it up.
It's definitely overrated by the community. The story is actually pretty similar to FFXI. That being said, I don't think it's mediocre/overrated in general. Usually when people call something mediocre/overrated they never explain why.
I heard that Blizzard is going to copy FFXIV in how they do their storytelling now in WoW by making your character the main hero and savior, and that the WoW story characters are going to be like how the main characters are in FFXIV where they do not overshadow you. I think that’s really going to annoy WoW players that came from WoW and went to FFXIV and then went back again to WoW.
It depends on the person. It's not overrated, but it may or may not be "the best" for someone. For instance, I still felt that ShB was a far better expansion story-wise than EW because I felt EW had too predictable of a story, but I'm not saying that people are wrong if it was their favorite. It had great highs and lows just like ShB, and EW definitely has the best cutscene in the game (you guys know which one I'm referring to).
But hey, opinions are just that. Opinions. It's hard discussing something when some people can't be convinced that it's okay to have differing opinions about things.
People consider FF14 story to be good because they compare it to other titles (WoW and other MMORPGs, but curiously they don't compare it with other FF games) and to be honest FF14 is not the best story i have seen, for me personally Legacy of Kain story is somewhere among stars, and FF14 is somewhere at the ground level. It is ok, but not remarkable well done. ARR was crazy to pass and I had the most usless waste of time, HW yea, they kinda nailed with that in some sort +1 point there, Stromblood I found it more interesting than the other 2, Shadowbringers was ok, better than all the other 3 put together, slap some fates there for extra credits as well. They praise this game like its the best game ever. No its not! Snowflakes, you can deal with it, I know you can. There are tons of other games that makes their story so much more to remember. The NPC characters overall are just there for the ride, althought +1 point that the BU3 did a nice job with their background and behavior aspect when it comes to impact you as a player and ur char. There were some funny moment (Yshtola, looking at your head right now! – mini spoiler), I for one did not even cry at so called heart felling moments that others were like crying (most of them being twitchers :)) doing it for the show of it) and to other its just the emotional impact upon them. The music is relatable, it is ok, and I apreciate the effort of creating their own music and not going with celebrities for the OST, but lets be honest, at this point even Riot Games does it better (but everyone with their taste). Technically speaking FF14 OST is boring in my opinion – 4 notes, 4 rythims and a slapped chorus in some of them. They don't even have their own video, the community is doing that for them (see that trend when people created the dance in FF14 , here is a link: ), so basically BU3 could learn from the community, but again, they rather ban people for showing them how to do their job instead embracing the community (I guess that is a different discussion). Overall FF14 is only good at 2 things: wasting people's money, but offering a toxic "safe haven" for the LGBTQ+ community.
FF14 is going to hit people differently. I personally think that for a lot of FF14, it is above average and at it's best, it is definitely beyond words, better than most stories out there. I know people who are highly critical of the story (read: Don't like it) and game, but can identify Shadowbringers and Emet-Selch being top tier writing. There are just certain flavors of story and lore that FF can never reach and the high fantasy of like… LotR or WoW isn't there. Things with Orcs and Elves and all that Tolkien stuff, FF14 just doesn't do.
The msq especially ShB onwards is more poorly paced than people remember. That is because the story moments at the end of each chapter hit heavy. Moreover it took until endwalker for them to ditch most of the wow-styled quest design. Which ironically wow players criticize the MSQ for.
When ppl want to criticize the story i am fine with. because we all have a different taste and in the flood of media nowadays we most likely saw that core story in some way or Form somewhere. But when it comes to Presentation of it BU3 learned a lot and stepped up a with every expansion imo. They know how to write the characters so that you get a bound that wont fade away even when years have passed. And they can trigger your feels because of it be it wholesome,sad,angry or whatever. They made you feel it in some way. And that is what makes the Story great and not the actual plot its the emotions that they are able to Trigger.
It's strange that I look forward to FFXVI not because it's a new FF but because the 'YoshiP Theater Group' is making it.
FFXIV is the first time I've been able to truly engage with and immerse myself into a narrative in over 20 years. We took great storytelling for granted back in the mid to late 90s.
People cant grasp that theres different games for different folks. For me the story was absolutely amazing for me, and its not for everyone, like wow or New World is not for me.
You could compare it to the mcu a lot of the movies are average at best, or cookie cutter but the bits that pay off work because of everything that has built up over time before that.
I think the story is overall excellent but there are definitely jarring moments and I do feel the character development especially within the scions can be at times very shallow. It's sometimes also hard for me to connect with them because of the Mary Sue nature of the WoL. There were many cases where I felt like the scions didn't contribute anything. Especially in endwalker when you go to the moon and defeat the first trial. You just single handedly took out one of the strongest primals in existence, then when the scions rock up the first thing Y'shtola asks you to do is help her find a book because she isn't even competent enough to do that without the WoL.
I also feel like the writers pull their punches a bit too much and are way too scared of properly killing off characters, but still go through the motions of doing it just to bring them back again. I mean how many times has Y'shtola died and come back now? 3 times? It loses its impact.
Its also getting to a point now with EW where I feel they need to tone it down a bit. They've done 10 years now of building you up to the point where the WoL is pretty much a primal, slaying actual gods, which is fine, but you can't just keep adding bigger and badder bosses because it reduces the significance and impact of what came before.