Is Now the Best Time to Return to/Start Endwalker? – The Future of FFXIV

Have you been taking a break from Final Fantasy XIV or are looking into starting to play the game? In this video I will go over why I believe that now (Patch 6.35 โ€“ Patch 6.4) is the best time to get back into the game or explore Eorzea for the first time!

00:00 Introduction
00:35 Main Story Content
02:14 Raiding
03:38 Catch-up Gear
04:21 Alliance Raids
05:07 V&C Dungeons
05:41 Relic Weapons
06:02 Crystalline Conflict
06:21 Island Sanctuary
07:10 Crafting/Gathering
07:32 Daily/Weekly Content
08:07 Summary

โ˜•Buy me a coffee (the main expense for my guide videos):


22 thoughts on “Is Now the Best Time to Return to/Start Endwalker? – The Future of FFXIV”

  1. Just started Endwalker, been playing a while now and I can understand people get burnt out because the game is massive but I have played a lot of games over the years and there's not much as good as FF14.
    Thanks for all your videos, I've watched quite a few and other content creators.

  2. Can't stand the raids in this game and it's the main content, regardless of what people try to say.

    If you don't like the raids there is nothing in this game for you.

  3. respectful your talking complete crap about upcoming content. we are at least a year off from anything at least ,expansion is not this year . we are at least 1.5 years away from anything like thaT. WE GOT AT LEAST ANOTHER 8 MONTH OF RELIC GRIND . AT LEAST

  4. I appreciate the way FF14 handles content and sub cycles. Can take time off, come back when new content drops, rather than the game designed to force endless grinding.

  5. I mean, everything you said applies to every "content patch" ever released, because every "content patch" (excluding purely bug fixing patches) adds small bit of main story for people who still care about that and extra stuff to mindlessly grind for people who still enjoy that. So basically any time is a "best time" to play this game if you're one of those types of people. Personally I still see no reason to renew my sub because none of those activities interest me anymore and there's nothing interesting (like more tools for socialization activities and creation of player-driven content) that is planned to be added to the game any time soon.

  6. It's really just a deep dungeon it's not that big of a patch at all. I'd hardly consider a beast tribe and some DoH/DoL tools to be worth coming back to for somebody who has been taking a break. If you're taking a break I'd just wait until next raid tier because there's not going to be much to do at all until then. Relics still far from a finished questline, current tier still has weekly lockout for some reason and PvP season hasn't changed. There's no reason to come back yet unless you want to sub for a month just to beat everything in the deep dungeon within a few days.

  7. I'm a returning sprout who left shortly after stormblood came out, and it's been rough. so much has changed and SE doesn't do much to help you along. it's just overwhelming.
    working through the main story is exhausting. you don't do much, but there are so many cutscenes (mostly unvoiced) that you spent hours clicking through them and then teleporting around the world. nothing else. and why do I have to click during voiced CSs? just play the damn thing, I know where to watch it again if I miss anything).
    every job has been overhauled. fine, I see why you can't just endlessly add new skills, especially while supporting controllers. but now you just log in to half empty actionbars and broken macros. some "oh hello there, we changed a few things, have a look here" message with resources would be nice. nope, better find some youtube guide or something.
    so far, not having a great time.

  8. Not behind schedule as everything got pushed back cuz of covid for the new usual pacing. Usually expansions launch in summer thats why trailers were in feb leading up to it. But delays had endwalker release in dec 2021 instead of summer. So instead, a 7.0 teaser should be during 1st fanfest now to accommodate update pacing change since 2021 massive shift.

  9. Meh. Nothing here catches my eye. There's no actual interesting new content that's relevant to me and many others. You may want to turn down the clickbait and "7.0 is coming!" just a bit.


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