In news that caught me completely by surprise, players are reporting that they are completely unable to purchase Final Fantasy XIV. And it looks like the reason for that is Square Enix has run out of digital copies of the game, much to the astonishment of the playerbase. Add on to this the congestion issues, lag, player queues. Is Final Fantasy XIV growing TOO FAST for its own good, now? And will Square Enix have to make alterations to what is arguably now the most popular MMORPG on the entire market?
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This mass influx of players is partly due to streamers and content creators (like Asmongold and Zepla) pushing the game very hard, and players generally being disinterested in WoW as Blizz is just handling the game so poorly these days.
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In news that caught me completely by surprise, players are reporting that they are completely unable to purchase Final Fantasy XIV. And it looks like the reason for that is Square Enix has run out of digital copies of the game, much to the astonishment of the playerbase. Add on to this the congestion issues, lag, player queues. Is Final Fantasy XIV growing TOO FAST for its own good, now? And will Square Enix have to make alterations to what is arguably now the most popular MMORPG on the entire market?
Watch us stream FFXIV every week over on Twitch:
May I ask you something, if I want to start playing FF XIV as a beginner, on which platform is it better to play steam or on the official one?
I've seen new players too in gw2 I mean alot. No offense intended. I follow ff14 im just into gw2 more.
If you're the kind of person who will get toxic when new players come into the game I can happily say that if YOU were to leave, you likely wouldn't be missed.
Your own screenshot shows no server can entertain new character creation, not because they ran out of keys.
Havent played FFXIV since 2017 but i reinstalled it some days ago and started playing it again and i am really enjoying it.
it's normal it's the only mmo that has it all nowadays.
WoWs player base was already teetering on the edge of leaving for greener paatures they just needed a little push. I'm one of them. Asmon playing something other than WoW was the straw that broke the camels back since people just needed a reason to look at something else.
still on the fence to try the game… lets see, maybe i will win a key for the game some time 😛
Regarding the toxicity of the current FFXIV community towards the influx of new players: as veteran players we have to keep in mind that if we portray such toxic behavior we're no better than the toxic community of WoW and that's not what the FFXIV community is supposed to be about. We're better than that and we'll get through it together. 👍🏻
Awesome video btw 😉
5:01 where is the source for that i never heard of ffxiv player being toxic cuz there are massive players are coming in
I find it amazing that square ran out of digital copies. But that's both good and bad. Good because XIV is getting the attention it deserves. Bad because there's a possible chance that endwalker might get potentially delayed due to the fact square will need to invest more money into getting servers for the massive influx of players incoming.
The player wave isn't over. More people from wow will come over. More people will pay attention to "14 year wow veteran plays final fantasy XIV " and in turn, it'll create a constant snowball effect that'll ebb and flow but won't lose momentum. The only one blizzard has to blame….. Ironically enough, themselves.
So, I already purchased the game and all the DLC's quite a while ago, just never got to playing it; so if I decide to hop in, can I? Or do I need to wait before I can create a character?
The thing I've been finding funny is the "why don't you make more servers!?!" stuff when this all happened like a literal spike over the course of a week or two.
It's literally like a new IP launch surge so I would expect the majority of them to leave pretty quickly and then everything will settle down and the ones that stick around will be absorbed into the community.
I guess I will have to wait a while longer to want to try this out.
Absolutely my favorite MMORPG honestly not surprised it's sold out. The other MMOs suck in comparison and the community is amazing, unless your a toxic ass well then most games will suck for lol that is all
I tried the game (free trial) for the first time a day after this video was released and I'm loving it so far.
'You can not purchase the game if you dont already own it'
Hm yes, the floor here is made out of floor'
What do you think of all the new WoW streamers moving over to FFXIV? Do you think it's just a fad that will blow over in time? I'm really enjoying the new people and sprouts. Recruiting has never been better for my FC! One thing I noticed while playing that I didn't like, I asked for a rez in /shout and someone came and started t-bagging and dancing on my dead body. I really hope the toxicity of WoW players doesn't spill over into FFXIV too much.
I freaked out so much that I preordered Endwalker just over the weekend. By October, people that were sprout would be in Shadowbringer and will be buying endwalker expansion. I know for a fact that they'll be sold-out too.
People need to chill out square will spin up some new servers and load balance probably by offering free transfers and then allow more people to purchase the game this si good for the game we love
now.. if i once buy the game i will never pay anymore to play it.. why should i, yeah i get it its good like wow and stuff but its just makes me sad that they take money after you bought the game from them..
i can play other games thats free and can give me more better updates.
but even if i want to try this game i have to pay for subscribtion is suck tbh.. but its my opinion.
Well currently taking a break from FF14 again and play Swords of Legends Online right now. Its fun but I am only interested in the story more and which I finshed now after 103 h playing. So I am already finished again. Now I guess I return back to FF14 xD
is this why my launcher won't even download the updates?
I just bought the game and I luckily had a demo character still on a server and was able to make a new character on that server otherwise all servers were not accepting new characters. I was amazed at the amount of players running around. I haven't seen this many people since gw2 hots dlc years ago.
Actually is WoW die too fast
We thought pre-orders for shadowbringers was crazy🤣 welcome🤪
Digital keys are based upon server capabilities: NO keys suggests that servers are at maximum load.
The queue time certainly increased on my server. (Chaos Cerberus) but… I enjoy seeing new players.
Additional servers might be a solution. Especially when Endwalker gets closer. I have some concerns, but I like to see the new crowds coming in. My concern doesnt lie with the players. But with how the systems will fare. 😛
Enjoy your time in Eorzea!
good thing i brought mine when there were copies of the game
Way to go Morrolan….
I took a break for a few years, this server explosion and the queues is almost as bad as when the game first dropped. 🤣 people would stay logged in for days so they wouldn't lose their spot on the server, there was no afk logout timer then. If you got DCed or something you were just shit outta luck for a bit 😂its nostalgic, some sick part of me loves it
well if wow is dying and all wow players migrate to ffxiv then damn
Me: Reads title and think to myself "How can something be growing too fast?"
My brain: Guy in distress looking at his penis, screaming "IT'S GROWING TOO FAST!!"
….Thank you brain.
Considering it has always been pretty much the same game since 2013, possibly dumbed down even further, it definitely is surprising.