Is FFXIV's Savage Raiding Worth It? – My Thoughts as a First Time Raider

Is FFXIV Savage raiding worth it, is it worth the time and effort to complete savage raids in FFXIV?

Savage Raiding in FFXIV take a huge time and effort commitment but reward some of the best gear and coolest glams and mounts in the game. But is savage raiding worth it? This was my first time savage raiding as a new player to FFXIV and I wanted to share my thoughts and experiences in savage for the first time. Where I got to in the tier, how it was a new player and what I would do differently going forward.

I really hope you enjoy the video and I’d love to hear your thoughts on savage raiding in the comments.

0:00 Intro
0:35 A Static Was Formed
1:30 The Good Times
3:50 The Struggle Times
6:20 Overall Thoughts
7:50 Will I Continue Savage Raiding?
8:42 Is Savage Raiding Worth it?


13 thoughts on “Is FFXIV's Savage Raiding Worth It? – My Thoughts as a First Time Raider”

  1. you pretty much nailed what its like to be in a casual static. And… agreed, it is probably a bit more enjoyable to just have a mid to hardcore group and get through initial clears in a month or so, OR be a completely casual PF player so you can have complete control of your own prog pace. Draggin on for 3+ months in a "casual" group can be very rough towards the end even with good friends.

  2. This was my first tier of savage and I recently finished it through PF, was held back by my static for a very long time, PF'ing really isn't as bad as people say imo, being able to go in whenever you want and doing as much/little prog as you feel like is really nice

  3. If may share my opinion on this and a solution;
    It seems all you wish is to clear, for the sake of beating the content, which isn't wrong! I do the same, tho I still farm it.
    If you think to join more hardcore group, I know at least you'll farm the fight for a while, at least until most get bis (except if can find a group that only wish to clear nothing else).

    So, based on the fact you're more of a casual player and you only wish to clear and one of your complains it is repetitive and having to reclear each fight each week, a very simple solution;
    Just raid when they unlock the tier.
    After an amount of time, the tier will be unlock and give the echo for those who wish to try the savage fight. More casual player will have decent loot thanks to the EX, or the Radiant weapon or the Alliance raid + echo buff.
    If too easy, just remove the echo.
    But at least the tier would be unlock and you can just do p4s prog without having to reclear each previous fight 🙂
    [That happenned in my static where we were getting really low on morale on E12s, so we actually took a break until the tier unlocked so on raid night we would only do E12s. The fight was still hard for us with echo back in ShB :') ]

  4. Casual statics are fine for dipping your toes for the first time into savage, or for doing old content, but in my experience they don't work for clearing savage when its current and before echo drops. Groups that are both competent enough and chill enough to get through the current savage tier at a casual pace are not common at all and chances are, if you find one, half of the people there already cleared with another hardcore group and they are there just for fun or to help some friends or some mates fron their FC or something like that.

  5. I am a veteran. Our raid is a casual group that raid twice a week. We have been together since 2014 and so far, we have cleared every single ARR and Savage raids that FF14 offered on time. I will share some things that helped us be together for this long. The most difficult thing about static raid group isn't clearing the content. It's the building the trust and respect of each other. It is very important to not take anything too serious. Be flexible and don't be too soft to leave yourself being offended. Do not let others groups deter your progress. Every raid team learns at their own special pace. And cultivate that and let it be the norm for your group. Do avoid recruiting people who comes as a pair or a small group, especially when they know each other in real life. When one thing goes south, they will always end up like dominos. So, try to recruit strangers and build a bond from there. Also, during recruitment, do exercise trial periods for newcomers. Makes sure that they fill the spot well not only by their role but to be compatible with personality. In conclusion, the your static raid shouldn't feel like a chore. It should be about couple of friends getting together each week. Don't be so strict during raid, let people talk about something else especially when you are doing reclears. And during a drought, it is a good idea to invite them to play another game to build that long lasting friendship.

  6. I play XIV because is a FF game, I'm not really into MMOs. The endgame in any FF game is absolutely crucial, and XIV is no different. IMO Savage is the heart of the endgame of XIV, everything revolves around it: learning your class, getting better gear, taking advantage of the burst window, it's all tied by savage. XIV has been dumbed down so hard through out the years, that I'm expecting an autowin button by 8.0. I'm a boomer, for me video games are for GAMING, I wanna feel like a GAMER, I don't do the social hub, the fashion shows, ERP or none of that, that just makes XIV into a glorified chat, and I'm not paying for no chat. The thrill I found in games like Elden Ring is something I missed from the old days of gaming. Without savage, there is no endgame, you might as well unsub until the next expansion.
    Also, for savage, it's important that you find like minded people, with the same goals. The way I see it: you are either in or out. But if you are in, you have to be in. It's like starting a diet, if your heart isn't in it, you'll probably gain even more weight. I'd have left the enviroment you describe long ago. Savage is doable, but everyone needs to be IN. 4-6 hours a week with discipline, is more than enough to do savage.
    …. but that's just me.
    I'm not mentioning Ultimate, because that's an entirely different beast. Not casual content at all.

  7. In all my time of raiding in FF14, I have never cleared a full tier. Though the reason why differs alot. Some statics were to casual, Static split up, or the most recent one for me -> work schedule prevented me from raiding with the others. But after have been a semi hardcore raider in wow, I have no wish to go back to 3+ evenings a week. It eats up alot of your freetime. So I'm happy that I have been able to clear atleast a few bosses each tier I have been raiding 🙂 Those are my thoughts regarding raiding. Who knows, maybe we will raid together at some point 😀

  8. I don't think you should go into savage with a casual mindset IMO. There should be a drive to get better always. What I mean by that is go in open to improving yourself and not dragging your feet. Go in ready to learn and do your best and not just with the mindset "haha are melts and food really important? Stats are small who cares."

  9. Considering this is your first savage raiding experience, you did great. Raiding should be, first and foremost, fun for you. If you feel it like a chore, you should stop raiding and do something else. Raiding just because "you have to raid" will eventually burn you. This tier was not the best for new-comers (p3 and p4 hit hard and are very punishing); If you don't care about Best in Slots, there is really no hurry to complete a tier for gears that will be replaced anyway with the crafted one at the beginning of the next tier. If you don't care about gear, you can always ask a "skipper" to help you jump into later stages without having to clear, every single week, the early stages. Or you can just wait for the patch where they will unlock the tier.


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