Is FFXIV Still Worth Playing In 2023?

Krojak reacts to FFXIV in 2023 – Still Worth Playing? by Desperius FFXIV

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6 thoughts on “Is FFXIV Still Worth Playing In 2023?”

  1. As a long-time SciFI/Fantasy reader, the one, most important thing is world consistency. Doesn't matter what the magic system is, or the tech system as long as it is internally consistent. Have werewolves? Ok, where do they come from? How does the magic system fit into the world? 14 does all that wonderfully – even if there was a bit of duct-taping later on to make things from 2.0 fit into 6.0 and beyond. Thats a sign of good writing, leaving yourself room to do stuff later that fits, calls back, or extends.

  2. I'm still devastated that my ff10 loving friend just straight up skipped through the entire story in a month because he found arr start boring a "common" friend kept encouraging him to keep pushing because wgen she plaid it she did too. I'm sorry but you can't read a book and then say, nah don't read it, it's bad.
    But i also already told him, normally i love to be the lore guy but if he ever asks me anything lore in ff14 I'm going to punch him.

  3. The problem with adding more actions to lower levels is not just a balance problem. It's also, and more importantly, a new player problem. FF14 very clearly tries to take things slow and be accommodating to new players, especially those who might be new to mmos in general. For anyone who's completely new to mmos, they already have a ton to learn. Any mmo in general is already overwhelming if you're completely new to the genre. Combat being accelerated at lower levels would only overwhelm new players even more than they already are.

    FF trying not to overwhelm people like that is especially important in a game that, as you mentioned in the video, is trying to be accessible to a wide variety of different players with different interests.

  4. Regarding rotation… if you want a seriously simple rotation, play WHM ;-p 3 GCD damage options (DD, DoT, AOE+stun) and 2 OGCD damage options at higher levels (Assize and Blood Lily). Now… you DO have to be responsible for healing as well, but if you have a mostly competent group in non-bleeding-edge content, usually HoT's will cover it.


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