Is FFXIV really missing Content or…?

Nem explains FFXIV’s most important Feature and why it impacts all of us.

Music by
– “Mire – Full Mix” –
– empty hop “Come To The Abyss” –
– “Control Panel” –
– “Zip Code” –
– “Nice Place” –
– “Safe Haven” –


19 thoughts on “Is FFXIV really missing Content or…?”

  1. I wonder how many people that say, aww there's nothing to do, wines, have finish the ALL the side quests XD, also were rez for blm and picto, we are missing that content. But is true you play this game as long as you have friends, even if you feel there's nothing to do.

  2. As a mostly solo player, I actually really dig what you're saying. I started around the end of Stormblood and it took a while for me to get into Shadowbringers content but I did it. I mostly did everything by myself while my friends were already up way ahead and I had a very good time with the story, and with the content that I did, and even stopping for some of the side content. Bozja Southern Front was the first time that I really did things with other people because well, I had to. I kinda disliked it at first but through patches and through some helpful folk I eventually did stuff. I never was interested in stuff like Castrum and still am not interested in savage but through those community efforts I kind of could get it and I started to enjoy running Castrum and helping others through it too. To this day, I think the only savage that I am interested in is trying Delubriam Reginae savage because of those interactions, and because of how fun the shared journey was even if it had a few bumps. At the same time, I'm a sucker for island sanctuary I really am.

  3. Being real here, if you want to quit, quit. I don't think it's really something to be up in arms about, I understand cashing on trends generates clicks, but there's better drama out there.

    Like memes, the drama has to die someday.

  4. I think it's not really content that is lacking, it's the replay-ability or an incentive to replay content. Once you've done a dungeon/raid/whatever , you have no real incentive to play it besides glamour or for the challenge of it. The game is rather linear, solitary for a MMO, and with very little creativity asked of the player. I genuinely believe if they added a good bush of equip-able items with actives and passives that allowed a certain degree of expression with your jobs, nobody will complain about the lack of content.

    Hell, just as a thought experiment for those that played that awful game, imagine if they copy-pasted all runes and items from LoL.

  5. There isn't repayable content that you can log in and get whisked away to. Not many competitive things to do either. There are better games out there for that. FF is just a story more or less, and now openly an erp hierarchy/emotional/mutual mast simulator.

  6. Thank you for mentioning Eureka and Bozja, but they provided one more thing that Endwalkers activities doesnt. An accessible place to consistently use one's job at max level. If i dont have time to wait in party finder, I qeue into the latest alliance or normal raid, even if ive done them that week. I didnt have that problem in Shadowbringers because of Bozja.

    Im so happy theyre bringing field operations back for Dawn.

  7. There's plenty of content, but most people don't do the content. Hell, most of the big streamers for this game haven't even done the side quests but still bitch about a lack of content… lol

    I'm an achievement hunter though, so I don't run out of content. If anything, there aren't enough hours in a day lol

  8. Dawg when you said 'respect' when talking about ulti, i spat my drink. Nobody cares about our clears besides us, and then we even have the ppl who buy their clears or get wheelchaired

  9. The issue is that there is so little stuff to do in the game, look at what we got this expansion, we got savage and 2 ultimates which is pretty much expected, and is good content the first time you do it because prog with a group is incredibly rewarding in itself. The issue is that this applies to all the content this expansion, criterion for expample, fun once but after that there’s literally no reason to ever touch it again unless you wanna farm a mount that’s on the marketboard anyway even.Nothing this expansion is worth doing more than once aside from savage for the purpose of getting BiS, sure theres deep dungeon but that’s fundamentally identical to the other kinds of the same content that came before, the blue mage update was completable in a matter of an afternoon, even the relics are glorified tome weapons. Nothing has had any longevity or required any community collaboration at all.

  10. Fair view. I'm kinda ambivalent on the social aspect. Some of my worst moments in the game were due to other players and I've had an immense amount of fun doing stuff in trust dungeons.
    That said, I am a PVP gremlin… but even then in CC thanks to the lack of text chat I can pretend the other players are bots.

  11. lack of content? yes lets talk about ffxiv's content shall we spoilers you may get an eye opener an re-evaluate your thoughts or you just wont care an continue to be the sheep that corporate needs to keep feeding you more slop like a sow made fat for slaughter.
    the 1.0 era the not so humble beginnings of beginning a simpler time but also a time that set foundations an built but also burned bridges. its here that you had no real raids or sustaiinable endgame you had a couple of fights some repeatable quests an other jobs to level not to mention your sample size of customization was limited but hey! nostalgia is a great motivator no?
    well lets fast forward now to 2.0 the rebirth and salvation of a game that was sinking fast what did it promise? a new adventure and a new world or reimagined one ya? lets see what it gave us: jumping function, scholar job, beast tribe daily quests, summoner job, catboys, female roegs, highlander women, player housing, treasure maps, some actual raiding!, pvp, levequests, fates, ninja/rogue job, cross class skills, golden saucer house, marriage,extreme trials, and relic weapon questing/grinding.

    ok great now lets talk 3.0 our beloved first expansion HW what did it do? 3 new jobs, treasure maps some more! but this time there is a dungeon, the new dungeon varient deep dungeons!, Diadem(mixed reviews by most), group pose!, mount flying, the feast pvp.

    next up 4.0! starting off as a shit show disaster but hey least we got free sub time ya? ok lets talk content…… job gauges love or hate him, under da sea bruddah we be swimmon, no more TP halleluha, can i offer you an Ultimate in these trying times?, oh hey two new dps…, in come the big bad rival wings, oh is that a Eureka i spy? you know the thing they did in their previous mmo but hey lets spice it up an add elements this time!, we sure did ask for it but not like this dad! the limited job blue mage is here to stay..

    get ready now we come to our favorite stepchild number 5.0! now what did it give us?
    oh a fate reward system, oh a dungeon mode for casuals to tour thru alone, crafter and gathering complete overhaul, new tank how cool, oh hello new dps, ah maps my old friend how i wish you'd die already but like my ex you just cant go away can you? goading me with your slot wheels an your fun house of rng, hey you need to dial a friend? dont worry the trusts are here!,

  12. Yep. Raids and dungeons are good and all. But without socialization game doesn't bring as much fun as it could.
    Simple fact – not too long ago I was in leadership of one semi-alive FC and I couldn't be asked to do something for its development. I liked some people from it, but it felt… not really there. Friends I founded it with have left.
    So did I. I moved to another server. Joined my friend's FC on that server. And I… found reason to play the game again. Not just going for dungeons and raids, or doing Tails once in a blue moon. I returned to actually playing the darn game. I already spent way too much time on their discord server and now I spend even more there.
    In general I still find XIV being more social MMO than any I've seen on market. Yes, Guild Wars, WoW, ESO, Runescape and others may have interesting content but XIV has some aspects that really put socialization to completely different level. Like absolutely staggering amount of emotes and expressions, hairstyles, fashion accessories that don't do anything for a gameplay but bring so much for social aspect of the game.

    I love how some people spitefully asked "who this game even for? Nightclubbers? Catmoms?" not realizing that these people may actually enjoy the game way more than those people who ask the question.
    I mean, I am yet to find an MMO (aside of maybe GW2) where group of people would gather in housing district and would organize actual, honest to god, bike street racing event. In a game that at that time had ONE model of the motorcycle (and has 4 now, 2 of which are store mounts, lol :D).
    Or a cosplay event
    Or a pajama party
    Or a Movie theater with the movie night event that was held in memory of Satoshi Kon. An HONEST TO GOD, MOVIE THEATER EVENT. IN AN MMO. With people gladly joining event because it was part of social interaction.
    And it was fun.

    FFXIV may have issues but its main advantage over many other MMOs is the social part. I've done things in FFXIV that I would never do in other MMOs just because it was part of social gameplay.

    Like… I know that in many MMOs you can get married. In many MMOs you can have your own house.
    But in FFXIV it feels different. When I had over 40 people attending my ingame wedding ceremony, it felt… somehow deserved. It was fun.
    It was… important for me.

    When I bought my first house, it felt as a massive victory. And when I made every single house I have as a place where I'd love to live, it feels different.

  13. This is a pretty good take. There is plenty of content but ffxiv is lacking content that speaks to most players as well as socially interactive content. In other words they spent time on things that didn't speak to most of us so we feel out!


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