IS FFXIV BETTER THAN WOW? ★ First Playthrough of FFXIV in 2021 ★ EP1

Quazii tries Final Fantasy XIV for the first time in 2021. Is it better than WoW Shadowlands as it is?

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#ffxiv #finalfantasy #wow

0:00 Intro and Buzz around FFXIV versus WoW
1:31 Character Creation
5:43 Game Start and Orientation of Starting City
15:25 Combat and Outside of Starting City
29:30 Closing Thoughts, Initial Impressions of FFXIV


40 thoughts on “IS FFXIV BETTER THAN WOW? ★ First Playthrough of FFXIV in 2021 ★ EP1”

  1. Are you by any chance live streaming yourself playing FFXIV? Or are you just doing it off stream? EIther way, love the series! Always fun to see new people jumping into the game ^^

  2. Welcome! I started playing this game at launch and really enjoyed it. I havent played in years but it was never far from my gaming thoughts. I finally re-installed it tonight (just in time for server maintainence of course) after I've seen it trending all over the place. Can't wait to jump back in even if its just for a little while. I really enjoy this game. I also played WoW for years before this game came out and before that I played EQ pretty heavily.

  3. I never thought about if you need a shield to execute Shield Bash. That's actually amazing they included that. (I had a shield already when I learned it and you shouldn't unequip it ever since it influences the stats but like… the detail is nice) – same for Shield Lob btw

    I think it works with the Emperor's New Shield though. (On that note, a Paladin's/Gladiator's Shield and a Monk's/Pugilist's Weapon are the only Weapons of the Emperor's New […] Equipment)

  4. As a FFXIV player for years I have maxed out every profession (crafter/gatherer) and several jobs. The game is much more beautiful then WoW, but the reason that I'm playing WoW now is because in FFXIV there is nothing to do with your gold anymore besides buying houses if they come available, and the comptetive PvP / Warmode is more solid in WoW. Crafting and gathering classes are more fun in FFXIV, since it gives you value and it's fun to level, in WoW not so much.

    So to sum it up for me, FFXIV is for the journey, the feel of the environment and the lovely soundtracks. And WoW is for the competitive PvP end game. Both are great games in it's unique way. To be fair, I would like to have FFXIV with Warmode and a competitive PvP environment, with the Mythic+ and gear grind of WoW included. That would be my perfect game. Anyways, have fun playing both!

  5. Nice video!~ I'm not sure if others have mentioned yet, mobs auto-attack you when you are a certain distance to them, can't quite run around them to dodge. Important to know as a tank since dps will rely on a still mob/boss. Have fun in Eorzea! 😀

  6. the idea of a p2p game without open world pvp, slow combat and GCD its annoying. the idea of all in 1 classes its nice though. but whats the point when you gear and you dont pvp

  7. Yo can someone please help me 🙏 I just started playing on console and have a question.

    Really enjoying the game but targeting is broken. You just randomly cycle through every enemy on screen and the one you want is always last to come up, if you can even see which one you’re targeting.

    Party targeting works great. I love that up and down on the d pad ONLY targets friendlies/party.

    But when I hit left or right on the d pad to target an enemy I often end up targeting some out of combat mob in the next zone before I target the combat mob right in front of me.

    THEN If I’m trying to heal, it will always target an enemy first, if I’m trying to attack it always targets a friend first. It’s so bad.

    Is it really that poorly designed or am I missing something?

    If up and down is friendly target only, left and right should be non friendly units only.

    Pls give me hope.

  8. Been a wow player since vanilla, I started playing FF14 a couple of weeks ago currently lvl 58 put around 100 hours in so far and I'm absolutely hooked the story is so good I'm just gutted I never started earlier at this point I can't see my self ever going back to wow.


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