Haven’t uploaded one of these in a while, but here’s another lil housing walkthrough video! Here is what our large FC house in Empyreum looked like before we moved to the Lavender Beds! I knew I wanted a kitchen/dining hall/eatery area and a library, but the building of this started with the tower, since it had to be built entirely in the air. After that was done, I built of off it, making a courtyard (or what I could fit of one, at least). Once I started to think about the library, I knew I wanted to make a kind of “hidden” or “secret” entrance to the courtyard and tower. This build has since been demolished because we have moved our FC house, but if you have any questions, please ask in the comments and I will do my best to answer! :]
Decorated by Clarissa Evergarden of Leviathan :^)
I stream (mostly FFXIV) almost every day on Twitch @ 6pm EST!
Over on Twitch, I mostly stream Final Fantasy XIV, but I stream any game that I play! Bloodborne, Phasmophobia, Nier, Persona, and JRPGs in general (and art streams sometimes, too) 😀
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The music used in this video is Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada!
oh my GOD this is so pretty I'm literally in a lottery to get a house rn
(so it can look like this)
Thanks for watching! what was your favorite part of this build? :]
pov of literally me when the real estate agent picks me up off the street to try and sell me a library (i want it so badly)
That jump up to the extra floor is dope! Very well done design overall!
the hidden little nook is my favorite part
Love the build. Can't wait to see what you do with your new Lavender Beds plot.
The entrance is my favorite!! Inside the tower is amazing.
This is really impressive. Your housing vids are inspirational! I know I need to renovate my basement but the creative juices have been slow… you're putting me to shame! 😀
Stop wasting money by giving it to these people. Designs are find but if you pay them to place them in your house, literally everyone uses a housing plugin called "MakePlace".
It loads an environment, you can place things whereever you want and it mostly follows in game rules, so you just need to save the layout in the program, load up the game, load the loadout, place all items somewhere and it places the items FOR YOU.
Save Gil by not spending it on these people.