Install Base ReShade! Preset Ports are coming! | Final Fantasy XIV

ReShade ports are coming from GShade, and the GShade conversion won’t work with them! So let’s install ReShade the normal …


21 thoughts on “Install Base ReShade! Preset Ports are coming! | Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. A note: MANY Preset Creators are STILL using the GShade port files, and thus you will have to check when installing a new preset whether they are using Vanilla ReShade or the GShade port files of ReShade. If they are using Vanilla, then this video will help, but they may need you to install additional shaders still! Preset releases should either come with the shaders they need you to have installed, or tell you which shaders they will need.

    Should you need to use the ReShade installer again to install other shaders, make sure to remove the two ** in the file paths in your ReShade settings menu, as this confuses the installer and causes it to shut down before installing. After installing, you can set the file paths to be the same as before; the simple one shaders path with ** and the one textures path with **.

  2. Okami is the only preset I've been using for years now! Also, is there any difference with its gshade presets that I installed manually on reshade? I already use it and it's working nicely on reshade's current version, just wondering if there's any significant difference.

  3. I got to my FFXIV folder and no 'game' folder pops up. No option for reshade to use it. Just nothing… my game runs fine. Is it because I downloaded it through Square Enix and not steam?

  4. Hey, great guide, everything worked properly until i had to chose an okami preset, when clicking on the presets through reshade in game, the folders were empty. Did I do something wrong?

  5. Thanks for the straight forward and informative video! One question, at the very end you say we just need to turn the shaders on and then we will see the changes take place. What did you mean by that? Is there a specific button to turn shaders on/off? Also seems that after the changes my character is in first pov. How can I undo this part?

  6. Hello, I am having an issue with the reshade on ff14 and was wondering if you knew the answer. When i put on the reshade in game, from the bottom right corner of my monitor, the reshade box moves in and out like it cant stay to a specific resolution. Do you know a way to fix this?

  7. I'm running into an issue where the shading will randomly shift, it kind of looks like a silouette of the objects or characters is off center. I also noticed it seems to always go to the left. I followed everything to exactly as the video shows. Any ideas?

  8. I followed the instructions and while i was trying to install reshade it says Failed to download list of available packages …. coould not establish trust relationship with SST/TSL ??? :X


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