Brought everyone together in Idleshire and tried to give an inspirational speech and parade in FFXIV before the raid.
Check out the Twitch stream to watch more FFXIV video’s live:
Also check out the full FFXIV A realm reborn playlist for more final fantasy 14 goodness:
Not as strong as asmongolds inspirational speaches but close enough 😅
St Crispin Day!
Marty did Arms Length dirty lol
If n+1 people gets on a behemoth in a distance of less than 8 yalms from each other, a parade is imminent. X)
I just want cross region for that reason lmao I wanna be on a parade of behemoths and eat eggs 🤣
Ummmm…. Use Arm's length!!!!! It slows attack speed and lasts a good 15 seconds.