Incoming HYPE for 7.1! | Zepla watches the LXXXIV (84) LIVE LETTER for FFXIV [Dawntrail]

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Editor : TakSangre [Discord : taksangre]


16 thoughts on “Incoming HYPE for 7.1! | Zepla watches the LXXXIV (84) LIVE LETTER for FFXIV [Dawntrail]”

  1. I really loved ff14 so much… But since the post-patches of EW, one disappointment after another has come. Unfortunately, I can’t connect with the new characters like Zero and now Wuk Lamat and the rest. They all feel very clichéd. But well, maybe the next patch after that one will be better.

  2. I can’t wait for the World race for FRU, the extreme is gonna be super fun, the chaotic has some cool rewards and will probably be super fun, plus galoo ja story and figuring out how a society that hasn’t known death will take it

  3. Not compelled by anything within this patch cycle, really. There are a few bunch of decent rewards here and there, but this is content I'll probably unlock and clear in a matter of a week or two and simply forget about.

    As a lot of content creators start pointing out, we should get our relic weapon grinds back (*or maybe some form of a new system akin to that) to fill up the void in-between patches straight from the beginning of the expansion. Yes, some people may not like it, but at least there used to be an incentive for mid-core playerbase (which I think is the majority) to occupy themselves with something on a systematic basis and not feel like there is absolutely nothing to do.

    At the moment if I am not commited to raiding, then all I do is wait for nearly a year since the release of the expansion to get the content I was most excited for – 2 new exploratory zones. WW got Delves from the get go, so why by Thall's Balls we have to wait for nearly a year+ for something brand new and refreshing when we already suffered nearly 1+ year of EW nothing burger? "Oh you must be burned out! Go and play something else! It is fine to take br-" No. Kindly bugger off with this bs, thanks. Current state of the game, wether you render it solely as an RPG game or an MMO, does not justify a monthly sub, especially considering overall competition on the market – period.

  4. I’ve played this game since HW and I’ve come back to it every major patch since because I legitimately cared about the story and wanted to see where it was going. But now that the story is flat it’s kinda exposed how flat the rest of the game is. And now we’re in the post-Endgame Marvel world where I kinda just wish the game ended in 6.0.

  5. The raid rewards are decent and it makes me hopeful for criterion. Though I still think that they should have grindable content besides bicoloured gems in the .0 patch. I hope the XIV community learns from the field operation incident and is more vocal about content they like in the future. I blame the community for complaining about Eureka and Bozja and the devs for listening to the wrong people.


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