I'm starting FFXIV Shadowbringers tomorrow

Little channel update for you guys. We fall. But we get back up. Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/justruss YouTube Stream/New …


26 thoughts on “I'm starting FFXIV Shadowbringers tomorrow”

  1. Hello guys! I yapped on a bit but main take away points:
    1. Starting tomorrow 14:00 GMT / 8:00 CST
    2. Multi streaming on YouTube & VODs moving to this channel
    3. Want to catch this channel up, so that I can be more passionate about the videos again – better content for you, less burnout for me

    Hope you understand! Thanks for watching! See you in the stream


  2. My work schedule changed, so I haven't been able to catch you for a while.

    Thank you for streaming YouTube too! I hope it works out.

    Don't let people over hype. You still have a long walk to go.

  3. Dang I hope I get to catch a few of your streams. Shadowbringers is my favorite expansion BY FAR and I love watching new players go through it any experience it for the first time so much!

  4. oh my already? thank you for the update I’m very behind in the vods aswell haha! I’ll tune in if I can 😮 very excited to see your reaction to shadowbringers and beyond, crazy stuff.

  5. Sadly I'm youtube Vids only. Don't have time for live or vods. But I wish you the best. I started shadowbringers about 6 months ago before grad school got too busy, and MAN it's so good so far.


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