I'm quitting FFXIV for good.

Lynx Kameli is quitting FFXIV for good.
(that’s a line for the algorithm so that it gets promoted to subscribers of my main channel)
I would upload this on my main channel, but I see that channel as more of a TV station that produces content, and this one as a personal channel that I upload my thoughts to. Kind of like an Asmongold vs Zackrawrr thing I guess. Idk.
All I can really say is I’m sorry and I feel bad.


48 thoughts on “I'm quitting FFXIV for good.”

  1. Can totally understand your reason for not wanting to play anymore. Had similar stuff happen during Heavensward and then again during Stormblood and it killed my desire to want to play the game. Having close friends and then losing them to drama really takes a toll on the enjoyment of a game. So I took some extended time off and slowly eased my way back in albeit I play sparingly at best even now. Wishing you the best going forward and I'll support you with whatever you decide to do.

  2. Sadly as an MMO player for most my life the past 20+ years there is nothing out right now that will give you what FFXIV does might be better to keep playing with others diff from the ones you do not like and perhaps wait and see if Ashes of Creation will be something great.. WoW is in the dumpster sadly, LOTRO just recently Past 2 years have stopped talking to their player base completely and are getting even greedier with their content packs, Aion is pay to win now, New World is dog crap that is as full of life as the zombies walking around in your mind, BDO is a IMO the next best thing after FFXIV but it is more inclined towards solo play then anything else there is almost 0 community content other then farming world bosses, and last there is GW2 which is quite horrid in story but fun in PvP and they got a new xpac coming out as well soon.. But, as someone that has played them all FFXIV is your best bang for the buck.. But, whatever you decide good luck and have fun o/

    Edit : Take that back on BDO forgot they just recently got bought out by a shaddy azz company that has started to make it pay to win near the end of the game.. You may still like it but, I forgot to list the reason why I quit playing it cause when they sold it to said company I lost about 4000 hrs of game time and never got nothing back for it so I quit in anger and spite.

  3. I dont interact with people in the game unless i have to. Most friends I made through the game are no longer with me so I'm literally running around city states cluelessly and even seeing old friends around. You were very lucky with your raid team and how long it lasted. All of my teams disbanded and in not a single team did I make another friend. I treat 14 as a single player game and try to have fun on my own even if it sounds depressing. I'm used to it so no hard feelings.

    Good luck for the future and stay cool o/

  4. I can relate somewhat, I've been fucked over by my first (not the last) raiding guild because of the petty drama, a GM that doesnt give a fuck, and, it turned out that they were absolute rats all along, and I still cringe from the XIV CUMmunity to the point that I don't ever want to return to the game, but i'll watch Asmon's stream when he gets to Endwalker in 2024 xd

  5. I'm sad to hear that you're leaving for good but just like you said you have to take care of yourself ❤ I love watching your FF content and think that your perspective on the game is very insightful. Best of luck in all that you do and no one will roll their eyes if you come back – it's a great game and FF and it's community will be here if you do.

  6. Hopefully you come back after a long rest. Everyone needs some time off their favorite game in order to get motivated again, the game will always be there anyway so there's no need to rush anything and if you really are not coming back then thanks for everything and I hope what ever you do now makes you happy

  7. Probably the first time and the last time I will comment on YT video but I just wanted to say I started tanking because of you and wanted to say thank you. All your videos have been very helpful for me. All the best in whatever you do in the future.

  8. your videos on FF vs WoW raiding and FF tanking both got me to try EW and pursue tanking. I was looking forward to any content you would have dropped in EW, but I understand your decision. Thanks for the help you've given me and likely a lot of others.

  9. I wish you the best man. Your videos inspired me to be a tank. Good luck in your future endeavors Lynx! I’ll miss those great tanking vids! IF you change your mind and come back, you’ll hear NO judgement from me!

  10. Who are you? Sucks but hope you move on and try not to bash the game before its biggest expansion ever. You guys are so selfish make money off of it then you shit on the game. Opportunists!

  11. You're one of the reason i improved my tanking a lot on savage raids and ultimates. you have always been an inspiration to tanks everywhere. Godspeed on your future endeavors!

  12. I've raided since the very start and I used to care so much about my parses and being the best, but in the end, that really doesn't fulfill me at all. I live the game, I want to enjoy the game.

    I find the top end mentality so incredibly toxic that I'm much happier not having the stress of staying the best and making sure every last button I press is perfect when after a few months, no one will really care.

  13. I relate to this a lot, with many "forever games" , there comes a point where the game has nothing else for you and ye when this happens the best thing is to move on. It happens a lot specially with card games.

    Have fun friend, thanks for everything.

  14. Good deal man. I gave up mmos during college a while back and touched grass and started focusing on rl. I no longer hardcore play games and play ffxiv for story and crafting. I have not touched a savage raid because of this and lost a relationship because of scheduled raiding. So do your thing brotha. Best of luck

  15. I don't think any reasonable adult would be disappointed in you, but I at least am a bit saddened you've chosen to retire from a hobby that used to be fun.
    Hope everything works for you.

  16. Hey Lynx , sorry to hear the news but I hope you have the best of luck wherever you go. Just wanted to say you were one of the first xiv creators I watched when I first got into the game and I can definitely say I got into tanking because of you and your videos. Hope xiv catches your interest again down the road and that you can enjoy it without any added stress from YouTube. Take care

  17. Idk, as someone who has played since 2.0 and taken breaks and just enjoyed the game when I feel like it. Idk why your treating it as some zero sum situation where you can either dedicate yourself fully to it or quit altogether. It's a game thats meant to be fun and that belies a mindset thats going to ruin gaming for you in entirety. Like don't get me wrong gaming is my hobby, it is my favorite thing I have been gaming for like 29 years now and never taken a break from gaming in general. But I don't see why it's all or nothing on FFXIV for you the games made to have breaks l, Yoshi P himself says hey leave and just come back when your hearts on it.

  18. The reason we play games sometimes is to enjoy the best part of a game. In this game, it is the opportunity to play and have fun with others. I can only hope you find another game to give you that feeling.

    I learned that not every game is perfect, nor what we hope to play on any given day. Game variety is vital. Halo one day, Destiny another, FF game on a weekend, something like that. Keeps you sane, if you play often.

    Don't come back and expect people to see you as a negative. We will move on and let you move on unless you gave anyone trauma, which I don't think you did at all. So, let's make good content and play the game we need to play at all times.

    Good luck, man.

    (P.S.) I can only hope you don't revert back to WoW… you may find a worse experience and it might just damage your brain IMO.

  19. This is why I don’t get involved with people in 14. I have a great FC and it’s fun, but if things go downhill for whatever reason, I’ll just leave them and stay alone or get another FC


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