I'll watch and enjoy every single one! 😏 #finalfantasy14 #ffxivmemes #ff14memes #ffxiv #ff14


42 thoughts on “I'll watch and enjoy every single one! 😏 #finalfantasy14 #ffxivmemes #ff14memes #ffxiv #ff14”

  1. 5.5k hours in this game. I have never seen anyone even make a negative remark on someone who watches the cutscene. Worst thing I've seen is 1 person in an entire alliance raid pull and say "it's only 1 person in the cutscene".

  2. If my memory serves, there is only ONE place we players go "Welp, it's movie time." Every time because we legit can't skip the cutscenes. Running gag of "Brought the popcorn" Kek.

  3. As someone who skips cutscenes I still encourage people to watch them. People enjoy the game differently and should experience everything to an extent before having coming to a conclusion. If you wanna skip then skip, but you gotta give it a chance first.

  4. I havent experienced anyone complaining about this but I did have a experience with toto rok before endwalker came out.

    First time running it was playing smn I get to the cutscene at the end and I can see and hear explosions going off in the background. Partway through I'm just like ok this is taking way too long and decided to skip the cutscene. Come out to my whole team either dead or dying trying to figure out what went wrong. I go in try to rez the DPS because everyone else tpd to the start only to have them also to start the minute I use swiftcast.

    So here I am on my own with the boss at 25% hp using bio and miasma for dot to DPS both the boss and adds, using potions for fast healing when I needed it physique when I had an opening, and swapped between ruby when I needed dps and topaz for it's shield and somehow managed to clear it on my own.

    Summoner was a different breed back then and I love it for what it used to be but now it's lost so much of what made me love it in the first place

    Still though was a moment I'll never forget

  5. I'm the cut scene re-watcher! Especially when I haven't seen it for awhile! 🤭

    It doesn't happen often for me, but the funniest thing on occasion is when I'm healing and they pull thinking I'm going to skip my cut scene for them HAHAHA oh no baby, you can go ahead and die while I eat my popcorn 🍿❤

  6. Its usually the RR content that folks will pull mid cutscene. Heavenward and up folks will boot you for not letting sprouts see CS. Im usually healing and have never seen the cutscenes😂. Aside on YT during Msq😂

  7. I have an ex that was playing through Heavensward and had just finished running The Vault for the first time and then apparently skipped all the cutscenes afterwards because a couple hours later I hear them say "wait did redacted die?"

    Needless to say, I had to remind them that this is why we don't skip cutscenes and also that perhaps they don't deserve to be told a smile better suits a hero.

  8. my gf and i were doing thaelia for the first time the other night and the final boss was at 80% by the time we got into the arena. there was even a ready check and countdown.

  9. Maan seeing all these people saying they will wait if a sprout is watching a cut scene, why cant i get you guys in my dungeon 😢😢, ive been told “its nothing important anyway”, “get ready”, “just watch it on yt”, and from then on i just skip them cut scenes lol, gave me ptsd from making people wait 😂😂

  10. It's been fun the last few weeks doing roulettes. I've had several instances of the tank pulling while the DPS is still watching the cutscenes in an MSQ dungeon. As a healer, I just stay back with the DPS and let the tank figure it out for themselves. Fun times!

  11. Litterally, nobody expects you to skip the cutscenes. Just watch your scene and ignore the fight until you're done. That's perfectly fine, and nobody will be upset.

  12. Reminds me of the time i was in discord voice once with some FC memebers and forgrt the details of what part of story it was but one FC mate goes " who is this?" We all started laughing because they always skip cut scenes then ask why a character is relevenat lol.

  13. I will never emotionally recover from this, but I was running a dungeon with a friend. While watching the opening cutscene one of the other random's in the party made a simple remark. "Is this guy taking notes" and still to this day like 3 years later me and my friends joking remark that to each other whenever we are taking to long doing anything.

  14. If the cutscenes are voiced I’m watching it, if I’m stuck having to attempt to read that elven douchebags arch dialect I’m gonna blow my brains out.


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