I Took My First Steps into FFXIV Heavensward
In this video I started the Heavensward expansion, and got a tour of Ishgard, hung out with my bro Haurchefant, fought in a court of law, searched for heretics and to top it all off I met the pope.
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My FF14 Journey:
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Final Fantasy 14 or FFXIV is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Square Enix. Directed and produced by Naoki Yoshida, it was released worldwide for Windows and PlayStation 3 in August 2013, as a replacement for the failed 2010 version of the game, with support for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and macOS releasing later. Final Fantasy XIV takes place in the fictional land of Eorzea, five years after the events of the original 2010 release. At the conclusion of the original game, the primal dragon Bahamut escapes from its lunar prison to initiate the Seventh Umbral Calamity, an apocalyptic event which destroys much of Eorzea. Through the gods’ blessing, the player character escapes the devastation by time traveling five years into the future. As Eorzea recovers and rebuilds, the player must deal with the impending threat of invasion by the Garlean Empire from the north.
#ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv #finalfantasy
I remember this stream
While watching you stream is nice, its nice to see you back at video summaries of your journey <3
I enjoyed this!