I See Why MSQ Is Slow In Final Fantasy 14 #ffxiv #ffshorts

I See Why MSQ Is Slow In Final Fantasy 14 #ffxiv #ffshorts

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3 thoughts on “I See Why MSQ Is Slow In Final Fantasy 14 #ffxiv #ffshorts”

  1. ARR MSQ used to be much more of a slog, bat has thankfully been tweaked a few times to be a but more streamlined the last few years. The parts you were talking about here is one of those very lines that used to be much longer lol. As you can see, only so much can be cut without jeopardizing the story making since

  2. New subscriber. I started playing about a year and a half ago, and getting through ARR was agony for me.

    Being a primarily action-oriented gamer (shooters, games like Devil May Cry and other action games, etc) I was not prepared to deal with so many silent text boxes and cinematics of characters sitting around a table or standing in a semi-circle talking to each other about current events.

    The kind of quests you're experiencing now (go here, talk, go back, talk) will never go away, but will instead shift largely (but not entirely) away from fluff and instead stay much more relevant to the main (and most interesting) thrust of the story at hand at any given time. This shift begins in Heavensward and is most prominent in Endwalker.

    In any case, I just want to sum up by saying: stick with it, don't be shy about skipping. Do whatever you need to do to survive ARR, because the rest of the game is absolutely worth it. It went from boring me to tears, to genuinely moving me to tears.

    Welcome to Eorzea, and good luck.

  3. Like has been said here, ARR is A LOT. Have fun with the absurdities of it. Going here and there and doing foolishness. You’re building a legend! Trust and believe 10 years worth of story is a lot to digest but the payoff is actually amazing and you’ll feel great about being engaged in the telling of this EPIC story.


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