I REALLY Love PVP – Final Fantasy XIV

STILL my favorite non-raid content in the history of this game!! Ranked diamond to crystal climb on elemental when redmage wasn’t nerfed yet.
You can find me here:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ferro
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ferro_maljin
Official Discord: https://discord.gg/UeZmpq4

EDITED by: https://twitter.com/hfordmusic

Dancing fairy artist: https://twitter.com/umbral_wind


8 thoughts on “I REALLY Love PVP – Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. This concludes the 6.1 PVP redmage stuff. If you all like PVP content then let me know because there will be more on the way. I LOVE PVP!

  2. Gotta love the people who spam "Push the crystal!" when we're clearly not in the position to be doing so. I've had games where people would spam "Push the crystal!" while they were chasing squirrels in Narnia and ended up dead and still kept on spamming the message while waiting to respawn, rinse and repeat for the entire match. Like, do you seriously expect a freaking bard to step inside the circle with 3 enemies in it???

    Also, yes, more PVP content, please. It's fun to watch people suffer.


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