A FF14 music parody video of It Wasn’t Me
by Shaggy
Lyrics by – Best_Wife_Plam
Performed by – Best_Wife_Plam
Filmed & Edited by – Switch2501
Sound Mixed By – DDM STUDIOS L.L.C
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We split the donations between us and DDM Studios.
You can check out Best Wife Plam on her Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/best_wife_plam
Be sure to check out Switch2501 on his Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/switch2501
And as always, We couldn’t put these videos together without the help of our awesome community!:
Xytrixz, Nyaesa, Xizzillix, Sara, Fuoco, S’achi
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This is so awesome! God, I laughed so hard, especially at the Estinien bit – that really is a good reason to watch that cutscene ^^
Not knowing Moenbryda triggered me 😂
This one hurt a bit to watch
And like a true FF fan, engaging with the content comes back to horny. 😋
Awesome video you two. I definitely know a few cutscene skippers in my FC. ¬_¬
This is your best one yet
To be fair, DT has a LOT of cutscenes.
Judging skippers when I started, only to become a cutscene skipper myself. The true Dawntrail experience. We live in dark times.
And this is why i dont force my friend to play. They dont care for the story. Whatever game that is
I refuse to skip any cutscene, including the credits lol
"Who's that lala with the paintbrush" HALP
These are your tightest lyrics yet! I love that “to be a player gotta know how to play” works for both songs
Such an amateur mistake! Lore in FC chat? Just type "NO SPOILERS" in all caps. 😆
to be fair: skipping in Dawntrail is the only way to get this addon done without a mental breakdown about how bad it is.
"I can't read it all" yea 11 years of lore is a lot, if you skipped it
This is a certified banger. I don't know who you are since this is my first vid of you that popped up on my recommended, but I can't wait to find out what else you got in store. please take this sub :3
The only time I've skipped cutscenes is on alts or in NG+, though I do completely understand those who do skip lol I've come really close more than a few times, though not since shb. Fantastic song had me cackling the whole time.
These parodies are simply too good
Also, I'm being really here, your voice very clean and this song theme style is so good on you.
Definitely trying out for a singing contest
"What the hell is a Moenbryda?" I see we are choosing violence today.
This is great!😂😂 made my night!
10/10 as always <3
wait. if you skip cutscenes then you don't know who Wuk Lamat is….i think I'm going to start skipping cutscenes now
Your parodies are amazing and spot on. Truly the "Weird Al" of FFXIV music.
This is exquisite
(Don't tell anybody, but I skipped every MSQ cutscene until Aymeric showed up)
for a few hot seconds i thought the sexy npc in question was valens
I think I just found Quin69's theme song.
Lmao! I feel called out
No joke, I had a guy in my FC who would skip the story no matter what because he didn't care about it. All he wanted to do was the hard content. But then complained when he unlocked the EX trials day 1 of an expansion and there was nobody else doing it yet.
This is amazing lmao
this was epic, beautiful and very well done!
My sides, lol.
See, I don't mind people who are open about skipping and not caring (and I quote: "I only know there is this guy named Alphinaud because he gives out so damn many quests"), but I had this one guy trying to convince everyone he didn't skip, but got found out when prompted for (obvious) story details. These types I don't get.
Anyway, awesome work, please keep making more!
Can anyone tell me what shirt the lalafell is wearing? It looks lovely!
Whose this guy that doesn't talk right? hahahahaha
Gods it feels like a full circle experience hearing this parody right now.
I first discovered the original song through a Kingdom Hearts video years ago and now…..
I was already sold on the song itself, but the ending with Estinen shirtless was pure gold. Great work!
"I wanted to play a game not watch a movie" – me when first disovering ff15 (missed 90% of the plot the first playthrough)
Relatable 😂
I am the very opposite of this, I live for the lore! I will go back and watch the cutscenes in the Unending Journey multiple times if I think there was an element of the lore that I missed the first time, or if I want to clarify something that came up in current content
Absolute banger, you've outdone yourself yet again. Both the lyrics and the editing have a nice flow, and the singing is on point.
I am sharing this with my fc
Great video.
Thal's Balls bouncing on Menphina's Teats, I did NOT notice Zero's downward glance until now.