I did NOT expect this at all.. First Time FFXIV Playthrough Part 26

Part 26 of my Final Fantasy 14 playthrough! This episode we fight the Primal Titan.. with a MAJOR cliffhanger! Hope you enjoy!


13 thoughts on “I did NOT expect this at all.. First Time FFXIV Playthrough Part 26”

  1. Ah no access to skill as you were level synched to level 36 (so any skills above this wouldn't be available as you technically haven't learnt them). You can see from the little gold symbol next to your name.

  2. This fight introduces the player to some of the mechanics that you will see throughout the game. It took me awhile to learn them as well. Of most importance for me as a DPS player is the DPS check, in this case, "Titan's Heart" where you have to off the add in a certain time frame before the boss' enrage hits. It's a bit hard to see at first, but the game, especially in the duty support system that you used, auto-targeted the heart for you. So where you saw it as Titan gaining health, it was actually a different target. Also, did I laugh when you lost the edge of the arena – I can't even begin to tell you how many times I fell off the edge before figuring that out. XD – I'm thoroughly enjoying your videos – thank you for sharing them!

  3. So, you made it to the famous "gut punch" part of ARR. Dont worry, its just the first of many. Keep tissues and chokolade always at hand and dont forget to drink – and breathe. Breathing is good you ^^

    And normal trials dont drop loot – only hard and extreme mode.

  4. Hey, you beat Titan on your first try! … Fell? No, I don't remember that.

    The attack you couldn't figure out how to dodge is unavoidable, a lot of bosses will have unavoidable attacks like that. And "anon" is an old-timey way of saying "soon."

  5. The Titan fight is there to introduce you to some mechanics that you will be seeing more of.
    1. Raidwides – Tumult is one such move. These hit the entire party regardless of where you are. It's up to the Healer to keep an eye on these just in case things start to go south.
    2. Shockwaves – You saw these when Titan jumped back down to the ground. You do not want to be close to these. The further you are from these, the better.
    3. Knockback – Thankfully, you did not get hit by Landslide. These will knock you back in addition to damaging you, and they can also send you off the platform, killing you instantly.
    4. Immobilzation – When you got imprisoned in those rocks. These can cause a lot of harm if it is not dealt with quickly.
    5. Adds phase/ DPS check – Titan's Heart is one of these, as was the Infernal Nail when you fought Ifrit. Deal with these as quickly as possible, or things will go really bad really fast.

    And I see that you have faced your 1st gut punch of the game. It hits so suddenly that I was still taken off guard on my 2nd playthrough of ARR on my alt.

  6. I took a looong break from MSQ after I beat Titan. For several days, I hung out in Limsa, leveled several jobs and generally explored the area.

    The gut punch and sheer level of guilt I felt when I returned to the Waking Sands…
    First time I cried in this game

  7. Its cool to play with npcs but I defintely recommend at least doing dungeons or trials with real players soon man so you get used to it and how it works with roles and different jobs and how to play with tanks/healers

  8. Incase anyone else has not mentioned it, the reason you cannot use your #6 ability (Barrage) is because the ability is level 38, and during this trial you are "level synced" down to 36, therefore you are at a level where you would not have this ability.

  9. Imo, Titan kind of marks the end of the “babby’s first MMO” drip feed of information. From here on out, the game starts assuming a bit more familiarity with basic MMO concepts (gearing, party finding, and skill unlocking especially).

    You’ve still got a couple more “foundation” duties before the combat tutorial ends. That doesn’t mean that the duties get particularly difficult though. It just means that failure becomes a legitimate possibility if multiple people mess up unlike right now where you basically have to AFK to fail.

    Company of Heroes is definitely a drag. Some might say there’s another slow spot in the ARR patches but it’s not as bad as pre-Titan imo.

    I’m already recognizing a few of my MSQ watching cohorts in the comments. But in case you’re wondering about general viewership, the spike doesn’t usually happen until right before Heavensward. If you make there then you’ve officially survived the ARR filter and get to enjoy the upgrade in writing, voice acting, and stylishness that cause a lot of people to truly fall in love with the game. The music is great from the beginning imo (Uematsu is a legend) but it really starts to stand out in HW and only gets more ridiculous (in a good way) as Soken and the sound team are given more more freedom to incorporate rock and electronic elements along with the already amazing orchestral and operatic pieces.


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