I Counted Every Head Nod In FFXIV's MSQ

I’m so tired and too lazy to make a super long video


46 thoughts on “I Counted Every Head Nod In FFXIV's MSQ”

  1. Lmao my first time going through the msq and I just had to see if anyone was perturbed by this. Posted only 16hrs ago too! Anyways….clearly what’s supposed to be the epic scenes and my character is just stoned faced….and nods 😂. Next time my wife tries to argue with me I’m just going to stare at her and nod. 😐🙂‍↕️

  2. Amazing work, I know you are tired, because I saw part of your huge journey counting all the head nods in your streams on twitch. Now you can finally rest hahahaha, is wonderfull see you finish, and I need to say your streams are super good.

  3. That's an admirable feat, no doubt. I was just hoping to learn how many of those were from WoL vs other characters, but I certainly won't be spending my time attempting to gain this knowledge myself.

  4. "I have always found it a bit silly that the WoL nods so much"

    If i had to guess i'd say its a homage to FF1-6. Characters were 2D sprites and game cartridges had limited storage so they just used that one nod animation they had for all it was worth in every scene.

  5. According to this WoL and the Scions have nodded some 658.30 times per expansion. In MSQ because I'd bet we can pump those numbers up with Job, Sidequests and other content. Not that I'm asking Amity to give more to this cause, lie down soldier; your war's over.

  6. Seriously thank you. Not even joking when I say I was curious – I also thought the frequency of headnods was through the roof and I would start to nod my head before the player or npc’s do. Also that weird twist sideways headnod. My guess was it would be at least 10k total so honestly a ting bit surprised the count is that low.

  7. Lmao, I had this idea too. Thanks to your intrusive thoughts winning to actually count them, I must thank you for satisfying my curiosity. 👏🏻


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