I Cleared P8S in Party Finder

P8S – the last fight in the Abyssos tier in Final Fantasy XIV – is one of the hardest savage raids in a long time. Can a single angry Lalafell brave the randos of Party Finder to clear the fight? Yes… but at what cost?


36 thoughts on “I Cleared P8S in Party Finder”

  1. i never found pf that bad. pf could be bad but you also have the choice to leave anytime. i cleared in pf faster than the other hc group that i know. i also saw so many groups fall apart, but pf will never let you down. I dont know, i guess all your audiences are those kind of week 1 hard core raiders, or maybe just talk shit about pf and show that they are better(maybe lmao)

  2. I am so tired of Lalafells… I swear the only people that play them are people who are even more cringe and ugly irl so they're fine with it in game.

    Watch the smartass Lalafell replies, they're all the same.

  3. I learned p8s1 with pf, cleared with friends help (legendary 0 pars(
    For p8s2, I lucked out to fill the spot for static that was in pf(dragged them through p8s1 first doe), so i learned and finally cleared with them.
    First clear clocked about 600-800 pulls.
    After a few clears with static, I could reliably clear in pure pf.

  4. I don't even like the game, hell I don't even know what is even going on fully in the video. Yet, by some miracle, this pint sized deep voiced dungeon destroyer has managed my full 5 minutes of ADHD attention span solid. Quite possibly one of the best videos I've ever seen.

  5. I swear to fuck I've been playing FFXIV since 1.0 and holy shit do I just get disgusted seeing the absolute convoluted mess that Savage raiding has become. Like it's not even fun sitting through this shit anymore. Extremes are the idyllic difficulty that the game should strive for between a good balance of personal enjoyment and reward.

  6. LOL my static cleared p5-p7s in the first 2 weeks of the patch and we just FINALLY beat p8s 2 weeks ago LOL we did take 2 months off for thanksgiving and the holidays though

  7. Am I the only one who doubts the sentence (one of the hardest fights in the game)
    P8s is in fact one of the easiest fights over all expansions only beated by a6s.
    So please don't talk about difficulty of easy fights just because your Server has a high demand of illiterate Players (which I kinda won't exclude you from after watching this)

  8. 4:33 Looks like a feline to me, looking at its mouth shape. Some bald Lion or Lioness head with octupus tentacles coming out of its eyes. A bear resembles a canine much more. I'm still calling it dog for the sake of ease regardless.

  9. Okay ngl. You should make guides for Savage fights. Your voice is perfect for you and your smoll little jokes between the scenes are just awesome! I love your videos man keep continue them! x3

  10. If you think Aether PF comes up with really dumb strats for things, wait until you find out how much easier JP snake priority is over this Light party 1 CCW light party 2 CW nonsense. STOP BEING STUBBORN WITH WEEK1 STRATS DAMMIT!

    For JP priority:
    Everybody looks at A and goes clockwise. Everybody.
    Know which role goes first.
    Within your role, see who has the same debuff as you.
    Then go by this priority…
    1: MT→ST→H1→H2 :2
    1: M1→M2→R1→R2 :2

    If you are first in that priority list, you stop at the first snake. If second in that priority, go to the second snake.
    Then realize: MT always takes the first snake. H2 always takes the second snake.
    M1 always takes the first snake. R2 always takes the second snake.
    *They got the braindead job*

    So ST, H1, M2, and R1 can just focus the other person in their role to figure out which snake you kill. (tank focus tank, ranged focus ranged, etc)
    Example: I'm M2. So I focus target the other melee in my group. I notice we both have the gaze. Therefore I'm getting the second snake clockwise.

    No flex. No callouts. No thought. This is what allowed my static to finally move past snake 1. You can use this exact same priority for the shriek (orange circle) on snake 2.

    Yes, the "normal" way is "doable" for people who "aren't bad"
    That doesn't mean this isn't better. What I just explained is normal for OCE and JP. NA is the weird one.


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