Hello Albsterz Here, today we are on a mission to collect all the mounts in FFXIV. To start with we need to grab the easiest mounts. And some are EPIC!!
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#Albsterz #FFXIV #Endwalker
Aka the dark knight mount farm
Easy way to farm these.
Step 1: Level up blue mage and learn all the spells required
Step 2: Have primal instinct, mighty guard and aetherial mimicry: DPS up.
Step 3: Cast the following: whistle – off guard – moon flute – tingle – quickcast – glass dance – final sting
Step 4: profit!
Yo dude, I just want to ask, are you uploading FF7 Remake every two days or when you feel like you wanna play? XD
Nightmares is the hardest to get it, 0.5% drop. Congratulations
IMO the best time to farm trial mounts is right after a mogstone event so you can preemtively check some mounts off the list (got half of the ponies and doggos that way)
Lol i can feel the happiness when those mounts dropped. Also great JoJo posing 👍
Hold the phone. You're doing lootmaster mount farming, and you're taking the mount LAST?! This just tells me everything I need to know about you. Super cool, dude. <3
I've done ifrit unsync a lot of times but never seen it drop THAT fast… then I saw there was a blu in the party and everything made sense xD Good job on those mounts ma boi!
You didnt get the kirin mount do the quest a legend for a legend Mor Dhona (X:21, Y:8). It is worth it trust me!!! 🙂
You got the bong mount🤪
I shall have a drink everytime Albsterz says "yes yes!"
Grats on nightmare! I had to nope out of that one after 100 runs with nothing!