Hey there, I’m SydNova! I have been playing FFXIV since 2.0 in 2013.
I absolutely loved learning about all this. If you happened to know all of this, then that’s awesome and you win!
I stream FFXIV live on Twitch about 5 days a week currently.
0:00 Intro
0:27 Sephirot’s Lore in FFXIV
1:42 Introduction to Kabbalah
4:42 Sephirot’s Abilities
10:33 Sephirot’s Quotes
13:13 Final Thoughts
SydNova’s socials:
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/sydnova
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/dXwvBPc
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/syd_nova
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/syd_nova/
Sephirot is my favourite server!
Really well put together! Lorehound go!!!!!
The thing I find interesting about Sephirot is that going by the trial description, he seems like he might've been conceived for the sole purpose of fighting the Allagans. On review it's more ambiguously-written than I remember and might just refer to his summoning, but it still reads to me like Sephirot genuinely might not have been a deity until his tribe were pressed to summon something, ANYTHING, to combat the Allagans.
I generally knew about his Kaballah influence, but from a weird direction! It comes up in Persona 3, and there's weirdly multiple card archetypes based on the tree of life in Yu-Gi-Oh.
Great lore video. Thanks for that! I had wondered why FFXIV's Sephirot and FFVII's Sephiroth were so similarly named.
It would be cool to look at the other two eikons as well, y'know, just on the off-chance that we happen to travel to Meracydia at some point in the game…
On an unrelated note (I was reminded when he appeared briefly in the video), shouldn't Emperor Xande have red eyes? Or is he not actually part of the royal bloodline?
Wow! This is way more thorough and interesting than I expected. To think not only the name but even the abilities, arena, adds was all influenced by religion…! Appreciate your work! Very high quality video
OMG ty for the coverage! I'd love to visit Meracyda too! Been wondering if anyone will ever talk about this. TY I learn so much new stuff today! I love the talk about religion! It's eye opening!
Very interesting video. Please make more
That was amazing, Ty so much for that info
informative video really good
Just found this channel and there is so much for me to watch and it is good content too! I am excited to see more
Great Video. I always love the lore of the triad and their relations to the gods from ff6, nice to see how they made him unique in ff14. Thanks 😀
actually ridiculously interesting, 15 minutes flew by
That was super fascinating! Thank you for this video, and yes, id love to see more of these!!
That was really interesting. I hope you do the other two as well. It would be really cool to learn more about them as well.