I Am Sorry | FFXIV Healer Main Experience | Reaction @BirdCyclops

#FF14 #FFXIV #finalfantasyxiv #finalfantasy14 #finalfantasy #vtuber #reaction

Final Fantasy Sprout reacts to Adan’s FFXIV hilarious video about the struggle playing healers. Honestly it’s a lot of fun and recommend trying it if you haven’t yet.

Go check out the original video in the link below


13 thoughts on “I Am Sorry | FFXIV Healer Main Experience | Reaction @BirdCyclops”

  1. Endwalker taught me to mitigate. DRKs had to in dungeons otherwise we were effed since living dead used to be utter trash. Is why I keep advising you to use The Blackest Night when you see tank busters in raids/trials, also handy for big pulls. Healers will thank you. 🙂

  2. I caught that backflip live as it happened.

    …and as a fellow RDM, let me just say that it is 1000% accurate to playing the job during content you don't know.
    …and even in content that you do know.

  3. Adan's first and biggest mistake, Being a Scholar main! White Mage is the superior Healer class! (No disrespect for you Dipper playing Sage) But WHM is the superior Healer Job class! Besides that, yes this video is very accurate, and there is SO much truth behind it.


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