How To Jump Queue on FFXIV Endwalker

Works for some 🙂

FFXIV,FF14,Final Fantasy 14,Final Fantasy XIV,Final Fantasy XIV Online,FFXIV Online,Final Fantasy 14 Online,Twitch,WoW,World of Warcraft,Endwalker,queue,how to play,wait time,wait,how to play ffxiv


32 thoughts on “How To Jump Queue on FFXIV Endwalker”

  1. My caution if you do this is remember that you can afk during character screen queues, but you can't afk in game world transfer queues. Last night I saw a friend group regretting doing this because they were just hanging out in Gridania for hours trying to get back into their world. I don't think there's anything designed to give in game world transfers any precedence over those normally logging in so you may be stuck from your world for a bit.

  2. Just tried this and it wouldn't let me. It said it was "unavailable" right now. I'm not even on a comparatively popular server/world. My native world is Malboro in the Crystal servers, but I'm still not allowed to transfer. Sitting in a 3k queue after getting DC'd in the middle of a story cutscene. I feel like they should at least put in some sort of fail-safe that gives you priority re-logging if you get DC'd by the 9000 error in the middle of playing. Afterall, getting DC'd like that would mean you already waited in 3, 4, 5k or higher queues once that evening just to get in and play, then you get kicked and get the pleasure of sitting in the same queue you already slogged you way through just to get BACK in. 🙁


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