How to Git Gud in FFXIV using FFLOGS & XIVanalysis (DRK DSR Analysis)

I often got asked how to start and try to git gud on FFXIV. In this guide I try to explain how I usually try to git gud on classes that I know the basics of (like opener, basic rotation) but rather new to optimizing the class/ the fight.

Hopefully this video can help you improve.

Special thanks to Inori

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8 thoughts on “How to Git Gud in FFXIV using FFLOGS & XIVanalysis (DRK DSR Analysis)”

  1. Hi hardcore raider here. I took your advice and went looking for logs to improve my AOE rotation in dungeons, but somehow I just couldn’t find it.
    Any help here?
    Also any guide to improve my gathering rotation would also be appreciated 😊

  2. 😂 I'll still log better than the vast majority of people obsessed with making-number-go-up. And not even know it, until they pull my logs after having an argument that psychology, sociology, anthropology, & statistics departments at ivy leagues have defended & peer-reviewed & settled for as long as MMOs have even existed.

    FFXIV hosts some of the dumbest smart people on the planet, I swear.

    If you want to be better at the game you have to have fun, and *rushing through the fun parts* is how you get bad, not gud. It's a shame I even have to explain this, it's practically self-evident.

    Definition of insanity 🤡


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