How to catch Phallaina in FFXIV (1,400 Purple Scrip Fish)

It’s rare, it’s not worth farming, but it’s every hour for ~18 minutes and it’s worth a trawler load of purple scrips. It’s Phallaina, everyone’s favorite happy space manta ray.

0:00 Intro & What to know ahead of time
0:15 Prep
1:25 Phallaina window opens
1:43 Mooch info
2:58 Phallaina Catch
3:40 Turning Phallaina in

Fish: Phallaina
Location: Ultima Thule
Hole: Limne 3-B
Bait: Stardust (mooch)
Conditions: 00-04, any weather

Arrive early to Limne 3-B, and cast out with Stardust. Reel in any !! bite you get before 10s. You’re looking for a Horizon Event, which is used to mooch into Phallaina. It’s a pretty common bite, but not common enough to be consistent. Once you catch one, use Identical Cast and wait for the Phallaina window to open. Use Collector’s Glove if you haven’t, either.

😊Phallaina Window
Just before the window opens, use Patience II, and cast out. Catch the Horizon Event with Powerful Hookset. Mooch it, after the window is open. Phallaina is a rare !!! bite, ignore the rest to save time! Continue to catch Horizon Events like before, but this time maintain Patience II and mooch immediately. Continue this until you get the Horizon Event that’ll mooch into Phallaina.

Phallaina is a !!! bite, and requires Powerful Hookset to catch if using Patience. It can be turned in to a collectors appraiser for 1,400 purple scrip at higher tier collectability.

Good luck and happy fishing!

💻Cast Timer Macro:
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11 thoughts on “How to catch Phallaina in FFXIV (1,400 Purple Scrip Fish)”

  1. This fish just doesn't like me x_x but im keeping at it! Last one i need for the endwalker log! How long do you think it took you to finally nab it?

  2. Are you sure the before 10 sec !! strat is correct? I haven't got a single bite, whole window with this macro waiting 10 secs everytime. Also a question, what's the point of doing the identical cast, rather than straight up patience II with countdown timer for the Horizon Event? Seems like a waste of GP to use the 1st Horizon Event with a identical just to catch it again when you can mooch the 1st one.


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