How My First Static Died In 2 Weeks | Final Fantasy XIV

In this video, I tell the story of my first static in Final Fantasy XIV, dubbed The New Raid Brigade. It was the first static I ever joined, but also the first I ever led. While it was stressful at the time, it is almost a funny story to look back on now. I’ve had time to reflect on my mistakes as a static leader and share them here so it might help someone looking to run a static of their own.

UPDATE (March 8th, 2021): The New Static Died Too…

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41 thoughts on “How My First Static Died In 2 Weeks | Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. My static days go all the way back to a realm reborn, starting off as a scrub who never raided in an mmo before, to someone who wanted to go further and faster in alexander, to a raid leader since Omega, and boy are there stories to tell xD

  2. I was once a high end raider way back in HW. And although I was able to clear savage raids at the time, then we attempted to clear A11s and for more then 3 weeks, I recognized my limit and I acknowledged that I cannot surpass it no matter how hard I try to practice and my DPS was being subpar at best. Even with all the encouragement and support my raid mates has been giving me, there's no denying that the static will not progress in its current party, and I felt like I was the weakest link. I eventually told our raid leader about how I felt, and since I main Ninja, and at the time, Ninjas were really needed to burst DPS in certain phases, the raid leader tried to convince me that I should stay and try harder. I told her that, A10s is the highest I can clear, and A11s is just something my brain could not keep up, I asked her to try raiding without me for just a week.

    And not to my surprise, when they found a replacement Ninja, they cleared 4 days after reset. Granted that the Ninja replacement was probably more experienced in the raid tier than I am, although the raid leader told me that the guy playing it also a newbie to the raid tier, and just recently switched jobs from BRD to NIN, it only confirmed my assumption that I was the one dragging them down. I eventually quit Savage Raids and only stuck in Extreme Raids as I can clear them fairly enough. My raid leader still would want me to come back since I was able to clear Extreme, then I should be able to clear Savage. At this point, I just feel like I don't want to come back and drag everyone down again, and that experience I had back in HW Savage Content still haunts me to this day.

    I still play the game and when I still try to complete EXTREMES when invited, but Savage, no I hadn't touched it since A11s up until the latest tier in ShB.

  3. imo it didn't sound like it was your fault, if people are frustrated with progress speed after the first day, they should speak up.
    it's a pretty bad attitude if you just lean back and say, well the leader didnt specify so I didntz bother asking about this thing that is important to me.
    I would stay the hell away from such people.

    point 4. following orders instead of learning, is most definitely not to blame on the one that is doing the call-outs.
    consistent call-outs by one person who learns quickly are very important, so that the rest of the group, that may be slower in learning, can catch up.
    if only relying on call-outs and don't bother learning the mechanic, raiding probably isn't for those people.

    I am sorry that your first Raid experience turned out to be like this.
    but keep at it, if you're still interested in difficult content.
    It may take a while, but you can find the right group and have lots of fun.

  4. I was perusing PF one day, and I stumbled across a static looking to "fresh prog" the new Eden's Promise tier. They told me they were actually a blind prog group, and didn't care about experience so long as I was willing to forgo watching videos on mechanics and learn them on the fly, with much pain included. 3 weeks later, we got our E9S clear, onto E10S. Hope we can pull through to E12S, but man this is the longest I've ever been in a static. Even though we technically are getting fewer clears overall, blind progging forces all of us to stick together week to week.

  5. My static fell apart really fast due to work reasons and skill reasons a lot of us including me were new to raiding while there was some vets or more skilled players that joined and left as our prog was slower then they liked but because of this my raiding has been held back a lot still progging e11s then getting clears.

  6. Tbh, creating a static can be difficult and it's a lotta work. I'd try PF'ing and who knows, maybe you'll get scouted and adopted into one. The static I was brought in to needed 1 tank and 1 healer, who we adopted straight outta puggin' in PF since our static wasn't full yet. It's worth a shot.

  7. Yo! I used to play ffxiv A LOT, raided like crazy and managed to make my way through ultimates, but I stopped playing a while back for now making room for new people to come. Keep your head up bro, things like these always happen and you always learn from it, if not for a fight, then at least for yourself. Cheers man!

  8. I had a static recently that fell apart, as well. We cleared E5&7 late into the last tier, then went on to do E9S. Problem was, clearing was slow and people's schedules got inconsistent. So when the Samurai started pushing for 3-4 raid nights a week to try and clear the tier as soon as possible, it resulted in mass burnout. The samurai (same one who pushed for all that time) plus one of the tanks and our summoner all decided to quit, citing burnout as a reason. After a few weeks passed of scraping together failed pug groups, the static fell apart. Tragic, really. We got clears of E9S, and were almost at a clear for E10S when this all went down. A shame none of could get out clear.

    Also, as I'm writing this a month or so later, three of the original members decided to continue on and re-form the static, but haven't been able to get past E10S because they keep having people come in, take an E9S clear and then resign. Feels bad.

  9. i been in raids where leader talks for 45 mins non stop and thinks we new players know they whole raid in 5 secs which never works i was a old FC leader and will say many players learn at different speeds I'm almost 47 years old in ff11 i was at my prime in raiding till my ff 11 account was hacked and i was depress and gm's didn't help me at all cause i didn't have a game token back then in my noobs days but now i do. But i ran 1000s of raids up to omega 12 sav and Eden 4 sav and started to get tire of farming gears that only last 6 months before they go out of date there's never a end to farming gears i mean look at FF11 its still going on after 20 years haha. But mmo's all grow old and die someday and we all need to learn that and people come and go out of our lives all the time everyday that's just how life is. I had 512 friends in my FC and over time some died some lost there jobs or homes and real life does effect everybody and you need to try and see things threw there eyes and try to understand what they are going threw. A lot people have jobs homes or food all thanks. This world is also going threw some massive changes like the ice walls melting and flood water level rising nothing last forever but out souls and that is all we get to take with us and our memories somewhat. But take your time and go slow and easy with new players and don't be so hard on them i been doing raids since 2001 i think sky and more in FF11 and ill admit my mind isn't as sharp as it used to be when i was in my teens i shit hold a lot video game world records in R.E.O in vs mode 97 players kills 0 death still undefeated in that game. Life goes on though its not as easy in theses hard times to play mmo's as it use to be 20 years ago and younger farts don't like us old farts and think we can know a whole fight in 1 day it don't work like that. I used to learn fights fast 20-30 years ago lol. But least your learning to go easier on people and take your time teaching them ok. I wish you luck.

  10. I'm on my 5th static and this one is looking promising so far, sometimes you gotta go through several statics before you find your ideal group, some people are just shitty and not worth your time. Good Luck for the future man.

    Edit: scratch that im on my 6th now and im still not happy.

  11. This is defintiely a very interesting video for me bc I've been thinking about starting my own static, especially after dealing with two toxic raid groups that fell apart. It was so frustrating I decided to just take a break until Endwalker. 
    I'm kind of nervous though cause I don't exactly have much leadership experience. I'm also not a very experienced raider, but I want to be able to set the tone/expectations and have my group understand that we will be progging for hours and make lots of mistakes before clearing the entire raid.

  12. As someone who led a static for over a year let me tell you why the raid disbanded. 1- Is not a job, there should be no rules other than common courtesy and respect other people time and it should be implicit 2- Leading a group doesn't mean you are their boss, again it all comes down to mutual agreement rather than a person telling others what to do. 3- A group of new raiders may approach end game content as regular content and they can become frustrated and think it's their fault and prompt them to quit. And finally is a game, we play it to have fun, the only place that I have heard "rules and expectations" is my job. Let people have fun and decide whether the end game is for them or not, and even if they ghost you that's okay that's their choice and you got to respect it.

  13. That DRK is such a coward for leaving like that smh
    They should have been a responsible adult and came to you with their problems rather than ghosting everyone

  14. I wasn't into savage but I tried this time with the second part of Eden.

    1st Static: I started with a friend that I lvled up most of my jobs=when he plays healer I go dps and viceversa for instant queues. He is main whm and I used to be smn/dnc/sch. We started with pf and met a group of people who also speak spanish='that's our main language. As we cleared A5S "hardly" we already had a clear my friend and me but they were messing a lot and they were "suppose" to have clears as well. Later on the "leader" was another healer but she pointed out if my friend or me missed "somehow" but when the others did nothing was said so that gave a bitter feeling and more for me since you know how easy is to replace a dps. I was like ok then we went for the next Ramuh clear since they didn't have A6S clear for all of them just the leader, and me had it. We got into Ramuh the fight didn't start and my controller suddenly acted weird that I fell and the leader said: Very nice way to start, not in a funny or nice way and started talking about it instead of just everyone to jump and just restart. After that day I told my friend that I'm out because I don't feel comfortable there, I was the highest dps, the one that could also revive people and they mostly the leader always found a way to make me feel "bad" + I progress/clear faster with pugs than that "static". He decided to stay with them so I left.

    2nd Static: Same story at the beginning, group cleared 1 and prog 2, np I was on 3 but I'm up to help but the "issue" was the sam. There is a tether mechanic where you do in and out or babysteps that we should have to agree with but the mch went with the sam when he was tethered with me doing the opposite strategy that we all agreed on, that wasn't the issue the problem was that the sam told the mch to follow him = killing me on purpose because he was doing more "dmg" than me I was like…I let that slide but the next week on Ramuh the mch changed to dnc because our "dps" and danced with the sam, I was like np, our dps wasn't that different. Then he started saying that he "wonders" why we aren't reaching dps check or people dying=I didn't die but the dnc did a few times but he was about me since they are "friends" so I said: You know what I could explain it but at this point it isn't even worthy. So I left, I explained everything to the leader that invited me and was very nice with me the whole time, she agreed with me and if I could consider to go back if she talked with him and I told her, nah when stuff like that happens it's better to let it go, tbh I prog faster on pugs than with this static. I knew something was going on after the first week they were on discord and the next one they weren't but speaking each other on another discord, that I wasn't. So yeah…

    3rd "Static": This wasn't "official" but we gather a few nights to clear when the leader advertised as a "static" but in the end after hours explaining and getting the clear next week they told me were "full" that they will go with their fc friends that had the clear previous week but didn't help them to clear. So yeah….

    The 1st-2nd groups like 2-3 members were always late 30-90m.

    I might try it again with Endwalker but gesh this is HARD…

  15. Life in Eorzea has taught me some impoertant things. People are wont to avert confrontation. People are more sensitive thsn you'd think and the process of doing things that are percieved as being other and not in line with fun, is too real. And people may very well missunderstand you, what you're like and you're intentions. I meself have recently taken the mantle of FC. Ond of me founding members jumped ship anx it appears that something went amiss, but they communicate, and they are still on me friend list, I don't know what to do and I fear something I said did not gell with them, but I dont know. The other 2 are super random and I probablg should remove them as the fc was intended to be private, but I need some mdmbers for natural growth. This mzy have been the thing to make that one leave but I do not know and I have faced terrible drama kn the past. So, I am bzck to Eorzea znd prepareing for Endwalker… Anyway, short of that tangent, its terrible outcome snd the lack of comminication is very concerning. Though of a virtualised reality, there are certain things that MUST be done that are a kin to work, to ensure fun for all and these people were unfair and very irresponsible. I hope things are are ok for you now, and that you have a better future, as we will all be walking towards the End times!

    Note: I have allot of catching up to do, but with Lance and Great Sword in hand, I will fly on Skies of Vermillion and dive into the abyss as the Vermillion Wanderer that I am.

    Best of luck to you snd everyone else that reads this!]:3

  16. Party finder is way better for beginners, it's just like a tank that's never seen any of tanks play, how should they know pulling big helps? Or that cooldowns aren't meant for tank busters exclusively? Just banging my head against my first savage raid had me learn a lot more then any mentor could teach me, learning how to use reprisal, tank swap, etc pretty quickly. This is doubly true because you're often forced to play with people who don't know how to give you advice, as happened with you. Not to mention you get used to crutches like E9S True North. Finally, people who are new to raiding have unrealistic expectations, like the ones in your video, honestly I don't know why more people don't give out the advice to start with PF to dip your toes in without having to support the hopes and dreams of 7 other people. Finally, at some point you're usually going to have to find a sub from the PF, and they have very different strats then the ones you're using, and if you don't PF then you'll never know exactly what strats you have to warn them you're using

  17. I feel like…you didn't do too much "wrong". Specifically, I think you're being harsh on yourself…and just assuming what could possibly be wrong in what you did. Honestly, I don't think you did anything wrong. Your callouts being a mini tutorial of the fight…IS exactly what new raiders need. There's far far too much going on, excitement happening…chemicals in the brain percolating,…learning the fights is more about getting comfortable with the fights. It's interesting you mention speed of clear being a thing…when you're also talking about people learning the fights because they are mutually exclusive. One suggests people already know the fights are are ready to charge ahead while the other suggests actual new raiders who aren't at all ready to charge forward at full speed. Maybe you had a mix of both people and for whatever reason they didn't feel comfortable in the NGR thinking it was more for the other group of people. It sounds to me the issue was more about inexperienced raiders and people being socially awkward…not talking to YOU or each other really. I know you blame yourself for that…but I promise you it wasn't your fault. You cannot fix social awkwardness….well you could probably but let's be honest, it's not your job.

  18. None of that is your fault! The people who joined and left were assuming to clear faster in a NEW to raiding group. They were hasty and disrespectful for not telling you how they feel. Also, your FC is awesome for teaching you the fight before raid night, wish I had one like that lol.

  19. Though I haven't joined my first static yet, I learned that being in and leading one takes extreme patience. And consisting of a community where a 50/60 percentage doesn't take criticism of any sort, and even advice well, it's hard to find both committed members and leaders, though mostly committed members. I find that alot of statics break due to everything that was already listed by others in the comment section XD but also I don't know what it is but from the one's I have seen/heard, people start to dislike or even create conflict with one another once raids don't go well, especially when it's happening consecutively.

  20. This might be a bit late but I hope that you found your group already. I also play FFXIV and would like to try raids and savages but I lack the confidence really ^__^;; I know some of the people are less tolerant to newbies in running savage contents so I tend to shy away from it. I saw people being too hypercritical to players who makes mistake during some run and was a little bit put-off. So I am just enjoying myself crafting and gathering and doing normal PF and alliance raid stuff. Haha

  21. That's actually really tragic. Glad to hear you were able to learn from the experience tho and that you're not giving up on raiding. Leading a static is hella stressful lol. Hope the new static has been working well.

  22. One thing I learned raiding HC and clearing ultimate is that communication is important before new tier do a few tryout for the new members and see if they like the atmosphere of the static see if they vibing

  23. My first real static I lucked out. Got invited to join a ultimate static this yea for TEA. Best thing that’s happened to me in the game. Met some awesome people. Cleared it many times after 4 months of progging. We have so much fun playing together. Now most of them are in my EW static.

  24. I remember watching this when I first wanted to make a static and I was nervous. This really helped me a lot keep our static and we've become a family! Thank you for sharing you experience with all of this.

  25. The problem I'm having with statics lately is everyone is becoming obsessed with parsing.

    My static and I had cleared all the way through to P4S and because my "Parse" wasn't good enough, even though we still cleared and christ we even beat bloody Hesperos, they booted me.

    It was mostly upsetting because without a warning I was blocked from being able to talk to anyone or even say goodbye, I thought I'd made some friends but they made it nothing more than exchange… I actually feel taken advantage of and dirty.

  26. As an extremely introverted person who also can't commit to a schedule the idea of statics absolutely terrifies me… Which also makes me sad because I genuinely have a really good skill ceiling at the game…

  27. I always give a prop for the static leaders. The determination and patience to arrange these things are never easy. But for point #1 (Didn't set speed), that would actually change nothing from my experience. A player who's new to savage usually have no idea how fast / slow they'll be progging. If they're too good or bad for the determined speed, they'll quit the static.

    I used to be in one too, but I quit my static because I think that they'll never clear the savage even if they raid every week. In short, they need to be carried. I quit, talked to the static leader about it,, and I felt so bad because he said tha he could see it coming, seeing as I never got hit by mechanic even once throughout 4 hours of raiding. It was E5s (Eden's Verse, Ramuh) at the time, and after I bolted from the static, I cleared until E7S (Eden's Verse, feathery fcking birds) from just PF. Then I decided to settle, didn't clear E8S.

    I helped my ex-static after. I didn't actually carry them per se, they have progressed nicely in E5s since I left them (if I still see them dying from the same mechanic I swear by the twelve-). But when your healer never died to individual mechanic (the stupid donut or on-spot lightning + horses, etc), it really helps because the res and heals just keep coming. I repeated the same pattern for E9s and we keep being good friends throughout the expansion.

  28. Looks like FF is filled with selfish players who would bail and leave ppl hanging rather than be social and talk about things. Kinda sad that ppl are fine with screwing other players over just because they dont have the social prowess to talk and express things. Theyd rather just ghost


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