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For new console players, the free trial is located in the demos section on PS4. Doesn't show up if you search for it manually
Here before the bald man
51h just for ARR? Took me 250h, but I leveled all craft and gathering jobs to 50 and completed 3 of 5 beast tribes daily quests.
20h just for 3.0? 100h here…I didn't enjoy the story so much, and I had to level another job for 54 to continue getting xp for the msq, because I did a lot of praetorium to get the tome from the event and I capped my paladin early into the HW.
I haven't done the 3.x msq yet and I have a /ptime of 407h. It can be how much as you want.
Probably the best thumbnail i have ever seen
That thumbnail lol. It's funny how SE used MLM hunbot language and it worked.
Is there by chance a checklist of quests that affect the story for future quests?
For example, becoming the Azure dragoon and Meeting the "Other" Azure dragoon in HW.
would be really nice to know.
Grinding relic weapons during free trial was quite an experience haha
I’ve been playing since early December, and so far I’ve managed to amass a total of 16 days and four hours near the end of Heavensward 3.4 patches. And even then, that’s without doing all the extra content.
Quite frank for a free trial this is such a huge trial. And honestly I’m planning on buying the full game and it’s just because of this trial that I’m even considering that.
1609 hours currently and I'm just about to start Stormblood proper, but I still have a bit stuff to do in HW to be fully satisfied to commit to Stormblood, but I think Stormblood now starts for me.
That’s a thumbnail
This reminds me I need to find a list of all the raids, trails, ect that are part of duty finder that is not part of the MSQ.
Mrhappy: 20 minute dps ques
Me: sitting for an hour and a half for a que
The thumbnail made me cry laughing, 10/10.
3:10 i did not know this, does this translate to new game+
I did moreless same on my free trial account. I wanted just replay AAR first(before game+ was added), but ended playing to the end of HW.
You cut lots of time simply knowing where to go, what to unlock, etc. so its not same as new player, but its still alot of content you can play for free. Even more if you would do crafting and gathering, but without retainers and market access its not worth.
I would love to go back and play the older trials and raids but the queue times really kill that motivation.
Ah so this is how you make thumbnails… This would be good to know xD
best youtube thumbnail ever
Welp, guess I've got some side-content to catch up on…
Just want to add for those people who don't care for the story. It might be a bit rough in the beginning but if you buy a skip you'll save yourself a ton of headaches and time grinding through the game.
Just get max level, learn the systems, then go back and do the raid content you actually care for.
So what level exactly is the Binding Coil of Bahamut able to be unsynced? And how long does it take to finish?
Nice video. I'm going to the free trial myself and been playing a Tank (Guardian). Been playing the past week (5-7 days) and I'm already on level 46. If not for your video, I would have missed a ton of other content. Thanks!
Once you reach the max level for free trial, will you still be able to play the game?
It's always so fun looking back. But you didn't mention the "mandatory" Hildibrand side quests, that are the cherry on top (for most people)
I started in 5.1 and am racking 65 days, 16 hours/ 1576 hours in free trial. And I still haven't finished all the beast tribe quests @_@ (granted most of my time is performing music in Limsa)
DATME: https://ok.me/ehOj
#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑)
#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾
I'm currently sitting at around 800 hours in the trial. There is much more to do than just going through the story. I completed a few relics and leveled many jobs, crafters and gatheres to 60 and it still feels like I have too much to do.
Still being on the trial means to be able to try out all jobs without the rush time. Once bought the time starts running…
Man this is a legendary thumbnail LOL
If sticking to the MSQ, how long would you speculate it would take to unlock the Machinist Job. Would it be around that 50 hours that ARR takes to finish + the extra missions to unlock Ishguard? Should i expect like 60 hours to get the new job?
Do trial players only interact with Subscribers while Subscribers are still levelling up or are there some group activities in the game that both kinds of player can take part in together even though Subscribers would be at their higher level cap ?
I'm 70 hours in and not even done 2.0 yet…
30 day trial?