How I Cleared One of the HARDEST Raids in FFXIV in 7 Days

Clearing TEA in 7 Days was an INSANE journey. Watch me live for more FFXIV raiding

Denmo McStronghuge Timelapse:

All FFXIV raid effects created by Denmo McStronghuge (thank you for your contribution to the fellow After Effects users in the FFXIV space!)

Day 1:

Day 6:

Special Thanks:

Tenno Konoco
Celeste Starlight
Ulti Project Discord

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#FFXIV #finalfantasyxiv


25 thoughts on “How I Cleared One of the HARDEST Raids in FFXIV in 7 Days”

  1. Sorry for the scuffed footage quality that appears intermittently. You'll notice that the video quality gets significantly clearer on day 7 and that's because I finally switched to a 2 PC stream setup on that day and the quality is night and day compared to before

  2. I was there when the stream for clear and i'm glad you cleared it! Though i hope my little reinforce help you a bit to prog before, and hopefully someday i could clear ultimate and having serious play. GG

  3. Glad I was able to help 😀 I was the AST on your clear party. Watching this is so hype and heartwarming, and is the reason why I help others clear fights, the reactions, the sighs of relief, the emotion. Congratz once again and hope to see you around for the other Ultimates! c:

  4. good job man! i cleared tea in pf in 2 weeks a few months ago and thought i was fast lol! i ended up falling in love with the fight and cleared it 30 times for all my weapon totems and then some.

  5. There was a fucker in my TEA static that blew up our raid to simp for a girl who had irl boyfriends. 7 day and night I labored at goon hours speed progging watch guide every second that I’m not raiding. I practiced and practiced the two sims even though I made it past the mechanics just so I will never mess it up again


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