Clearing TEA in 7 Days was an INSANE journey. Watch me live for more FFXIV raiding
Denmo McStronghuge Timelapse:
All FFXIV raid effects created by Denmo McStronghuge (thank you for your contribution to the fellow After Effects users in the FFXIV space!)
Day 1:
Day 6:
Special Thanks:
Tenno Konoco
Celeste Starlight
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Drg from the party that cleared – Still wilds me you cleared it in 7 days in 12 hours of actual instance. Awesome job man.
love love love your stuff man!!! you get them raids
Sorry for the scuffed footage quality that appears intermittently. You'll notice that the video quality gets significantly clearer on day 7 and that's because I finally switched to a 2 PC stream setup on that day and the quality is night and day compared to before
What a wild journey.
I was there when the stream for clear and i'm glad you cleared it! Though i hope my little reinforce help you a bit to prog before, and hopefully someday i could clear ultimate and having serious play. GG
Glad I was able to help 😀 I was the AST on your clear party. Watching this is so hype and heartwarming, and is the reason why I help others clear fights, the reactions, the sighs of relief, the emotion. Congratz once again and hope to see you around for the other Ultimates! c:
Heck yeah dude! I'm excited to sit down and watch this finally!
GGs to you man! The feeling after clearing these fights are so worth and will forever be cherished.
That's awesome man. I have been playing for 10 years and never done an ultimate fight. I'm to slow for ultimate raids. Much respect.
Babe, wake up, Chad Thorson is spilling TEA. (PS I like your haircut, you look really cute)
world prog next
Damn he's good
Naaaaaw another saus legend 💀
I was so pumped near the end of the video. GG on the clear man! Now I wanna do it aswell 🙂
good job man! i cleared tea in pf in 2 weeks a few months ago and thought i was fast lol! i ended up falling in love with the fight and cleared it 30 times for all my weapon totems and then some.
There was a fucker in my TEA static that blew up our raid to simp for a girl who had irl boyfriends. 7 day and night I labored at goon hours speed progging watch guide every second that I’m not raiding. I practiced and practiced the two sims even though I made it past the mechanics just so I will never mess it up again
Great job with the clear, looking into getting into ultimate raiding. This was very inspiring
yeah the hardest part is not even learning the fight, its the wait time in pf LOL
GIGACHAD moment right there.
TEA UWU and UCoB are the babies first ultimate raid. I want to congratulate you but I'll await your DSR video
brilliant video dude, was awesome to get to see the progress you made live and to support you!
congrats on the clear! my favorite raid ❤