Larryzaur schools me on some old school FFXIV history lessons that we don’t see today. Still wrapping my mind around the fact that you lose stats whenever you died…
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Ahhh the cross classing. It used to not bother me but now I see how bad that was lol.
I'm amazed you didn't skip the sponsor.
Your "old Man" would make a great NPC in a DnD campaign XD
The game was much harder back in the day, paladin had an aoe flash that blinded enemies briefly, but didn't do any damage, and they had provoke. Warriors didn't have provoke, they just had extra enmity on their attacks, so they had to use their aoe attack to grab attention and maintain aggro through direct attacks. Meaning your DPS had to be smart and target the tanks main target, OR the tank had to cycle through all the enemies and make sure they were doing some kind of DPS to all of them.
I didn't mind cross class as I tend to be a completionist style player anyway. I think it was really cool to improve one job by learning certain skills from another. I'm also an old D&D player so this multiclassing has been inherent in many MMOs and I enjoy the strategy aspect of building a character.
I love the duty finder in FFXIV, I ran a smaller sized villian guild in DC UNIVERSE and would be sitting in the villian hub for so long shouting for players. I would get the Tanks but need a controller. Right before getting the controller a tank or healer would leave. It made me eventually give the lead of the guild to my friend and leave the game.
War had to level a pally to get the provoke. To i guess incentive leveling the jobs? Luckily things are better now. As a player since a beta. Leveling was much slower too, being stuck around 45 or so to get the first trial of garuda. Northern thanalan was the fate party zone.
Paladin only had flash as a aoe did no damage and gave enemies blind debuff. No combo and only other aoe was the one with the dot. Was fun times back then. Needlessly complicated but fun. It only gets better.
so chad, you want ff14 classic with all the 8 year of QoL to remove.
what a man I will let YoshP know, you want this Kappa
Just to note, you did regular 2nd coil (which is the equivalent of Savage difficulty in HW and beyond when they added an easier Normal/Story mode versions to 8-person raids).
There's a separate 2nd coil savage that's even harder (not sure how it compares to Ultimate, maybe between Savage and Ultimate difficulty?). 2nd Coil is the only tier that got a Savage version.
All hail mighty summoner dong!
The early glamour was a pain in the ass, too. You needed a bunch of different types of glamour prism to glam gear made by specific crafters (e.g. weaver prism for weaver-made items), and they all had grades for different ilvls, too. The single prism we have now is an absolute blessing.
5:10 TP was brought over from the FF11 MMO where your auto attacks generated TP and at 100 TP you got to use a weapon skill for your job. Many of the weapon skill names in this game were transferred over from FF11 as well.
8:26 the problem with that is that it reduce the queu to only your server. low population servers would have horrible HORRIBLE queu times…. and worse in ff14 that you need to complete specific dungeons and raid to continue the story. it would be a nightmare
There is a second one of these videos if you're interested. Also, you can totally watch media tour videos that focus on the jobs but you're right that you probably won't understand a lot of it. Of course, that same thing goes for many players unless you've taken the time to max out at least one job of each role. That way you'd have a fundamental understanding of how all the roles function and will possibly appreciate the changes that are coming.
I'm by no means a FF14 vet. Started in late Stormblood in spring 2018, but yeah, TP was a thing till Shadowbringers. As a tank main the biggest problem I remember having with it was being unable to keep pulling or even AoEing mobs because I'd run out of TP. Made dungeons a lot slower.
TP, or tactical points, would regenerate just a little faster then you could spend them on single target abilities.
Multitarget moves would use up your TP much faster. Removing TP allowed for melee AOE spam, which made some parts of the game a whole lot easier.
Ninjas and Astrologians could regenerate people's TP, allowing them to exceed the original limits. Now Ninja has higher DPS and less utility, and AST buffs are all flat damage increases.
The class balance was not always as clean is it is now either. For example, Warriors were designed around the class fantasy of having a ton of HP and being able to self heal. As a result, none of their tank CDs actually gave them any damage reduction. The only thing they had to increase mitigation in any way was Foresight, which was just a 10% physical defense increase. Holmgang, which is now their invulvn, was not an invuln at the time, it just rooted them and their target in place. All their other tanking tools were temp HP and self healing. This worked fine for most content, but at high end, a single tank buster would delete a warrior and you can't heal back from 0. And when I say "high end" I don't just mean Coil, Titan Hard had a spicy enough buster to kill under geared Warriors.
Dragoon had a similar problem in that they were designed as having above average physical defense and below average magic defense. Raidwide damage was almost exclusively magical; this coupled with the 15% damage vulnerability on Blood For Blood would cause them to fall over from unavoidable damage that the rest of the raid would just survive.
3:36 WoW used to have hit cap too, FF14 was based on WoW, so it makes sense that FF had a acc cap too