He's back! | FFXIV Shadowbringers

First time playthrough and reaction to FFXIV Shadowbringers

With Ryne at our side and Eulmore liberated, we prepare to take on Vauthry. But first we need to find a way up Mt. Gulg. I hope you enjoy!

ShB Part 9:

Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:

Shadowbringers Trailer Reaction:

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Intro & Recap 0:004:15
Helping Eulmorans 4:1513:17
Bottom Rung 13:1720:39
The Ladder 20:3930:59
Amity 30:5934:31
Scouting the area 34:3138:26
The Chai Talos 38:2657:51
Tomra 57:511:18:52
Finalizing preparations 1:18:521:32:03
The Exarch 1:32:031:39:27
Meanwhile in Garlemald 1:39:271:45:10
Thoughts & Outro 1:45:101:47:13

#2caves #finalfantasy #ffxiv


14 thoughts on “He's back! | FFXIV Shadowbringers”

  1. I never noticed till now that the run with the dwarf and exarch plays crystal tower music till now. At least i think thats where thats from. It at least uses motifs from the tower

  2. That part of the game, the music just grinding at my soul, Ardbert is an amazing part of this story, and so is Emet-Selch. When I was doing this part of the game, I remember it being rather late at night. It was during a moment where I was playing well… I was doing an average of 50 MSQ quests per day and that one was near the end of such a day. I am unsure hwy it suck with me so much as an amazing moment, but it does. Thank you for playing this game like you do its fantastic.

  3. 5:20 She was turned into a sin eater, then killed and made into meol. That's the whole point of the "ascension."

    11:10 Remember in Twine they said all the miqo'te/mystel who were the Talos engineers left for Eulmore?

    12:22 Yup, very genuine.

    17:02 "No way they did it up here." Haha!

    23:52 "I wanna see this place… somehow." ^.^

    50:57 Excellently done. You read the situation and what would and wouldn't help him.

    1:25:00 Bungirl invasion!

  4. The Chais are just such a wholesome highlight of this xpac, between Dulia's sunny attitude and Chai-nuzz inability to say no to his beloved wife, they're just adorable.

  5. 1:28 — She was always acepted: Thancred kept her at arms length so she could make a decision unburdened by his desires and emotions.

    12:25 — Well, sometimes Alisea says something nice to her brother and means it. Its rare but it happens 😀

    16:33 — Yeeeees XD

    21:15 — Make no mistake: the Elite of Eulmore were and are the Elite for a reason. They were the hardest working and best educated people in Kholusia, the ones who could afford buying into Vauthry's "paradise". That he made them docile and obedient doesnt change the fact that we are dealing with people used to working.

    52:11 — I truely hope you noticed the shift in music there… and to whom this song is usually attributed 😉

    1:39:12 — Thats the trauma speaking… We all know it all to well…


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