⚠️ The full video will contain heavy spoilers based off of Heavensward Final Fantasy XIV Online. Please watch at your own risk!⚠️
Huge thank you once again to the WOLs that took part in this! I simply can’t thank you enough! Thank you for the tips, advice, and encouraging me when I felt this video might not look okay. The quality is still kinda bleh due to only editing this by an iPhone, but I still hope you’ll enjoy it! ❤️
My #ffxiv #shorts can be found in other platforms:
YouTube: Aether “SavageHyuRa” Wallace
Twitter: @SavageHyuRa
Tiktok: @savagehyura
Instagram: savagehyura
Facebook: Aether Wallace
$Tips$: Venmo: @ Aether-Wallace
Cash App: $avagehyura
(no pressure).
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 – 2021 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
I knew it! Pog
Rest in peace Sir fortemps
oh! im so hyped!
Can’t wait!
Thank you all for the 3000+ subs! I’m ecstatic that my channel is growing! I hope to continue to entertain you adventurers more! ❤️
So good Aether !!! Loved it
deep breath AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH thank you for letting me be part of this!!!!!!!!!
This was outstanding! Sorry I missed the premiere!
I LOVE this! I saw this and set a reminder last night for when this premiers, and then went on an MCR binge immediately after just to hype myself up lmao. Thank you so much for this!
But also!! What’s are the gloves/arm piece your character/MC is wearing? I could have sworn I’ve seen all the glamours but I have not seen that one before! 😮
THE PAN AT THE END, mmph. Such a poetic touch. ;-;
I miss my boi so dearly
This is beautiful! Great job to y'all! Also, man, hearing this takes me back!
That was awesome 🤩 So proud of you!!
You all did a great job!
Your FF memes (and yourself) are amazing. You deserve only the best <3
@edit: my inside emo and my outside emo are screaming haha