Healers NOT NEEDED? | Zepla talks TRINITY system in FFXIV Dawntrail

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Editor : TakLunae [Discord : taksangre]


22 thoughts on “Healers NOT NEEDED? | Zepla talks TRINITY system in FFXIV Dawntrail”

  1. Since FF11 I did DPS mainly but got bored and eventually thought it was a bit brainless once you get the hang of your rotation in GW, GW2, then FF14 so then I tried more healers and tanks to a lesser extent, the thing is FF14 is very causal and SE cares more for the casual and easy content players then the old school MMO players that grew up with raids and dungeons that took hours to beat. As FF14 has been made easier and easier to play, it makes healers class a little less fun because of what you said in this video. Genshin Impact was very fun to play but so easy to beat everything it got bored then when I came back to ff14 after a few years, I found out they're also doing the same thing with this game. The game is still fun to play but getting good no longer really matters, so it feel like something was lost.

  2. that person doesn't know what they're talking about. in gw2 healers are required for all content, even open world bosses or you won't complete the content

  3. There's a big difference between not needing healers, and challenging yourself by doing content without them. It's the same thing as the all-summoner runs. That doesn't mean healers aren't needed, especially since content encompasses more than just dungeons, and even that no-healer Ultimate featured elite raiders playing immaculately. Their achievement isn't a sign healing isn't needed, just that with the right amount of skill and determination, you can conquer incredibly tough content without adhering to the trinity.

  4. I believe the healer struggle is a symptom of the very formulaic designs of regular dungeons.

    Its always a hallway with 2 groups of mobs before hitting a wall. Do that twice and then you hit a boss. The mobs maybe have different kinds of aoe attacks but for the most part will always focus the tank if they're doing basic tank aggro stuff. This means that every mob encounter has mostly the same strategy. The farther into the game you get, the less likely someone fucks up the strategy so healers get less interesting things to do.

    Maybe dungeons that force the tank to body block mechanics that will hit the whole party regardless of where they stand, so that they're encouraged to think more about where they need to be and what skills to use when.

    Maybe some enemies that HAVE to be kited by dps cause they igonre only the tank agro and the damage dps does will out agro the healer aggro. so that dps has more thought patterns than spam aoe and occasionally dodge the mobs aoe that's focused on tanks.

    Maybe have raid wide attacks in mobs that come from the dungeon itself so that even when things are going well the healer has to focus on more than just the tank. With all the other changes going on, it will be more likely things wont go smoothly for at least ONE other party member in the group so healers will feel more like the lifeblood of the party and everyone else ALSO feels their role more independently.

    I know its less likely they can go back and rework old dungeons, but i think doing some of these wont require them to change any existing abilities too much and would open up lots of room for more memorable NON boss enemies.

  5. The worst thing they did was buff self healing for warriors and I’ll keep complaining about it. Just make the monsters hit a bit more to give us healers something to do 😭

  6. I don't think healers are redundant, but I do think that they need a massive overhaul. Currently they're basically a 1 button Job, you either Glare if Single Target or Holy if AOE, and once in a while you throw in an Assize or some other filler spell, and the best way to heal is to not use your GCD spells, but rather your oGCD's.

  7. I took a 6-month break to focus on graduating and school. I was about to reup my sub but i main heal. Did it change that much? I dont want to come back if this is the case.

  8. Lol 😂 Healer main. I'd say at least 80% of the groups absolutely need healers. They're just not that great at playing. My FC friends? Heck no they don't heals.

  9. One of my friends (WHM) left the game cause of how unnecessary healers are. I'm a tank main, primarily warrior, and I got bored with the face roll. Self healing just needs to take a hit.

  10. I was a healer main since ARR launch. Luckily, in SHB I found out I also really liked dancer, or I’d have probably quit the game in EW. Never been so bored as a healer. Even tried sch and sge, but once I got used to them, bored again. Now a dancer main, content to wait in queue for 20 minutes for a healer or tank to finally join.

    As someone whose go-to has been healer since XI, never would have thought I’d see the day I’d main anything else.

  11. Idk why they don’t make content where healers need to actually heal a lot and not have their dps be impactful for a savage clear. If they want all dps to matter then change the role healer to support and rework their kits to a balanced dps/support kit.

  12. The direction they have for healers is a contradiction. They removed most DPS spells on healers in 5.0 stating they wanted healers to focus on healing and not damage (having to DPS as a healer was a common complaint in Stormblood) BUT they simultaneously give some tanks enough self healing to completely sustain themselves in casual content, so there is even less to heal than there was back then when you ran a dungeon, and therefore you have to DPS more, but now you have way less buttons. It makes no sense.

    I'm sure healer design is all hunky-dory in Ultimate and Criterion Savage, but in content 100% of the playerbase has to do, healing is just boring now. Unfortunately they said no big changes in Dawntrail ("we're not upsetting everything" as Aimi translated it) so I'm not expecting much from Thursday's live letter.

  13. In GW2, basically everyone is some kind of DPS hybrid, where their main role is DPS but also they provide some form of utility, which could be healing/barriers, damage mitigation buffs, DPS-enhancing buffs, etc., and basically those roles are considered the mandatory ones because of how strong stacking buffs in GW2 is. So pure DPS roles are considered the "filler" role.

  14. This makes me feel a bit sad. We had a person in our gaming community that would put down healers fairly frequently; he'd always talk about them being useless and unnecessary. It got so disheartening as a player that really just enjoys the whole fantasy of healing. It leads to this feeling that if I am struggling healing then I obviously suck, because healing is supposed to be super easy; if I am doing a good job healing and damaging, then it's just a feeling of "well, anyone could do that…"


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