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To those new to the channel:
I’m an Entertainer, gamer & Twitch Streamer. Overwatch, League of Legends, Skyrim, Rust, CS:GO, Guild Wars 2, PUBG, Apex Legends, Dead by Daylight, Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us are amongst my favourites. I tend to enjoy many types of games.
Favourite Games by Genre:
Favourite Shooter: Overwatch
Favourite Single player RPG: Witcher 3
Favourite MMORPG: Guild Wars 2
Favourite MOBA: League of Legends
Favourite survival game: Rust
Favourite Story telling game: The Last Of Us
Favourite Multiplayer Character: Ana Amari (Overwatch)
Favourite Single player Character: Geralt Of Rivia (Witcher 3)
Favourite Fighting game: Injustice
Favourite Stealth Game: Metal Gear Solid
Favourite Single Player Game Developers: CD Projekt Red (Witcher 3)
Favourite Multiplayer Game Developers: ArenaNet (Guild Wars 2)
Tags: (You can ignore this, this is just for tags to help people find my channel)
Ana, Ana school, Ana guide, Ana positioning, Alninio9, twitch.tv/alninio9, Alninio, Ana gameplay, Ana Skins, Katarina, Katarina Guide, Katarina Montage, Alninio Katarina, Alninio9, Alninio, twitch.tv/alninio9, katarina school, Alninio guide, flyerbek, katlife, katarina tips, league of legends tips, LoL tutorial, kat school, kat mechanics, kat streamers, Kuwait LoL, gunblade combo, shunpo guide, mid lane guide, mid lane warding, mobafire katarina guide, elnino9 katarina, elnino9, kat school playlist ,road to diamond katarina, master katarina, Katarina Coaching, how to beat ahri, Ana Alninio9, Anamains subreddit, Ana mains, Diamond Ana, Masters Ana, Top 500 Ana, ML7 enthusiast, ML7 Ana, Battlerite, Rust youtuber, Apex Legends, League of Legends, Arab, Kuwait, Kuwaiti streamer, Kuwait Twitch, Ana Mains, Ana Lover, Overwatch Ana, Play Overwatch, Battlerite Jade, Jade, How to play Jade, Assassin’s creed, ACU, Assassin’s creed unity Alninio9, ACU teamplay, Ana Rialto, Overwatch maps guide, Ana Busan, Ana temple of anubis, Ana ilios, Ana Hanamura, Ana Havana, Ana Lijiang Tower, Ana full guides, Ana coaching for beginners, Ana coaching, Ana coach vods, Ana coaching playlist, Alninio9 ana coaching, alninio9 katarina coaching, Alninio9 carry, Alninio9 Ana montages, Ana maps guide, Ana positioning playlist, Ana learning, Ana Coach, Ana youtubers, Ana Streamer, guild wars 2, mmorpg, guild wars 2 warrior build, guild wars 2 streamer, guild wars 2 youtuber
To understand this more deeper you should check the dark knight story line …
I love that you pay attention to the details and really try to understand the big picture. I can't begin to explain how much this game will reward you for that.
also try to listen the heavensward song with translation (for the dragon part) & Lyric
because heavensward song (the theme from trailer) actually using the dragon's language and actually means something
it basically tell u that its about vengeance.
Lisening to you calling Estinien Estiniten had me so triggered every time lmao. Overall nice that you are enjoying the masterpiece that is FF14, keep it up!
I love how this revelation basically makes you realize, it doesnt matter whos right or wrong or justified. The ppl of ishgards only choice is to turn to dragons or suffer for all their days, or kill nidhogg and pray none of his other brothers/sisters take up his cause.
Before you log out you should go and log out in an inn. This will give you more rested experience points.
This story is amazing
I love you understand every single detail even i didnt noticed it the first time i play
regarding your dislike, i understand and agree, the levelsync system is sort of broken when it comes to people joining in with high lvl characters and ilvl gear, the scaling of those people is not well and makes them way to strong still. many things become too easy and as a new player you miss the tension and excitement a bit of learning new things/mechanics etc i feel this is more prevalent in the 24 man dungeons. crystal tower and void ark are not aging well. i dont know if it can be fixed. story wise that content is still pretty cool though, so dont avoid doing it :3
"Peace was never an option"
Some of those armor quest rewards can sell quite well on the MB… Usually considerably more than the coin purse.
to clear up one point from the dragons point of view it doesnt feel like years thats what hresvelgr was saying sure 1200 years passed but for niddhogg its like 12 days
"The Ascians have a big part in all this!" Oh you just wait.
Guess what….it keeps getting better 😀
Human Will ALWAYS hunger for power. Its our human nature to be above everyone else.
Always exciting to see new ppl you the game experiance the story through their eyes.
I'm excited to see how you feel and react to the next two as well.
King among wyrms is bahamut. Ascians told them how to summon a primal.
I loved Alphi's character arc throughout this expansion (and how many MMO's can claim to have real, "on-camera" NPC character arcs!?) as well as Estinien and Ysayle. Alphi's failures with the Crystal Braves haunt him for a long time, and even now three full expansions later he looks back on it as a bitter lesson in not overestimating his own abilities. I can't think of a single MMO that I've played that does that.
wow, time jump! Last video you just got to Ishgard! Glad you are enjoying Heavensward!
nidhogg doesn't want to just kill the elezen he wants to kill generations and generations of them and torment them and make them live in fear for entire generations as revenge for killing his sister, just killing them all in 1 shot wouldn't be enough suffering to nidhogg imo, he needs to kill their children and their childrens children and their sisters and brothers to make them feel his loss, which he thinks he worse than w.e an elezen can feel because he is immortal and will feel her loss for all time as opposed to an elezen who will only feel the loss for their "short" lifespan of 210ish years.
rat-tuh-tosk-ur is also hraesvelgr's sister.