Hit the
0:00 – I found Alisaie!
27:53 – I found Alphinaud!
45:44 – Eulmore HERE WE GO
1:11:37 – Quitting Samurai for stripper
1:13:24 – Eulmore & Painting!
1:22:51 – Meeting Vauthry-The-Hut
1:33:40 – Exarch LORE BOMB!
1:49:49 – ‘Holminster Switch’ Dungeon
2:46:22 – Hello Ardbert my old Friend
2:50:58 – ESTI9 and GAIUS!
GW2 Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiu2jxnYHL3jFvSx-7qDY50xXaPE6b6YL
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GW2 Raid/POV Guides ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiu2jxnYHL3jtdC-ZqwyRr1fvSTTeEUJo
Overwatch Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiu2jxnYHL3h1zNDyWJ1ElO3XH9ToZzzg
To those new to the channel:
I’m an Entertainer, gamer & Twitch Streamer. Overwatch, League of Legends, Skyrim, Rust, CS:GO, Guild Wars 2, PUBG, Apex Legends, Dead by Daylight, Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us are amongst my favourites. I tend to enjoy many types of games.
Favourite Games by Genre:
Favourite Shooter: Overwatch
Favourite Single player RPG: Witcher 3
Favourite MMORPG: Guild Wars 2
Favourite MOBA: League of Legends
Favourite survival game: Rust
Favourite Story telling game: The Last Of Us
Favourite Multiplayer Character: Ana Amari (Overwatch)
Favourite Single player Character: Geralt Of Rivia (Witcher 3)
Favourite Fighting game: Injustice
Favourite Stealth Game: Metal Gear Solid
Favourite Single Player Game Developers: CD Projekt Red (Witcher 3)
Favourite Multiplayer Game Developers: ArenaNet (Guild Wars 2)
Tags: (You can ignore this, this is just for tags to help people find my channel)
Ana, Ana school, Ana guide, Ana positioning, Alninio9, twitch.tv/alninio9, Alninio, Ana gameplay, Ana Skins, Katarina, Katarina Guide, Katarina Montage, Alninio Katarina, Alninio9, Alninio, twitch.tv/alninio9, katarina school, Alninio guide, flyerbek, katlife, katarina tips, league of legends tips, LoL tutorial, kat school, kat mechanics, kat streamers, Kuwait LoL, gunblade combo, shunpo guide, mid lane guide, mid lane warding, mobafire katarina guide, elnino9 katarina, elnino9, kat school playlist ,road to diamond katarina, master katarina, Katarina Coaching, how to beat ahri, Ana Alninio9, Anamains subreddit, Ana mains, Diamond Ana, Masters Ana, Top 500 Ana, ML7 enthusiast, ML7 Ana, Battlerite, Rust youtuber, Apex Legends, League of Legends, Arab, Kuwait, Kuwaiti streamer, Kuwait Twitch, Ana Mains, Ana Lover, Overwatch Ana, Play Overwatch, Battlerite Jade, Jade, How to play Jade, Assassin’s creed, ACU, Assassin’s creed unity Alninio9, ACU teamplay, Ana Rialto, Overwatch maps guide, Ana Busan, Ana temple of anubis, Ana ilios, Ana Hanamura, Ana Havana, Ana Lijiang Tower, Ana full guides, Ana coaching for beginners, Ana coaching, Ana coach vods, Ana coaching playlist, Alninio9 ana coaching, alninio9 katarina coaching, Alninio9 carry, Alninio9 Ana montages, Ana maps guide, Ana positioning playlist, Ana learning, Ana Coach, Ana youtubers, Ana Streamer, guild wars 2, mmorpg, guild wars 2 warrior build, guild wars 2 streamer, guild wars 2 youtuber
Alisae standing in the AoE to steal the limit break. Love that girl lol
Welcome to feelsbringers
"Fun" fact: Philia (name of the endboss of Holminster) is the ancient Greek word for 'love'. And most of this bosses attack names are torture devices/execution methods. Head Crusher, Pendulum…
Well, the feels start coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming
So much to lose, to much to feel
Welcome to Shadowbringers, enjoy the rollercoaster
I was so glad I chose to go through this expansion as a Red Mage.
Poor girl
That cutscene after the dungeon is so great. It felt so great, and seeing all those people look up towards the sky. Makes you a little tear eyed. 99% of those people have NEVER seen the sunless sea, if not 100%
this is the the beginning of THE CLIMAX of FFXIV^^ (end of 5.0 and 5.3 are the two CLIMAXES).., if you already love FFXIV, you'll love it possibly even more
I know it may seem out of brilliance they separated the story line like that but it was mostly out of necessity, they wanted to avoid another Rauhaban EX situation.
I love how all the Scions behave differently in the trust system. For example, Alisaie is so trigger happy with the LB that she literally became a meme, while Y'sthola is more reserved and will not use it if the player is a DPS. I think it reflects their personalities quite well.
I was so looking forward to your reactions on these. This expansion is wild. I'm still in 5.2 myself but these moments you experienced in this video always stick out.
On that Tesleen part, they really made Halric look like the next big villain I swear
You know that odd mixture of horror and sadness and excitement? Get used to that, that is shadowbringers at all times. Enjoy!
Tesleen's death shows you that fate in The First is never kind. Whatever befalls you in The First, it won't be a gentle end. It'll be rough, messy, and very very painful.
Tesleen was (If you went after Alisae first) the first innocent soul taken before your very eyes in The First, and it won't be the last.
The ending of Holminister Switch reminded me why I love playing RPGs in the first place. That scene of returning the night sky is so powerful, especially you saw the extent of how damaged the world was due to the primordial light. Giving hope to the people of the first, seeing their cheerful resilience turn into genuine joy, this game made me feel like a hero. Its the first one that was able to in a long while.
how primals can temper souls, they do this by shifting elemental properties to make them aligned with that element, while most people are equal in all elements, a sudden shift, can alter the mind, further tempering can alter the physical being of a soul, think of sin eaters as primals
He wasn't ready for this… actually none of us were ready for this…
Welcome to shadowbringers
Me upon reaching Shadowbringers- Oh boy! Can't wait til explore new lands, meet new people, and battle new monsters!

Me after a few cutscenes, particularly this one- I'm scared, can I go back to the Source?
Ah your the reason for the q times glad you are enjoying it haha maybe i will see you in a dungeon sometime
Alisaie is only 16, but her english voice actor makes her sound like a 30 year old.
As someone that lives and works at night, I appreciate the darkness, but it would have no meaning without the light.