GW2 Player Plays FFXIV – Tragic Tale of Ascians.. BEST STORY BY FAR!! [5.3]

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0:00 – Elidibus.. let’s talk.
13:25 – 5.3 Continues
27:38 – Let’s get home please!
38:27 – Elidibus KIDNAPS Y’SHTOLA!
1:22:08 – A trail of.. crystals?
1:31:36 – Meeting Hythlodaeus
1:47:39 – Are we the bad guys?
1:59:48 – The Heroes Gauntlet
2:20:51 – Cutscene AFTER Dungeon
2:37:52 – G’raha Tia.. please don’t die.
3:22:42 – A sad story of Ascians..
3:34:28 – I feel empty and upset.
3:49:34 – Farewells before we return to Eorzea
4:14:15 – Time to go home!!
4:28:49 – WE ARE HOME!
4:43:51 – A NEW ASCIAN!?!?

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34 thoughts on “GW2 Player Plays FFXIV – Tragic Tale of Ascians.. BEST STORY BY FAR!! [5.3]”

  1. The GREATEST Sequence of all time. LITERALLY THE BEST Story-telling in a video game I have ever seen, there are no villians – only the illusion of it. They are very real characters with very real understandable motives. This is the greatest game EVER made and I stand firmly by that. I've never experienced such an amazing game such as this and I am happy to have you all tag along this insane journey.

  2. The way I see it,. Your character became more of an ancient as you had a rejoining with your soul and Ardbert. Each world has a warrior of light/darkness each one is a fragment of an ancient soul.

  3. In the nightmare that was 2020, this patch was released in August and was the first ‘return to normalcy’ I felt in the pandemic. Then we learned of Soken and how he wrote the music for this patch…5.3 is truly special to the entire community

  4. I love the dynamics between fandaniel and Zenos so much.
    They have a completely different demeanor but they are so alike in their goals, they just want to have the best time of their lives consuming the world for it.
    Cant wait to see more of them in Endwalker.
    Can't wait to have a beautiful boss fight while the world burn and all hangs in the balance with Zenos

  5. in the end i so dislike rating stuff. shb sb hw arr and ew to come are one game called Final Fantasy XIV and is one hell of an amazing game. a bit rough at the start but not strange looking at its history and im sorry, but after dropping ps3 it gave the engineers and designers so much more to work with to make it more and more amazing. But storytelling itself was never bad from 2.0 going into 6.0 and beyond.

  6. whoever it was in chat that said they think Hythlodaeus is who Zenos was in ancient times – I HATE YOU FOR PLANTING THAT SEED IN MY MIND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  7. I've watched so many streamers go through this part of SHB and no matter what I do I can't stop tears from being shed. There's so much pain and feels all throughout this one. I am so glad to be able to be part of one of the best games in the history of man.

  8. I always thought the same about the Ascians being wrong but then someone from my fc said something like : Well we are their enemies, of course we think they're wrong but we are on the other side of the battle. The way we think we are doing the right thing , THEY think they're right.
    And that got me thinking. Like, he isn't wrong there. I imagined what I would do if I saw my world burn to the ground and sacrificing half the population to somehow save the tiny bit that's left only to see how other creatures trample over what's left of my family and friends. And I can't really say if I would turn out any different 😅 This whole expansion was really awesome, got us thinking a lot about things like that. Yoship and his people created a masterpiece

  9. Legends say if you pick "I'll do my best" instead of "Word for word" after Lynas farewell speech, the universe will explode. I take comfort in knowing that we are still alive.

  10. my theory for why dawn's respite is so dark. have you ever had to wear an eye patch or been blindfolded for more than just a few minutes? when the blindfold or eyepatch is removed, everything is SO much brighter because of how used to the dark your eyes became from being covered. it's similar when you leave a movie theater during the middle of the day after watching a 2 hour movie. with your eyes so used to the little light from the screen, the sun is almost blinding. i imagine it would be similar for coma patients, but more extreme because their eyes are closed for days, weeks, months, even years for some people. for the scions, even if they haven't been comatose for months, they have been for days certainly, maybe even weeks. with their eyes growing so used to darkness, they would have to gradually introduce their eyes to light to avoid damaging them, so dawn's respite would have to be dark for their sakes when they finally wake up.

  11. Indeed- the Ascian's desire is literally 13 times worse than ours is

    By the by, Alninio, do you ever use Arm's Length against mobs? If they hit you, they get stuck with Slow for a few seconds.

  12. Congrats, bro! Lots of moments in this patch that tugged on the emotional strings. I love how it seems Runar cares and likes Y'shtola as more than friends. And I hate how people call him a simp for doing so. People nowadays shun emotions so much, that it isn't even ok to like a woman and be yourself around them without being called a simp. These kids need to learn a different word. lol

  13. 1:45:53 youre right, i know you know this by now but im just watching the video, the crystal is yours, the crystal was also made by emet-selch for you in secret, you do not remember it because you were sundered like the rest of the ancients, but you are now 8x rejoined since 5.0 when ardy merged his soul with yours, which is why emet could see an ancient in the light, he was seeing his best friend azem

  14. Runar and Y'shtola do make an adorable couple, I feel like they won't ever pair Y'shtola with anyone since she's kinda like the 'Idol' poster girl for XIV in Japan.

    But if they do, Runar has earned it.

  15. Now you can use G'raha as a trust. As a trust he deals the most damage for any role he takes. Although he leans so much on the damage side, he can't really do much of anything else. He can't buff you like Alphinaud or Urianger can. He can't attack and heal himself at the same time like Thancred can. And he can't do the special things Ryne, Alisaie, and Y'stola do. Sadly though, he doesn't use Break.

  16. I think some people are misunderstanding Elidibus' representation in that cutscene, understandably. He appears as a "child," but he was actually more like a young adult, as he is referred to in Japanese. He was young for an Amaurotine, especially to join the esteemed Convocation. His pure, unwavering conviction (to the point of obsession) was why he was chosen and eventually volunteered to be His heart. So no, they did not sacrifice a child to summon their god lol.

  17. "But through it all, we never, ever forgot what was clear to us. And that's what gave us the strength to carry on."

    A none more fitting line than this to represent the journey this game has gone through from 1.0 to now.

  18. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend reading the “Tales from the Shadows” short stories on the Square Enix website, especially “Ere our Curtain Falls”. They flesh out some details from various points in time. Especially some details from before the Sundering.

  19. I love how the reason Hythlodaeus chooses you they'd rather have live is made abundantly clear if you read through all 10 stories for the Stories from the shadow. He was one of a group of three friends, with the other two being Emet-Selch and Azem. The Warrior of Light is Azem, so of course he'd pick his friend to live over some other bureaucrat. Even Emet came back during the fight to help you, purely because he chose you over the convocation as well.

  20. 3:12:44 one of the most epic moments in gaming history for me.
    mainly because the symbolism that a finger snap followed by the iconic handwave means. those who played ShB know who he is, why he is doing and why is happening so it doesn't feel like an asspull like "I WILL NEVER SERVE XD".
    that a villain who killed millions, destroyed worlds and tried to do it again with yours and almost killed you, accepted defeat and choose to help you as the new "steward of the star" and also to save his friend, elidibus… is just… i never have seen a writting this good in a videogame.
    I WISH wow had these writters is just sad that my main game doesn't have even half the good story that ff does.


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