This is what it’s like to play with your elders.
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#Shorts #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV
I'm commenting purely to say that I stumbled into this 41 seconds after upload sooooooo I'm going to go touch grass now!
Yeah. That’s been my general experience in p8s.
Laha said NO!
Yeah… some fights really do be like that. Not enough invincibility time to properly position.
Wait a sec, the invulnerability you get from revives doesn't give you knockback immunity? News to me LOL
This is exactly what I feel like trying to play now. ;_;
Alright grandpa, let’s get you back to a turn-based combat system.
I feel this in my brainstem.
This is how I feel if I'd ever do savage. I can do almost all normal content easily on any class but I don't have the werewithal to deal with a static or handle other folks on VC. All the more power to jesse for tackling this shit lol
the best part was after this jesse left and didnt come back for a couple minutes while everybody else kept fighting.
"how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?"
Your're doing great, grandpa! 😀
That's way too stressful.
Nah that's just the regular caster DPS experience.