GOLBEZ, DARLING!! – The Dark Throne – FINAL FANTASY XIV Patch 6.4 – Krimson KB Reacts

I’m so here for the Golbez Trial!!

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14 thoughts on “GOLBEZ, DARLING!! – The Dark Throne – FINAL FANTASY XIV Patch 6.4 – Krimson KB Reacts”

  1. PLEASE tell me Golbez is fighting to save his brother's soul or something of that nature. Whatever it is that Rubicante alluded to, I'm 100% here for it. 😀

  2. The fact that they're showing so much of the Trial is leading me to believe that they have something MUCH bigger in store for us, especially since they are well-known for keeping MSQ Trials and even some optional ones a complete secret until the players encounter it for themselves.

  3. They mentioned a while back that the events that lead into 7.0 will be "quick, and brutal", so if they're showing this much of Golbez, I'm worried about whats waiting in the final patch..

  4. I love that KB opened with "Happy Zelda Day" and Yoshi-P began the Live Letter obsessively playing Zelda on his Switch… ON STREAM… because hes a damned gamer like us.

  5. Loving the shirt, I need to get myself some FF tees lol. Nice to see you upload too as always, one of the best and most positive guys out there

  6. seeing Golbez's After Years form made me so freaking happy and that new mix for 4 fiends is chilling! it makes me wonder if the one next to him is Cecil! i really hope so. LET'S GO KB!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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