Garlemald is Devastating… | Endwalker 6.0 Reaction | Final Fantasy XIV

WARNING: This video contains NO aftercare for the events that occur in Garlemald up to and including Quintus. I made the conscious decision to respect the tone and the serious imagery of the zone. PLEASE SEEK OUT YOUR NEAREST MEME OR COMFORT VIDEO AFTER VIEWING!

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Terrabellum streams a variety of games and is currently playing through more of FFXIV than Asmongold. He also streams horror and souls-likes and other RPG’s 4 days a week on Twitch!


15 thoughts on “Garlemald is Devastating… | Endwalker 6.0 Reaction | Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. Personally, as someone who cried during several parts myself, I felt almost nothing in Garlemald. I actually laughed when the 2 girls ran into the snow with a radio towards literal hellbeasts, to get away from the 2 scary kids with white hair. I obviously get what they were going for, but they rushed the hell out of it in like 3 cutscenes and just made the Garlemald army AND citizens look stupid instead of brainwashed by propaganda.

  2. Actually brave for the game to go where it did. That particular subject is an incredibly touchy thing to address. Video games aside, most mainstream media will barely even dance around it… merely mentioning it triggers a 1-800 disclaimer in most cases. Yet this game did not shy away from it, giving us a completely believable reaction that Quintus would have had. It's a testament to the developer's dedication to storytelling.

  3. I saw this video, knew you were going to be destroyed, and clicked so hard.

    The trauma of "multiple cutscenes will play in sequence" the true you are not prepared moment.

    13:05 It's his "I'm a big kid now" moment.

    16:30 You know how Tesleen was the "welcome to Shadowbringers" moment? This is the "welcome to Endwalker" moment. It's just a bit later in.

    22:05 Code for "before Sadu got to him."

    22:40 "Change the music." You know that song on the radio at the gravesite? That's gonna tear your heart up later.

    31:00 That's pretty much all we know. They fought with the corvosi, lost in part because they can't use magic, and were driven out of their lands. Their entire culture revolves around "if we don't conquer the magic users they'll band together and conquer us."

    36:20 This is quite the moment. We are the literal boogeyman to them. Slayer of the Black Wolf, destroyer of entire Legions.

    37:00 Haurchy! /sob

    39:20 The "omg whyness" on his face.

    42:30 Boy got some orders he don't like.

    48:00 That there's the hardest part. If they'd left one day earlier they would've been fine.

    57:25 Estinien! (He's the Azure Dragoon!)

    1:02:08 Remember above I said the radio is gonna tear up your heart? Here it comes.

    1:03:36 This legit makes me cry every time. So haunting.

  4. First person I've seen on YouTube to actually be upset by what Quintus did. No one in their right mind will agree with his way of life or his values, but you should at least be able to empathise with his situation a bit. Most people just call him "stupid" and get annoyed, which seems a bit much for someone who just unalived himself. Yes, it was "stupid", but he was utterly defeated and his entire world just ended.

  5. Welcome to Garlemald, The other regions visited always had a beacon of hope, be that Hien, the Ala Mhigan Resistance or even yourself, but Garlemald has none, each day that passes simply brings more struggle with no end in sight, its leadership in ruins from actions taken by the very crown prince, a power vacuum with several factions vying for the seat while the people can only suffer waiting for something to fix all that is broken
    All of a sudden, your enemies show up at your doorstep, the very same people who fated you to live in this very same desolated tundra are here claiming to seek "Conciliation" and "Peace", a shoddy attempt at a lie, without Varis it is all too easy for them to conquer this weakened Garlemald
    Now add to that the responsibility of a commander, you were the one who ordered the very man under your post to their graves, you were the one who gave the word for them to fight for the hope of a future that now lays shattered on the snow, the few man who survived are suffering with little supplies and warmth against the cruel Ilsabard weather and your last hope is an attempt at outmaneuvering your foe and claim their rations, maybe this could last your people another month… and in the end, you fail your last hope, your last attempt

    On a brighter note, we still have Jullus, the future of Garlemald in a way, the nation can maybe still rise up once more, with the past buried there once more can be hope for the future

  6. Other people, "It's just a game"….
    The game, FINAL FANTASY 14
    A game that makes you smile and feel hopeful before they crush your soul and fix it again to crush it again and again later on as the story progresses. God I love this game. XD

  7. Quintus was arguably the most difficult part of endwaker for me. To see a dream that you devoted your life to, be just within reach and then die, would warrant that reaction out of almost anyone. No matter how misguided that goal was, no matter how skewed your own perception is, the idea of a world without conflict united under a common goal of reclaiming your fate. Helmed by someone who truly cared about your country and your people…Seeing that last bit of hope flicker out by an oppressive outside force that’s been labeled the enemy the entire time. And then you release your men to follow what their heart tells them to do? There’s no going back from that. You’ve lost everything and you’ve given your people a choice. What more can you do but stand aside?

    My favorite thing about the beginning of endwalker is how it challenges you. Everything you’ve faced up until now has been your own emotional struggle. But this is the point where it says, it’s not just about you. Whether you like it or not, people are dynamic, and they make choices you can’t change.


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