Compilation of the FRU BGM
00:00 The Legendary Beast (Shadowbringers) [Phase 1 BGM]
03:21 Footsteps in the Snow [Phase 2 BGM]
06:40 A Sundering of Light [Intermission BGM]
07:35 The Extreme (Shadowbringers) [Phase 3 BGM]
10:53 Promises To Keep [Phase 4 BGM]
14:41 Return to Oblivion (Scions & Sinners: Band) [Phase 5 BGM]
Disclaimer: Footage in this video is recorded using a replay tool, no live gameplay is shown at any point.
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2024 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
My new gym playlist, thank you
Thanks for this Choms
Pog! I was waiting for you to make this video for like two three weeks now. Haha.
It really is an amazing ult. So much fun, and I'm looking forward to the reclears.
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so emotional over an ultimate considering Eden was my first on content raid series. This was so beautiful edited. Thank you ❤
them combining light rampant and lion rampant into one mechanic was super crazy
Amazing video, which software did you use to create it?
Thank you!
Thank you for Japanese transrate!
12:00 ark morn 1-7?
FYI the p5 theme is available on spotify under the Scions & Sinners album!
The Extreme (Shadowbringers) sounds like a champion fight in a pokemon game. im hardcore jammin
Genuinely the transition into Return to Oblivion is timed so incredibly perfectly. I can't get over it. Plus how the phase lasts for the exact duration of the song, roughly following the same beats as well. It's so good and I look forward to doing this with my static
해당 레이드를 안가지만 실플레이처럼 느껴지는 구도가 너무 좋아서 처음부터 끝까지 봤어요
Interesting and unsure if intended side effect- when Ryne and Gaia do their little fusion dance, they charge up naturally into light and dark aspects, but as they fuse, the resulting color is red. Think it's a neat nod to Red Mage imo.
damn yall wiped
Ff8 has the best soundtrack
What monitor do you use 👁
Definitely loses out to some of the earlier ultimates in terms of music as I don't think there's any original tunes here (the Return to Oblivion cover is part of one of the OSTs they made earlier isn't it?) but it's still a damn cool fight
Promises to Keep sounds straight out of Kingdom Hearts.